
2. The registered nurse working in the cardiac care clinic is tasked with implementing quality improvement measures.

2. The registered nurse working in the cardiac care clinic is tasked with implementing quality improvement measures. To educate the clinic staff, the nurse plans an in-service program to introduce concepts of quality improvement and evidence-based practice. Additionally, the role of the case manager will be included in the presentation. The nurse plans on using care of the patient with Congestive Heart Failure as a template, and prepares sample clinical pathways, care maps, and multidisciplinary action plans. (Learning Objective 3)
Describe how clinical pathways are used to coordinate care of caseloads of patients.
What is the role of the case manager in evaluating a patient’s progress?
What are examples of evidence-based practice tools used for planning patient care?

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1 Care pathways are also knowns critical patways and is often considered as one of the best tools to manage quality care. They are intervention plans developed by health care team and is divided into well-defined stages and takes into consideration t

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