
Nursing Theories Essays Examples

Nursing Theories Essays Examples

Nursing Theory

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The two nursing theories espoused by Jean Watson and Marilyn ay have different points of focus, but both focus on the primary purpose of nursing as a caring profession. As such, nurses, carers, and leaders all need to integrate their efforts for the purpose of furthering the primary concern to create a caring and comfortable environment for clients, particualry in the acute care setting. Having considered Watson and ay, it is concluded that ay’s theory is the optimal choice for further study, as she provides an integrated and practical nursing setting to help leaders create the environment in which employees can function to fulfill their caring mission to the best of their ability.

The basic premise of Watson’s theory is that nursing is that it should function within a Caring Science orientation (Watson, 2008, p. 16). According to Watson, the fact that this has not been the focus…… [Read More]


Eggenberger, T.E. (2011, May). Holding the Frontline: the Experience of Being a Charge Nurse in an Acute Care Setting. The Christine E. Lyn College of Nursing. Retrieved from: http://gradworks.umi.com/3462565.pdf

Keesler, L.D. (2007). Barriers to Timely Hospice Referral for Cancer Patients Across the Lifespan: Implications for the Family Nurse Practitioner. Retrieved from: https://www.nursing.arizona.edu/Library/Keesler_Lana.pdf

Ray, M., Davidson, A.W., and Turkel, M. (2011). Nursing, Caring, and Complexity: For Human-environment Well-being. Springer Publishing Company.

Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring. University Press of Colorado.

Nursing Theories Numerous Nursing Theories Guide the View Full Essay
Words: 2261 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 73227426

Nursing Theories

Numerous nursing theories guide the field of healthcare within the nursing realm. It is the idea that by following structured programs, in this case that of a nursing theory, a health care provider will be more able to accurately serve its designated population. Nursing theories serve as a principle that nurses live by. In their chosen field or specialty, healthcare professionals experience an array of physical and psychological states in a patient, and being able to fully grasp the severity of the situation enables the nurse to become more able to manage patient health care in a more efficient manner (Alligood & Marriner-Torney, 2010). These nursing principles also serve as a guide for the nurse to be able to handle emotions within him or herself. Such is the theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness.

Margaret Newman established the nursing theory of health as expanding consciousness. This theory derived…… [Read More]


Alligood, M.R., & Marriner-Tomey, A. (2010). Nursing theorists and their work. Mosby/Elsevier.

Duffy, J.R., & Hoskins, L.M. (2003). The Quality-Caring Model (C): Blending Dual Paradigms. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(1), 77-88.

Malinski, V.M. (2006). Rogerian science-based nursing theories. Nursing science quarterly, 19(1), 7-12.

McCamant, K.L. (2006). Humanistic nursing, interpersonal relations theory, and the empathy-altruism hypothesis. Nursing Science Quarterly, 19(4), 334-338.

Nursing Theories Comparative Analysis of View Full Essay

Words: 623 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 79771508
In fact, its utilization led to the development of the Goal-Oriented Nursing Record (GONR), which is used as a procedural step that would guide the nurse throughout his/her conduct of care service provision and evaluation.

Orlando’s theory of functional nursing, meanwhile, focuses on one concept considered vital in King’s goal attainment theory: perception. In her theory, Orlando explicated the importance of a perceptive nursing, which is a basic requirement and goal for any practicing nurse. This ‘concept’ is vital in that through the practice of perceptive nursing, the idea of “good” and “bad” nursing is eliminated. Moreover, in discussing further the idea of perceptive — that is, functional — nursing, Orlando argued the following, centering on the importance of becoming a care provider first rather than being a medical service provider:

in day-to-day practice the nurse can forget what her real job is, if she tries to carry out too…… [Read More]

Works Cited

Orlando, I. (1962). “Concept of function in professional nursing.” Presented at the New York Academy of Medicine. Available at http://www.uri.edu/nursing/schmieding/orlando/manuscripts/files/coffpn.html.

Williams, L. (2001). “Imogene King’s Interacting Systems Theory — Application in Emergency and Rural Nursing.” Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Healthcare, Vol. 2, Issue 1. Available at http://www.rno.org/journal/issues/Vol-2/issue-1/Williams.htm.

Nursing Theories Nursing Is a Professional and View Full Essay

Words: 1181 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 61962917
Nursing Theories

Nursing is a professional and an academic discipline and must be “studied in concert with all of the disciplines that together from the health sciences” (Levine’s four conservation principles, 2012, Current Nursing).

To maintain homeostasis of the organism (Levine’s four conservation principles, 2012, Current Nursing).


King’s theory of goal attainment

Doctorate from Teacher’s college, Columbia University (Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment, 2012, Current Nursing).

“To help individuals maintain their health so they can function in their roles” (Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment, 2012, Current Nursing).

Nursing is defined as a process of “action, reaction and interaction…between nurse and client” (Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment, 2012, Current Nursing).

The purpose of nursing is the care of human beings (Imogene King’s theory of goal attainment, 2012, Current Nursing).


Watson’s theory of caring

PhD in nursing from University of Colorado, 1973 (Jean Watson’s philosophy of nursing,…… [Read More]


Faye Glenn Abdellah’s theory. (2012). Current Nursing. Retrieved:


Jean Watson’s philosophy of nursing (2012). Current Nursing. Retrieved:


Nursing Theories In Contemporary Times There Are View Full Essay

Words: 1627 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 58114923
Nursing Theories:

In contemporary times, there are many nursing theories, each with a highlighted core concept and value, and each with a unique philosophy. When looking closely at these theories, it is possible to see commonality among them, and theorists can be divided into groups with similar core beliefs. Nursing in general has an underlying goal of identifying and filling the patient’s needs, though each theorist comes from a unique perspective on how to accomplish this task. Several nursing theorists are, in fact, considered “needs theorists” as their ideas are directly related to this broader goal. Others are more relationally focused and focus on the interpersonal relationship as essential for healing to occur. The theories identified in this paper are all considered “needs theories” and their theorists all share the core value of increasing patients’ autonomy, self-determination and individual independence needs through accomplishing specific nursing interventions. The core concept of…… [Read More]


Kagan, J & Gall, S. (2007). “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence. Ed. Jerome Kagan and Susan B. Gall. Online Edition. Detroit:

Gale, 2007.

Murray, T. (2003). Henderson’s definition of nursing has the edge. (Perspectives: letters).

Tom Murray. Nursing Standard. April 30, 2003 v17 i33 p30(1).

Nursing Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice View Full Essay

Words: 2572 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 47383814
Community Nursing Practice Model

For a long time, community nursing has been an issue of major concern to most health care sectors. Values are based on the model for providing grounding for the nursing practice. The transcendent values include caring, wholeness, and respect while explicating for the actualization of values for primary health care based on access, empowerment, essentiality, collaboration, community participation and inter-sectoral. The provision for framework in terms of community nursing practice through illuminating paradigmatic view and model’s values for a person, nursing, environment, and community. This paper intends to use community nursing practice models in presenting the synthesis of experiencing care and communities.

Community nursing models are developed for purposes of describing building blocks got health care practice while delineating their relationship among one another. Such models communicate foundations of practice while appropriating the discipline to the public and health colleagues within other disciplines. This essay explores…… [Read More]


Brownson, R.C., Colditz, G.A., & Proctor, E.K. (2012). Dissemination and implementation research in health: Translating science to practice. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Davies, S., (2010) Global Politics of Health Polity. New York: Brunei

Gauld, R., (2009) The New Health Policy. New York: McGraw-Hill International

Lofgren, H., Leeuw, E., (2011) Democratizing Health: Consumer Groups in the Policy Process. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing

Nursing Theories Compared View Full Essay

Words: 2303 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 97068871
age of Florence Nightingale, and even before that, the nursing profession has undergone significant transformation. Nurses today are, in their own right, important caregivers with respect to patient wellness — not simply an extension of the attending. One of the most important dynamics in the promotion of nursing in terms of medical consumer care has been the development of favorable theories and educational programs supporting the nurse as an integral part of the patient’s wellness program. The true power of nursing is, however, in the recognition of the nurse’s contribution to the healthcare system and the knowledge and complex decision-making skills that are necessary to care for patients. The future of professional nursing is filled with a great deal of opportunity and excitement (sh, 1998).

Knowing that nursing has become a recognizable profession in its own right it is important as well to garner an understanding as to the philosophy…… [Read More]

Anyone can claim to be an expert with a newly developed theory. If this be the case then knowledge is owned by the experts and there must be an expert with the knowledge of who the experts are — a never ending cycle. In the end it will always be up to the nurse to decide for him of herself who really knows what they are talking and theorizing about and who does not. One does these simply by checking things and makes use of what works best in a nursing situation. The more important issue is who has the right to control the circulation of knowledge and who has the right to benefit from it?

Question 3. Answering the question of whether or not there exists a unique theory in professional nursing practice is not an easy answer to find. For those who are not flexible in accepting differences in healthcare delivery and not amenable to change then the answer is an unequivocal yes. Unfortunately, however, nurses who practice by one and one set of theoretical guidelines miss the opportunity to experience new comings in healthcare. This situation is very much like the teacher who has taught twenty years. Does a teacher have twenty years of experience or has the teacher simply taught the same thing twenty times over? The issue brought forth, therefore, is not necessarily one of finding a unique theory of nursing, rather one of how all-nursing philosophies are applied.

Question 4. Sometimes a question asked is best answered in as few words as possible, accompanied by a universal embedded thought: “I am the same the world over, do not use me to misguide the misguided. I carry with me an abundance of style, precision, and insight. Use me with caution, yet with respect for I will deliver to you the answer to your question” (Ohlson, 1998).

Applying Nursing Theories in Nursing Practice View Full Essay

Words: 2429 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 33831666
Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Florence Nightingale stands out as the mother of modern nursing. In most of the cases, Florence used her life experiences to construct modern nursing theories. She viewed the manipulation of the physical environment as a crucial factor in nursing care. The theorist identified ventilation and warmth, light, noise, bed and bedding, cleanliness as important aspects of the environment the nurse could improve to enhance the quality of care. If one or more of the aspects goes out of balance, nurses will have to increase energy in an effort to counter the environmental stress (Nightingale, 1859).

The concepts of nursing, such as person, environment, and health emerged from an evaluation of nursing curricula (Nightingale, 1859). Nightingale advocated for two behaviors, which she felt were important in nursing practice (George, 1995). The first nursing behavior, which the theorist felt was important, was to ask the client their need.…… [Read More]


Altimier, L. (2011). Mother and child integrative developmental model care model: A simple approach to a complex population. New and infant nursing reviews, 11(3), 105-108.

Chen, Y., Sheng, W., Wang, J., Chang, S., Lin, H. (2011). Effectiveness and limitations of hand hygiene promotion on decreasing healthcare-associated infections. PLoS One, 6(11). e27163. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027163. Epub 2011 Nov 16.

George, J. (1995). Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (4 eds.).

Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.

Core Concept in Two Nursing Theories View Full Essay

Words: 2039 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 15489143
Nursing Theories

Nursing is a practice or field that must be based on nursing theories, which contributes to the consideration of nursing discipline as a profession. The significance of nursing theories in the practice is attributed to their provision of direction and guidance for arranging professional nursing education, research, and practice. Nursing theories also distinguishes the focus of this discipline from other professions since they provide directions regarding evaluation, assessment, and intervention of nursing care. Nursing theories also provide the basis for gathering reliable and valid data about clients’ health status that is crucial for effective decision making and implementation. Notably, these theories are based on certain concepts that are essential for guiding nursing practice. While nursing theorists have developed different theories and models, these theories or models are based on some common core concepts.

Core Concept in Two Contemporary Nursing Theories

The understanding of nursing theories first requires the…… [Read More]


Cruz, R. (n.d.). Fundamentals of Nursing Practice. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from http://www.peoi.org/Courses/Coursesen/nursepractice/nursepractice2.html

Henderson, V. (1991). The nature of nursing: a definition and its implications for practice, research, and education: reflections after 25 years. New York, NY: National League for Nursing Press.

Lake, R. (n.d.). Four Basic Concepts in Nursing. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from http://www.ehow.com/list_6133165_four-basic-concepts-nursing.html

“Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory” (2012, February 4). Nursing Theories: A Companion to Nursing Theories and Models. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/Henderson.html

Use of Two Nursing Theories View Full Essay

Words: 3370 Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 11772446
Nursing Practice

The nursing field comprises different theories that are used to govern nursing practice through offering different perspectives and views of phenomena. A theory can be defined as the development of a link between concepts that create a certain view of a phenomenon (Jackson, n.d.). The theories in the nursing field focus on issues that are relevant to enhancing patient care, overall nursing practice, and nursing education. Moreover, these theories are used to define, create, and distribute existing knowledge in the profession as part of efforts towards improving nursing practice. The theories in nursing field are classified into different categories i.e. ground nursing theories, nursing practice theories, and mid-range nursing theories. Some examples of these various types of nursing theories include Nola J. Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) and Mid-ange Theory. These theories differ in terms of the theorists’ backgrounds and their experiences, description of theory, assumptions, and application…… [Read More]


“Health Promotion Model.” (2012, January 31). Nursing Theories: A Companion to Nursing

Theories and Models. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from http://nursingplanet.com/health_promotion_model.html

Jaarsma, T., Riegel, B. & Stromberg, A. (2012, September). A Middle-Range Theory of Self-

Care of Chronic Illness. Advances in Nursing, 35(3), 194-204.

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