
Why are some people“evil” whereas others are not? Have you ever wondered why it is that some people are evilor do evil

Why are some people“evil” whereas others are not?
Have you ever wondered why it is that some people are evilor do evil things, when there are also a lot of people who do nothing close tothat bad? How can it be that some people go through life without gettinginvolved in any sort of negative or bad things, when other people seem to makedecisions that are viewed as evil? The Assignment:
This assignment gets you to look at and evaluate how toanswer this question using two prominent perspectives from Psychology that havebeen referenced throughout the course: biological, cognitive, behavioral,psychodynamic, evolutionary, and humanistic. Your job is to: 1) select 2perspectives from the preceding list 2) from the article source list providedbelow, list at least four sources, two from each perspective). They can besources within the articles. Summarize each of the sources. Document yoursources in APA style. You should be sure that your in-text citations andreference page are done in APA style. 3) write a paper (APA style, 2-3pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font) integrating both perspectives,presenting a way of answering the question, and selecting which perspective youagree with more and why. Some things to keep in mind: you will need tothoroughly explain how someone working within each of the perspectives youchose views the issue and how, according to the perspectives, an answer to thequestion would be sought. Also, think about the following questions as youwrite your paper: do you agree with one or the other perspective? Why? Be sureto support your perspective with evidence you have collected from your sources.Lastly, include the conclusions that can be drawn from the two perspectives andthe implications that those conclusions have for psychologists and society atlarge.

  1. Explain how each perspective would view the issue 2. Using eachperspective, explain how the question could be answered. 3. Do you agree (ordisagree) with one (or both) perspective’s approach to this issue. 4. Providecitations to support your choice/opinion(s). 5. Draw the conclusions that wouldresult for each perspective. 6. If the conclusions are true, how do they affectpsychologists and/or society?
    Schemata of steps:
  2. Explain 2. Perspective 1 Perspective 2 3. Agree Disagree AgreeDisagree 4. Support Support 5. Conclusions Conclusions 6. Implications Implications

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