
Anatomy of a research article (annotated bibliography)

For this assignment, you will select 2 of the articles from the list provided. You will need to: 1) Find them through the library; 2) Read them in full; 3) Take notes on their research questions, methods, results, and conclusions; 4) Provide the full, proper APA citation for each article; and 5) Find 1 more peer-reviewed, scholarly article that addresses something related to one of your 2 selected articles. You might choose another paper that found similar conclusions, found different conclusions, used a different method to answer the same question, or answers a question you had about the material after reading your selected article. You are free to pick any article that you can justify is somehow related to one of your selected articles. For each of your 2 selected articles, you must tell me: 1) Include the full, proper citation for the article in APA format. 2) What is the background research for this article? What do the authors include to justify conducting this research project? 3) What is the basic hypothesis OR research question for this paper? 4) How many participants does the study have? Where were they recruited from? 5) What are the IVs and DV(s) for this study? a. How did they measure them? 6) What were the general findings? State them in simple terms. a. Did the authors find support for their hypotheses or research questions? 7) How did the authors explain their findings (or lack thereof)? 8) What was a strength and what was a weakness of the study (according to the authors)? Once you have reviewed and annotated 2 articles as above, search for another peer-reviewed, scholarly article that is somehow related to one of your selected articles. Think about what kinds of questions or thoughts you had after reading it, and use those to search for a related article. You might look for additional research that answers the same question but finds different conclusions, uses different methodology, and uses a different sample of participants. For this article, complete the following: 1) Include the full, proper citation for the article in APA format (1 mark) 2) In 2-3 sentences, describe how this article relates to the one you selected from above and why you opted to include it (e.g. how is it similar/different? Why did they use a different population, methodology, etc? Did it answer a question you had after reading the selected article?) (2 marks) You must use the “Anatomy of a Research Article” worksheet to complete the required questions for each article and use the subheadings for each required component. This assignment should not exceed 2-3 pages. You should have an “article anatomy” for each of your 2 articles and 1 additional article selected that is related to one of your articles. Articles to select from: 1. Margo Gardner and Laurence Steinberg. “Peer influence on risk taking, risk preference, and risky decision making in adolescence and adulthood: an experimental study.” This study is about the effect of peers on risky decision-making among adolescents and adults. Developmental Psychology, Volume 41, Issue 4 (2005) 2. Jason Lanter. “Spectator identification with the team and participation in celebratory violence.” This study is about how identification with a sports team (i.e. being a big fan) leads to behavioural changes, such as violence, after games. Journal of Sport Behavior, Volume 34, Issue 3 (2011) 3. Daniel Wright and Joanne Stroud. “Age differences in line-up identification accuracy: people are better with their own age.” This study is about how people identify criminal culprits in police line-ups when the culprit is a similar or different age than them. Law and Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 6 (2002) 4. Caroline Donovan, Susan Spence, and Sonja March. “Does an online CBT program for anxiety impact upon sleep problems in anxious youth?” This study is about whether an online therapy program can help improve sleep problems for youth with anxiety disorders. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Volume 46, Issue 2 (2017) 5. Shai Danziger, Jonathan Levav, and Liora Avnaim-Pesso. “Extraneous factors in judicial decisions.” This study is about how judges made parole decisions based on whether they were made before or after a snack or lunch break. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Volume 108, Issue 17 (2011) 6. Michael Sayette, Erik Reichle, and Jonathan Schooler. “Lost in the sauce: the effects of alcohol on mind wandering.” This study is about how peoples’ minds wandered (i.e. day-dreamed, lost focus) depending on whether they had consumed alcohol or a placebo. Psychological Science, Volume 20, Issue 6 (2009) 7. Clara Hill, Dorli Satterwhite, Maria Larrimore, Aliya Mann, Victoria Johnson, Rachel Simon, Alexandra Simpson, and Sarah Knox. “Attitudes about psychotherapy: a qualitative study of introductory psychology students who have never been in psychotherapy and the influence of attachment style.” This study is about undergraduates’ beliefs about psychotherapy and reasons people may or may not seek it out. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, Volume 12, Issue 1 (2012) 8. Eric Rasmussen and David Ewoldsen. “Dr. Phil and Psychology Today as self-help treatments of mental illness: a content analysis of popular psychology programming.” This study is about how mental illnesses are portrayed in popular media sources, such as TV and a website, and how each discusses mental health treatment options. Journal of Health Communication, Volume 18, Issue 5 (2013) 9. Edson Tandoc Jr., Patrick Ferrucci, and Margaret Duffy. “Facebook use, envy, and depression among college students: is facebooking depressing?” This study is about how envy and depression are affected by using Facebook among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 43, no issue # (2015) 10. Benedikt Fischer, Jenny Rodopoulos, Jurgen Rehm, and Andrew Ivsins. “Toking and driving: characteristics of Canadian university students who drive after cannabis use – an exploratory pilot study.” This study explores university students’ reasons for driving a car after smoking cannabis and the factors that affect their decisions to do so. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, Volume 13, Issue 2 (2006)

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