Nursing Theorist: Sr. Roy Adaptation Model
The Roy Adaptation model for Nursing had its beginning when Sister Callista Roy happened to get admitted in the Masters Program of pediatric nursing in the University of California, Los Angeles, in the year 1964. At that time, Sr. Callista was familiar with the idea of ‘adaptation’ in nursing, and it must be mentioned that Sr. Callista’s adviser at that time was Dorothy E. Johnson, who believed firmly in the need to define nursing as a means of focusing the development of knowledge, for the practice of nursing. When Sr. Callista Roy started working with children in the pediatric ward of the hospital, she was quite impressed with the basic resiliency of the small children who had been admitted into the wards for treatment. This was why when the first seminar in pediatric nursing was called for; Sr. Callista Roy proposed that the basic…… [Read More]
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Get Help Now!Theory Letter to a Young View Full Essay
Words: 1935 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper #: 35890601
The one question I have about my behavior was the fact that, as her advocate, I called and spoke to the patient’s father with her permission. I stressed the fact that she was dying and if he wanted to see his daughter alive, he should come shortly. In retrospect, I wonder if I pressured her too much to make the call. Ultimately, it was all for naught, as she died before he was able to see her alive. But I wonder if I was overly interventionist and impositional of my beliefs in the need for her to make that final connection with her father. I feel good that I was able to facilitate what was important to the client, and allow her to take control of her end-of-life arrangements with dignity. I think that Parse would approve of my behavior, however, as I did validate my decision with the patient…… [Read More]
Nursing Theorist Susan Leddy Major View Full Essay
Words: 905 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper #: 1194614
Though in theory these methods sound hokey the practice is actually relatively simple to see if one takes elements of application for the theory and divorces it from the ideological, such as equating the terminology laying of hands with the use of therapeutic massage or heat therapy with consistent and historical use of heat pads, blankets and circulation instruments to raise body temperature of a patient as well as provide comfort and pain relief. These methods, taken out of the context of Leddy’s model language then are then not actually untested but foundational to the ideology of the nurse as the bringer of comfort measures for reestablishment of health.
Relationship of Man, Health, Environment to Nursing
Leddy’s theories may in careful analysis come across as relatively ideological and frankly metaphysical, especially when given her emphasis on the unseen, the different energy flow theories, such as the Chakra (pp. 91-93) and…… [Read More]
Nursing Fatigue and Compassion as Functions of View Full Essay
Words: 598 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 52488070
Fatigue and Compassion as Functions of Ethical Nursing
The American Nursing Association’s Scope and Standards of Practice are designed to provide a blueprint for preempting and addressing the various challenges, pitfalls and procedurals norms of the profession. These help to draw a professional, ethical and practical connection that offers a basic outline for that which is expected of the registered nurse. Indeed, it is of critical benefit to the nursing professional and to the patient community that there exist some clearly elaborated set of ethical standards that pertains directly to sometimes difficult to identify challenges such as bedside manner and fatigue. The American Nursing Association (ANA) provides just such standards, and these function to significantly aid in the decision-making, workplace culture and treatment processes undertaken by nurse professionals.
Ethical orientation is an important feature of a nursing team, particularly as it impacts the morale of nurses and the treatment…… [Read More]
Nursing Since Florence Nightingale’s Selfless View Full Essay
Words: 1666 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 4775432
Another case may be where the rights of a client brings harm to the client him- or herself. When a client with cancer for example refuses life-saving treatment, I would do my best to persuade the client otherwise. I would do so on the principle of attempting to cooperate with the client rather than directly opposing him or her, but if no other choice is left to me, I would have to act in what I believe is the client’s best interest. I would also attempt to find reasons for the client’s apparently suicidal decision-making process, and attempt to address this before overriding the client directly.
My philosophy of nursing generally focuses on the integration of the all things in the client’s life to create the individuals that I am presented with. Problems within the physical body are more often than not at least affected, if not directly caused,…… [Read More]
Nursing Most Scholars Are in View Full Essay
Words: 2627 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 36022230
” (1) What does the phrase “concept inventing” mean to you?
2) Does the process of concept inventing add clarity to a unique lived experience that aides in individualizing patient care? – or – Does the process of concept inventing add unnecessary jargon to the profession of nursing which creates barriers in collaboration with other disciplines? (3) State your stance on this issue and create a logical argument to defend your thoughts.
C. (1). “Concept inventing” can be thought of as a way to analyze situations in such a way as to contemplate their meaning to create understanding. Using both the aspects of science, including logic, rationality, and empirical analysis, and art, including intuition, emotion, integrity, honor, and compassion, nurses can process information in such a way as to create a complete conceptual picture of both the abstract aspects and concrete facts of a situation. In doing so, nurses can…… [Read More]
Nursing With the Intention of View Full Essay
Words: 602 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 10486000
This is one of the many reasons I look forward to being able to work within my own community. Nurses are at the forefront of community outreach and community betterment. As I get to know the local physicians, administrators, and program leaders, I can become a more effective member of the health care community.
In the future I intend to serve my community in a position of leadership, as a coordinator for healthcare services. I want to apply family systems theory to my nursing practice, because I see a growing demand for more collaborative methods of intervention that support rather than deny the role of family systems. With a great sensitivity to diversity in terms of religion and culture, I will be of great service to the local patient population.
While with the Post Masters Nurse Practitioner Program, I will improve my communications and networking skills because I believe in…… [Read More]
Nursing Leadership as a Nurse Supervisor Develop View Full Essay
Nursing Leadership
As a nurse supervisor develop a communication plan with your team, defining what and how will communicate, what communication modalities and behavior are acceptable, and what the consequences are if acceptable behaviors are not met.
In the recent past most nursing theories and researches have unanimously agreed and stressed on the importance of nurses as good communicators. Good communication skills are not only required to make the care taking process more efficient but also efficiency in terms of team management and leadership. Nursing theories have suggested that nurses take up diverse roles beyond care taking, which include counseling and educating and the care taking spectrum of nurses covers physical, mental, psychological and spiritual well-being. To address all these aspects, my communication plan lays stress on using multiple communication modalities that include both verbal and non-verbal in order to meet the required targets. Communication within the team should be…… [Read More]
Nurse Entrepreneurship Nurse Entrepreneurs Are View Full Essay
Words: 861 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 15069501
Charity, selflessness, altruism and entrepreneurship are, therefore, not contradictory. It is well-known that the well-paid traditional nurse is likely to be a better worker better able to devote more attention to her patient (Hardin & . Kaplow, 2001). Deductively, therefore, the independent nurse who is motivated to work well in order to be successfully self-employed would likely (although not necessarily) be a better nurse in terms of the intrinsic nursing characteristics than those employed by institutions.
Ironically, entrepreneur nursing can potentially make one into a better nurse, for aside from being motivated to perform excellently, the entrepreneur nurse can adopt her own style and afford to conduct thorough research into nursing theories and models that culminate in enhanced nursing.
The institutional nurse is classically overworked and, therefore, has little time for arbitrary activities; the entrepreneur nurse, on the other hand, can adequately fulfill the expectations of evidence-based nursing where she…… [Read More]
Nursing Research Evidence-Based vs Research View Full Essay
Words: 873 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 99645768
The deployment of evidence-based practice that makes use of cutting-edge research is perhaps most obviously manifest in the greater knowledge research has given about demographic shifts as to who may or may not be vulnerable to particular diseases or conditions. Many years ago, Type II Diabetes was known as adult-onset diabetes, as insulin resistance was associated with obesity, sedentary behavior and other factors assumed to be prevalent amongst adults, not children. Now a child exhibiting the common symptoms of excessive thirst, weakness, dizziness will likely be tested for this condition, because obesity has become more prevalent amongst the young.
A research utilization model might provide, however, additional counseling to the nurse practitioner as to what course of treatment to prescribe. A child with more ample family and social support to lose weight, for example, and exercise, might, according to clinical data, be able to reverse the progress of the disease…… [Read More]
Nursing Theoretical Framework View Full Essay
Words: 1845 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 23803948
Nursing Theory
Theory is a concept that communicates relationships and phenomenon, and with reference to nursing profession, nursing theory assists nurses to prescribe, describe and predict nursing care. In a contemporary healthcare environment, nursing theory is very critical to nursing profession. In essence, a conceptual nursing model is a starting point of nursing profession, and nurses are required to apply a conceptual model for nursing care and practice. The middle range theory is an example of a nursing theory that focuses on human experience, reality and number of concepts. Typically, nursing theory provides an autonomy that reinforces nursing education, practice as well as nursing research.
Peplau’s theory is one of the major nursing theoretical framework guiding nursing practice, decision and care. Peplau develops theory of interpersonal relations to guide the practice of health profession revealing that effective communication is an integral part of the interpersonal relations that produces positive outcomes…… [Read More]
Nursing Theory and Theorist Dynamic Nurse Patient Relationship Ida Jean Orlando View Full Essay
Words: 1571 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 16641702
Ido Jean Orlando and analyzes how her contribution has impacted the nursing profession. It has 3 sources.
The field of nursing requires the utmost care on the part of nurses if they are to understand their patients. Nurses are an integral part of the medical care provision because they provide patients both physical and emotional care. Even doctors cannot succeed in reaching the level of emotional contact that nurses can achieve with their patients. According to Ida Jean Orlando, this kind of close relationship is dependent on the communication that nurses establish with the patients. This communication, whether verbal or non-verbal, plays a vital role in dealing out the most appropriate treatment as quickly as possible. Ida Jean Orlando’s The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process, and Principles, is a book that has had an immense impact on the field of nursing, popularizing Orlando’s theory.
The Theorist:
Ida Jean Orlando was…… [Read More]
Nursing Changes in Nursing Discuss View Full Essay
Words: 1076 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 64168306
In what ways did the wave of the nursing shortage in the 1980’s and in 2000 support or constrain theoretical thinking? Why? Are there ways to influence the cycle of shortage and theoretical thinking? Identify one nursing theorist that would support your discussion/views. Provide rationale for selection of theorist.
Nursing shortages have been a problem in this country for a long time. It has been found that because of these shortages there needed to be a better way to incorporate theoretical thinking into nursing education so that nurses are better prepared to be the best that they can be. The accomplishment of critical thinking abilities has been recognized as an essential product of undergraduate nursing teaching. It has been found that nursing scholars learn best by way of experiential education. Kolb’s experiential learning theory is the basis for a practice incorporation technique intended to offer critical thinking skills in undergraduate…… [Read More]
Nursing Philosophy the Author of This Report View Full Essay
Words: 1948 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 97406289
Nursing Philosophy
The author of this report is asked to offer three main points of discussion within this report. These three sections all related to nursing theory and they will be compared and contrasted to the personal philosophy of the author of this paper. The three points of discussion are the four meta-paradigms of nursing theory, two practice-specific concepts and a list of propositions that the author of this paper would offer relative to nursing and the author’s personal philosophy.
Four Meta-Paradigms
As intimated in the introduction, there are four meta-paradigms of nursing and they will each be described and analyzed in detail. The first of those four is person. A main point of this meta-paradigm is to use the word “subject” rather than “patient” to refer to the patient in the fullest and truest sense. The idea behind this is that the person is a fully singular and autonomous…… [Read More]
Nursing Associations the Benefits of View Full Essay
Words: 4670 Length: 16 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 31671067
In the emergency room, this distinction can have a determinant impact on the ability of the staff to preserve life and diminish pain and suffering.
The introduction of a bioethical perspective into this dialogue invokes a question as to the primacy of an interest in pursuing to the utmost the well-being of the patient. This speaks to one of the core values associating the principles of the ANA with the treatment outcomes desired in patiences. An examination of the ANA’s Code of Ethics reveals that a theoretical basis exists to contend a direct correlation between the nurse’s self-interest and that which is best for any given patient. There exists an essential obligation for such healthcare practitioners to “examine the conflicts arising between their own personal and professional values, the values and interests of others who are responsible for patient care and health care decisions, as well as those of the…… [Read More]
Nursing Care Management Why it View Full Essay
Words: 892 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 60382670
Such is to say that the nurse will be the single greatest resource to the patient and that through this professional, all other necessary resources are channeled. Essentially, this denotes that the relationship established between the patient and nurse will itself be the most valuable resource in combating a condition or improving the subject’s health and well-being.
Why should nurse monitors responses of patients throughout each intervention and how should nurse adjusts care accordingly
In such theories as Margaret Newman’s “Health as Expanding Consciousness” model, it is clear that the decisions which a nurse must make will be based on the convergence of scholarly nurse and individualized attention. This latter quality especially must define the role that the nurse plays in health intervention on the patient’s behalf. Conjecturing that a nurse will provide a specific emotional connection and psychic closeness to patient’s who are contending with the absence of certainty,…… [Read More]
Nursing Knowledge Without a Doubt View Full Essay
Words: 588 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper #: 90605561
The nurse is often expected to act and react only with empirical information, however personal knowledge is considered equally as important by many nurse educators and researchers (Chinn & Kramer 2004). This also helps to explain why “health” and “environment” are considered distinct major components in the metastudy of nursing; both can be understood on highly subjective terms, with the concept of “good health” changing from patient to patient, or “person” to “person.” Environment, too, has a major effect on the practice of nursing and the growth of the nursing body of knowledge.
My personal philosophy of nursing centers on the belief that each individual person under my care deserves full attention and the unique application of my knowledge in addressing their immediate and long-term needs and concerns. That is, each person should benefit as much as possible from the full extent of my nursing knowledge, while still being…… [Read More]
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