


Wellness Education Program

A wellness educational plan is implemented in organizations to motivate employees and families of employees to make changes and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Wellness programs can be voluntary, educational and offer incentives to participate in programs to promote health and prevent and manage diseases.(Schneider, Bassett , Rider , & Saunders, 2016). The Affordable Care Act separates wellness programs into two different categories, a participatory program and a health contingent program. A participatory program is voluntary and open to any employees and their family. A health contingent program is based on a reward for achieving a specific goal. A health contingent program focuses on giving a reward for participating in an activity without an outcomes or maintaining a health outcome to receive a reward (Rook, September 8, 2015).Smoking tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, leading to cancer, cardiac issues and other major health concerns. Chronic health conditions, such as COPD, pneumonia and the flu are a few of the most common and costly issues of lung disease associated with tobacco use in the United States. Therefore, many healthcare organizations have taken approaches to implement smoking cessation wellness programs for their employees (American Lung Association, 2017) . In addition to implementing a wellness program targeting smoking cessation, the organization needs to include cultural considerations and other diversity issues. According to thestatistics, Hispanics are the second largest ethnic group and the fastest growing minority group inthe United States making the most common non-English language Spanish (The United States Census Bureau website, n.d.).
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WELLNESS EDUCATION PROGRAM3Wellness Educational Program ProposalObjectiveDecrease dependency on tobacco products by staff and staff families by offering programs on smoking cessation. The wellness program will consist of an educational program, a smoking cessation program given quarterly and an outcome-based tobacco free program. Participatory Educational Smoking Cessation ProgramThe educational smoking cessation program is a voluntary program for employees and their families to provide general health information. There is no reward incentive and the educational material can be implemented throughout the workplace with posters, newsletters on smoking cessation and smoking cessation classes or seminars. Utilizing different teaching styles,such as visuals, hands-on approach and verbal/written material will allows more individuals to benefit from the program. The educa……………………………………..

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