
Nursing Nurse Practitioner

Nursing Nurse Practitioner

The advanced practice nurse is a graduate with a master’s or doctorate degree in nursing, certified to guide others in using the nursing process to maximize the community’s health outcomes (Smith & Rose, 2011). These nurses are prepared to pursue either direct practice roles, where they interact directly with families and patients to improve their well-being through disease management, or indirect practice roles, where they take a leadership role in the provision of care, but do not engage directly with patients (National CNS Competency Taskforce, 2008). Examples of indirect care activities include developing staff development activities, protocols of care and evidence-based guidelines. Specific direct care roles include nurse clinicians (practitioner) and nurse educators, whereas indirect roles include nurse administrator, nurse informatics, and nurse researchers (AACN, 2015). This text compares and contrasts the core competencies that govern the different roles, and identifies the differences/similarities in the implementation of…… [Read More]

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Nursing Concept Theoretical Background One of the View Full Essay
Words: 3582 Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 46011406
Nursing Concept

Theoretical Background

One of the complexities of 21st century medicine is the evolution of nursing care theories in combination with a changing need and expectation of the stakeholder population. Nurses must be advocates and communicators, but must balance these along with an overall philosophy of ethics while still remaining mindful of budgets and the need for the medical institution to be profitable. It seems as if these issues comprise a three-part template for nursing: respect for patient value & individuality, education of patients, and cognition and respect for the realities of contemporary medicine. In many ways, too, modern technology has advanced further than societal wisdom, especially when confronting the issue of death. The modern nurse’s role is to create a nurse-patient culture that encourages the individual to take responsibility for their healthcare and, in partnership with the nurse, to be involved in their recovery. The modern complexities of…… [Read More]

Nursing Theorist Nola Pender View Full Essay
Words: 1288 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 45337940
Nursing Theorist Nola Pender:

One of the significant roles of nurses in their daily activities is to assist patients to learn to take care of themselves and make decisions and choices that promote their health. The reason nurses help patients to learn to take care of themselves is that patient’s participation in their own self-care helps in preventing illnesses and diseases and ensure that they have improved overall health. As a result of this need, several theories have been developed by various practitioners in the nursing field to help patients towards self-care. One of these theories is the Health Promotion Model, which was developed and introduced by nursing theorist Nola Pender. The main basis for the development of this theory is to assist patients to prevent illnesses through their choices and behaviors. In the past few years, health promotion has been a major subject that has attracted substantial interest among…… [Read More]

Nursing Theory and Practice View Full Essay
Words: 1856 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 4159998
autobiography of the author of this report. The remainder of the report will mostly focus on the four meta-paradigms of nursing. Of course, those meta-paradigms are patient, nurse, health and environment. The author will also offer two practice-specific concepts from the scholarly literature that can be applied to the career and environment of the author of this report. Next up will be a list of propositions that will number five in total. As suggested and required by the assignment, the paper will integrate these discrete elements and in a way that connects to the concepts described. While analysis of the nursing professional can get a little silly and/or delve too much into a bit of navel-gazing, the profession is indeed noble and deep and is thus worthy of the proper full analysis.


The author of this report started as an electrocardiogram (EKG) technician and nursing assistant while the author…… [Read More]

Nursing Is a Fundamental Medical View Full Essay
Words: 1207 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 68145764
Furthermore, the supervisor must have a keen understanding of the laws and guidelines of the institution so that he can help in interpreting them to the staff. During the interview, there were times when directions were asked of the manager from the employees on how to go about tackling a problem. Sometimes the problems were so technical requiring the quoting of laws. I realized that this is a vital part of the managerial skill that has to be cultivated in order to make an effective manager. Also as the manager was doing his rounds, I realized that many people were asking him to solve their problems, be it social or technical, therefore, a leader should be have the ability of solving problems in a logical and reasoned manner and also be able to motivate people towards the efficient completion of tasks.

Learning about human resource is vital to understand about…… [Read More]

Nursing Roles in Primary Health Care the View Full Essay
Words: 1350 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 27734675
Nursing Roles in Primary Health Care

The nurses play a vital role within the Primary Health Care system (PHC) given that they are part of the multidisciplinary team. Apparently, these nurses possess registration with advanced education and training that helps in the provision of additional primary health care functions in promoting health, injury and disease prevention, cure, rehabilitation among other services (Walker, 2012). The work also focuses on the roles that other five different health care workers play, including how they relate with the nurses in their day-to-day activities. The other five health care workers include the indigenous health care workers, medical practitioners, pharmacists, physiotherapists and social workers. The entire health care fraternity under PHC system strives to ensure all citizens of a country stay healthy, getting better, and able to cope and live with diseases till the end of life.

The multidisciplinary team comprises of professionals mainly in the…… [Read More]

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice & Applied View Full Essay
Words: 3411 Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 29918686
This is one of the most common forms of research and, for some research questions is clearly a strong design (Ethics in Critical Care Nursing Research, 2005).

The research that was done in this article would be considered a non-experimental type. There were two types of observation that were conducted. The first type was that of focus groups and the second being the file audit, both of which are observational in nature. In this case this was the most appropriate type of research design to use. Since they were simply trying to see what was actually going on in this area and how that was affecting patients the only real way to tot this was by observation. From this article a nursing care issue that can be raised is that of how palliative care nurses manage family involvement with end of life issues. Are there any standard procedures that are…… [Read More]

Nursing — Authoritarian and Democratic View Full Essay
Words: 599 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 20487023
Either style may be beneficial in some situations but detrimental to organizational objectives (i.e. patient health and welfare) in others. A typical example of an appropriate use of authoritarian leadership would be in a working group consisting of individuals who have varying degrees of expertise and professional experience, particularly if they also have little experience working together as a group. On the other hand, the democratic style might be more appropriate in working groups consisting of very similarly skilled individuals with similar degrees of experience, especially where they have also worked together extensively and have demonstrated good self-management, decision-making, and collaboration within the group.

Leadership vs. Management

The principal difference between leadership and management is that leadership pertains more to people whereas management pertains more to operations (Marquis & Huston, 2008). Generally, organizational leadership involves improving the organization by addressing motivational issues and other factors that contribute to the morale…… [Read More]

Nursing Malpractice Introduction- Modern Nursing View Full Essay
Words: 4389 Length: 13 Pages Document Type: ‘Literature Review’ chapter Paper #: 3487080
The plaintiff, however, has a burden of proof prior to any other technical issues. In addition, because of the nature of the allegation, and the fact that normal members of a jury or judge cannot be expected to understand complext medical terms and procedures, expert witnesses are typically called — usually for both sides (Uribe, 1999).

In the United States, there have been several cases that have set international precedence on what constitutes “expertise.” One cannot be qualified just because of a diploma, and the expert witness must also be qualified for reliability and relevance. There are two models that attempt to do just this: 1) the Gatekeeper Model which requires a hearing with the Judge prior to the trial in which the Court considers the expert’s testimony as being reliable and relevant; whether a theory is tested, peer reviewed, is there a known potential error rate, and is the…… [Read More]

Nursing Home Proposal for Improving View Full Essay
Words: 2253 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper #: 40192889
The pathways scheme aims to offer opportunities for every grade of practitioner. This is part of a national process that anticipates quality improvement as a continuously evolving process.

Achieving fair and equal access to professional development for nurses and healthcare providers in the private sector has been difficult in the past. Education has sometimes been viewed as expensive and time-consuming, with staff release for learning difficult to achieve especially acute staff shortages are a definable obstacle already to effective treatment provision. However, it is vital to the principle of performance improvement and the pursuit of standardizing quality outcomes that healthcare provision be based on the active pursuit of staff excellence. This is to be seen as a far more desirable approach to personnel orientation than the imposition of sanctions for poor performance. Central to this is the need for improvement of the local facility’s knowledge economy. To this extent, knowledge…… [Read More]

Nursing Research PICO Question — View Full Essay
Words: 1099 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 20684532
It is also quite possible that there is a significant “placebo effect” when dealing with GI (or other) treatments. The patients may be truly relaxing, but may also believe that they are managing their pain through breathing and imagery, meaning they are, in fact doing just that (Bresler; Menzies).

Evidence-Based Practice Analysis — Clearly, the use of GI techniques to supplement and help wean patients off pharmaceutical pain management solutions is not only positive, but cost-effective and more efficient. The research shows that not only is GI helpful for pain management, it can also be an effective technique to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, work in a pre- and post-op setting, to help prevent patients from “test or exam” panic, and to increase pain tolerance. Physicians could help disseminate this technique by supplying their patients with a disk or zip-drive with several different (length, style, etc.) GI scenarios. Giving the…… [Read More]

Nursing Respect for Patient’s Common View Full Essay
Words: 1136 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 13111416
The modern nurse must then be willing to move beyond a simple catch-all of medical jargon and bureaucracy and become someone who is both supportive and critical of the system. This may seem dichotomous, but in reality is not. The system is designed with beneficence in mind — to help the patient at all costs. It is thus up to the nurse advocate to ensure that that actually happens (Sheldon, 2009).

Undertake assessments which are sensitive to the needs of the patient- Assessment is one of the key factors in management of clinical medicine. The nurse is often at the forefront of that process simply due to the logistical nature of the situation — taking vitals, preparing the patient for blood work, etc. However, it is in two particular areas that the nurse can be most effective when assessing the actual needs of the patient; culturally and when questions are…… [Read More]

Nurse Strategies for Informed Decisions View Full Essay
Words: 741 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 76128204
This can also include aspects such as taboos, perceptions of pain as well as concomitant factors such as education and socioeconomic status, language barriers, and advance health care planning. ( Mitty and Post, 2008).

Good examples that can be given are the strategies employed by the nurse in oncology in helping cancer patients to make informed decisions about their treatment. The nurse can assist these patients by providing access to informed decision making; which implies making sure that the patient understands both the nature as well as the risks of cancer treatment. This can include explaining to the patient the risks and benefits of aspects such as alternatives to screening for cancer; and by helping the patient to make various decisions in relation to his or her values and preferences. For example, the nurse can clarify the difference between screenings for various types of cancer; for instance the fact that…… [Read More]

Nursing Nursing Theorist Madeleine Leininger and Imogene View Full Essay
Words: 978 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 46190913
Nursing: Nursing Theorist Madeleine Leininger and Imogene King

The objective of this study is to compare the nursing of nursing theorist Madeleine Leininger and Imogene King and to address how pain is perceived by the patient and how it is addressed by the nurse. Nursing theorists have defined their theoretical frameworks though their experiences that are “personal, socioeconomic, political, spiritual and educational…” (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p.20) These elements have been applied by the nursing theorists in the development of their theories and in defining terms and concepts that assist in explaining those theories. (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, paraphrased) Three models of nursing include: (1) interactive; (2) systems; and (3) developmental. Theories and concepts of nursing are reported to develop “as scientific knowledge is supported by research and nursing practice.” (Tourville and Ingalls, 2003, p.22)


Madeline Leininger started the development of the first transcultural theory of nursing in the…… [Read More]

Nursing Responses Maslow’s Pyramid View Full Essay
Words: 787 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 95078649

According to the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), “accreditation is a nongovernmental process conducted by representatives of postsecondary institutions and professional groups. As conducted in the United States, accreditation focuses on the quality of institutions of higher and professional education and on the quality of educational programs within institutions” (Standards of accreditation for post-baccalaureate nurse residency programs, 2008, CCNE). Accreditation is a source of objective evidence from an outside entity that a program meets certain quality and content standards. This is essential for both students and patients. Students make a considerable financial and time investment in their education and need to expect that they can emerge with real skills as well as a diploma upon graduation. They do not have to tools to vet a program before they are accepted. Patients have a right to expect that the nurses who oversee them graduated from high-quality programs. Accreditation serves… [Read More]

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