
NHS5004 Communication, Collaboration

NHS5004 Communication, Collaboration, and Case Analysis for Master’s Learners


Leadership is the capability to lead people without being biased, good leaders should always put the interests of those they are leading above their own. Trait, is a leadership skill that describes what makes a good or bad leader.Empathy, integrity and good-decision making skills which are core to leading others. In my belief, a good leader should be outspoken, communication is the context in which change occurs.Vol.20, No.3(jul.,1990), PP.541-570, someone in his right mind, with a high sense of integrity.Nevertheless, these theories have proved to have their fair share of strengths over time. These strengths include; clarity, due to its clarity it has become more easily understandable therefore making it easy to implement. Its usage is facilitated in several evaluation devices; it has also been found to rely on statistical analysis or hard data. It does fully outline why or how traits develop, this makes it complex to be understood by just anybody, it does not offer any clarification of personality development.Their weaknesses are far more obvious than you can imagine, they include; it does notfully outline how positive traits can be highlighted or how negatives traits can be made better.It does not predict the future behavioral hence cannot account for future personality changes, as it tends to offer little or no guidance on how to change trait aspects nor does it address the trait development. The discussed above are major setbacks that hinder th……………

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