
Nursing in the Contemporary World Nurses

Nursing in the Contemporary World

Nurses as the Most Highly Trusted Health Professional

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ecent studies indicate that nurses are the most highly trusted health professional group.

ecent studies indicate that nurses are the most highly trusted health professional group.

Discuss the components of nursing’s contemporary image that places nurses in this position of trust

Nursing profession has undergone tremendous development to attain the respect and valuation within the society. The current trend states that nursing ranks as the highly trusted health professional group. One of the components for this development is the tremendous efforts put by women to wrestle the profession from men in the historic periods. This struggle towards development of the profession reflects on different perspectives: environmental, political, cultural, and social. Extensive nursing education in the contemporary world supplements the efforts of nurses in their service provision (Im & Ju, 2012). This helps to put nursing professional group…… [Read More]


Cherry, B., & Jacob, S.R. (2011). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management. St.

Louis, Mo: Elsevier/Mosby.

Im, E., & Ju Chang,, . (2012). Current Trends in Nursing Theories. Journal of Nursing

Scholarship, 44(2), 156-164. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01440.x
Nursing Model Theory Application a Nurse’s View Full Essay
Words: 1740 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 12125618
“From an historical standpoint, her concept of nursing enhanced nursing science this has been particularly important in the area of nursing education.” (“Virginia Henderson’s Need…,” 2008) Principles of Henderson’s theory, published in numerous primary nursing textbooks utilized from the 1930s through the 1960s, along with principles embodied by the 14 activities continue to prove vital in evaluating nursing care in thee21st century, not only in cases such as Keri’s, but in a myriad of others benefiting from nursing.


Kearney, Kathleen M., the Nurse’s Duty to eport Child Abuse vs. The Attorney’s Duty of Confidentiality: The Nurse Attorney’s Dilemma Journal of Nursing Law. Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc.; January 25, 2007. etrieved September 25, 2007, at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1256366.

esuggan, ay N;PN;MN. (Last Modified: August 17, 2008). “Virginia Avernal Henderson.” Nurses.info. etrieved September 25, 2007, from: http://www.nurses.info/nursing_theory_person_henderson_virginia_.htm.

Singleton, Joanne K. “Nurses’ perspectives of encouraging clients’ care-of-self in a short-term rehabilitation unit within…… [Read More]


Kearney, Kathleen M., the Nurse’s Duty to Report Child Abuse vs. The Attorney’s Duty of Confidentiality: The Nurse Attorney’s Dilemma Journal of Nursing Law. Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc.; January 25, 2007. Retrieved September 25, 2007, at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1256366.

Resuggan, Ray RN;RPN;MRN. (Last Modified: August 17, 2008). “Virginia Avernal Henderson.” Nurses.info. Retrieved September 25, 2007, from: http://www.nurses.info/nursing_theory_person_henderson_virginia_.htm .

Singleton, Joanne K. “Nurses’ perspectives of encouraging clients’ care-of-self in a short-term rehabilitation unit within a long-term care facility,” Rehabilitation Nursing, January 1, 2000. Retrieved September 25, 2007, from: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P348282208.html.

Trail Ross, Mary Ellen. (1993). “Linking Ethical Principles With Community Practice.” Journal of Community Health Nursing, Vol. 10. Retrieved September 25, 2007, at http://www.questia.com/read/95780716?title=Linking%20Ethical%20Principles%20W%20Community%20Practice.
Nursing Law and Ethics Name View Full Essay
Words: 1913 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 92225100

The death of a child is significant and in this case avoidable and a plaintiff has the right to seek compensatory damages as is allowed by law.

Case Study 1 Part B

At the end of the night shift, Nurse Brown took a verbal handover and then noticed the observation chart had not been filled in. To assist her friend, Nurse Harvey, whom she knew had a busy night, filled in the observation chart and fluid balance chart for the hours from 0200-0600 hrs.

Overcome by the events of the last 24 hrs, Nurse Harvey and Nurse Brown go to the local tavern for a few drinks before Nurse Harvey goes on duty. They discussed Mr. Spencer and his son. John, a friend of Mr. Spencer, overheard the conversation and joined them. He was also upset by the events of the day and was most keen to discuss the accident…… [Read More]


Hall, J. (1960). General Principles of Criminal Law (2nd ed.). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

Markesinis, B.S., & Deakin, S.F. (1999). Tort Law (4th ed.). Oxford: Clarendon Press.

ANCI Competency Standards for the Enrolled Nurse at http://www.anmc.org.au/docs/Publications/Competency%20standards%20EN.pdf

Scope of Nursing Practice Decision Making Framework, 2006 at http://www.nursingboardtas.org.au/nbtonline.nsf/attachment/SoPDMFFinal/$File/Scope%20of%20Nursing%20Practice%20Decision%20Making%20Framework.pdf
Theory of Nursing View Full Essay
Words: 2135 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 88861122
Nursing Theory

One of the features of patient-centered care in which the patients are thought to be partners is when the patients are handed over with the help of their participation. It is very important for the nurses to understand the thinking and perspectives of their patients as this can help them in adjusting their bedside manner to suit the expectations and needs of the patients. This involvement can also enable the patients to get more involved in the decision-making process. There is very little detailed evaluation of the bedside manner present in the literature particularly from the perspective of nursing practice. There are particular provider behaviors that have been noticed to be taken as positive or negative on a continuous basis according to the concept analysis. Compassion, care, warmth and support are some of the positive behaviors while disrespect, arrogance and indifference are some of the negative behaviors. The…… [Read More]


Bedside manner (n.d.). The American Heritage® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. Retrieved from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bedside-manner

Finch, L. (2008). Bedside Manner: Concept Analysis and Impact on Advanced Nursing Practice. The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. 10(1).

Gilbert, P. (2010) The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach to Life’s Challenges. Constable. London.

McMurray, A., Chaboyer, W., Wallis. M., & Johnson. J. (2010). Patients’ Perspectives of Bedside Nursing Handover. Retrieved from http://www98.griffith.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/handle/10072/40081/68872_1.pdf;jsessionid=3089DAF1AC9C366501436C4A0ABA2C05?sequence=1
Nursing Kidney Nursing Perceptions and View Full Essay
Words: 2121 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 89660948
(2008). The study measures public opinion concerning two scenarios: one in which the kidney donor is given a fixed financial compensation; and one in which the donor is provided with health insurance coverage for life. According to the findings of the study, “although almost half of the respondents (46%) were reluctant towards introducing a system with fixed compensation to increase the number of living kidney donors, still 25% of the general public reacted positively.” (Kranenburg, 1039) This study would conduct a similar comparative discussion, but would expand the number of available options discussed and would use a different sample population, as discussed in the subsequent section.

Subjects and Sampling Technique:

The subjects will be drawn from amongst nursing professionals working in randomly selected renal specialty facilities and wards. Initial contact will be made by phone with a Director of Nursing at selected facilities requesting participation. Those that agree will receive…… [Read More]

Works Cited:

Conesa, C.; Rios, a.; Ramirez, P.; Sanchez, J.; Sanchez, E.; Rodriguez, M.; Martinez, L.; Ramos, F. & Parrilla, P. (2009). Attitude of Primary Care Nurses Toward Living Kidney Donation. Transplantation Proceedings, 37(9), 3626-3630.

Kranenburg, L.; Schram, a.; Zuidema, W.; Weimar, W.; Hilhorst, M.; Hessing, J. & Busschbach, J. (2008). Public Survey of Financial Incentives for Kidney Donation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 23(3), 1039-1042.

Neyhart, C. & Colaneri, J. (2004). Living Anonymous kidney donation: A solution to the organ donor shortage? Nephrology Nursing Journal. Online at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ICF/is_3_31/ai_n17207253/

Watson, J. (2007). Theory of Human Caring: Theory Evolution. University of Colorado at Denver. Online at http://www.nursing.ucdenver.edu/faculty/jw_evolution.htm
Nurse Educator Strategic Plan View Full Essay
Words: 1008 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 84346085
Nurse Eduactor Strategic Plan

Nurse educator strategic plan

A strategic plan for a nurse educator

At present, I would say that my greatest strength as a nurse educator is my willingness to challenge myself in the pursuit of excellence. Within the next year, I will obtain my MSN with a specific concentration in education. Previously, I obtained certification as a Basic Life Support instructor (BLS). Also within the next year I intend to seek out certification in Advance Cardiac Live Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Life Support Instructor (PAL) with the intention of becoming both an ACLS and PALS instructor. These will enhance my capabilities as a nurse educator and provide greater specificity in the range and types of teaching I will be able to convey.

My second great strength as a nurse educator is the compassion I have for my patients and my genuine love of teaching. A nurse is…… [Read More]


Covey, S. (2012). 7 habits of highly effective people. Franklin Covey.

Gardner, H. (2007). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic


Professional Nurse Educator’s Group. (2013). Official Website. Retrieved from:
Nurse-Patient Relations the Main Focus of This View Full Essay
Words: 2161 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 77240679
Nurse-Patient Relations

The main focus of this essay is going to concern the nurse-patient relationship idea, and why it is important. This was chosen because the researcher desired to achieve a better accepting of how a helpful nurse-patient relationship can be advanced and even from different theorists who have discovered this idea. In this essay, the researcher sets out to demonstrate what they have learnt regarding the nurse-patient relation concept and how this connection can utilized in the clinical practice setting. T The nurse patient connection, according to a study done by Press Gamey Associates Inc., creates the quality of the care experience and generates an influential influence on patient gratification. Nurses will a lot of their time with patients. Patients see nurses’ relations with people among the care team and make their own conclusions about the hospital founded on what they are observing. Furthermore, nurses’ approaches toward their vocation,…… [Read More]

Works Cited

Berdes, C. & . (2001). Race relations and caregiving relationships: A qualitative examination of perspectives from residents and nurses aides in three nursing homes. Research on Aging, 23(1), 109-126.

Biering, P. (2002). Caring for the involuntarily hospitalized adolescent: The issue of power in the nurse-patient relationship. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 16(2), 65-74.

Heijkenskjold, K.B. (2010). The patients dignity from the nurses perspective. Nursing Ethics, 6(3), 313-24.

LaSala, C.A.-B. (2007). The role of the clinical nurse specialist in promoting evidence-based practice and effecting positive patient outcomes. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 38(6), 262-70.
Nursing Philo View Full Essay
Words: 1623 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 75384377
Nursing Philosophy

Concept Synthesis on Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography

My interest in nursing peaked at an early age when I attended Clara Barton High School for health professions in Brooklyn NY and graduated in 1991. I first worked as a nurse’s aide and home health aide for about two years and found this position to be quite rewarding. I subsequently moved to North Carolina where I took the CNA course in 1995 and began working as a CNA at various nursing homes and hospitals in the regional area. My experience as a CNA certainly helped me in my journey and provided the foundation for the later developments in my career.

Later I moved to Las Vegas in 1997 where I got married in 1998. After forming this union I went back to school for my BSN in 2002 while working as a CNA. I finished my BSN from Nevada…… [Read More]

Works Cited

Andrews, H., & Roy, C. (1991). The Adaptive Model. Norwalk: Appleton and Lange.

Denler, H., Wolters, C., & Benzon, M. (2013). Social Cognitive Theory. Retrieved from Education: http://www.education.com/reference/article/social-cognitive-theory/

Farlex. (2011). The Medical Dictionary. Retrieved from Farlex: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/adaptation+model

Nursing Theory. (2011). Sister Callista Roy. Retrieved from Nursing Theory: http://nursing-theory.org/nursing-theorists/Sister-Callista-Roy.php

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