Cancer”, its a disease that has claim the lives of millions, its a disease that so far has no known cure, and its a disease that has many different forms. Cancer is defined as “a malignant form of tumors, which are tissue masses that arise through mutations in the genes that govern cell growth and division” (Starr, 1999, p. 213). Skin cancer is just one of the many forms of cancer that effects us and is the most common cancer in the U.S. Like so many others, I would assume that the major cause of skin cancer was the ultraviolet rays from the sun.… [tags: Cancer]
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559 words | (1.6 pages) | Preview
Cancer and Epigenetics
– Cancer is a horrible disease that takes thousands of loved ones from their families every year, while millions of dollars are being pumped into cancer research, in hope to find a cure. An area of cancer research that does not get much publicity is epigenetics, which is the study of the heritable changes in DNA that do not affect the DNA sequence itself. Epigenetics plays a significant role in understanding the heritable functions of DNA and how cancer is formed. It is through exploring specific epigenetic changes scientists hope to further understand why these changes occur, and how they affect the DNA…. [tags: Cancer, Disease, Cancer Research, Treatment]
1508 words | (4.3 pages) | Preview
Research Paper on Breast Cancer
– According to the American Cancer Society, Each year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore Twelve percent of all women will contract the disease, and 3.5% of them will die from breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2005). There are risk factors that may lead to breast cancer. There are 4 stages of breast cancer and several treatments, although treatments vary from types and stages of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old (Breast Cancer, 2009).Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably…. [tags: Breast Cancer]
1438 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview
Telomere Defence Mechanisms and Cancer
– Telomere defence mechanisms have been recommended as potential targets for new anti-cancer interventions (Folini and Zaffaroni, 2005), as unlimited proliferative possibility has been identified as one of the six hallmarks of cancer. The selective reactivation of telomerase largely in human tumours, the ability to obstruct its expression or function is being actively explored. This includes the use of various approaches aimed, firstly to prevent the enzyme’s catalytic activity; secondly to obstruct the expression of its components (i.e…. [tags: Cancer Research]
862 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview
Colorectal Cancer: Tracking Metastasis and Tricking Cancer
– Colorectal cancer: Colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is found in the colon and the rectum and has become one of the most common forms of malignant cancer (Cross & Underwood, 2013). Approximately 50% of cancers have been located in the rectum, and 30% have been in the sigmoid colon (Cross & Underwood, 2013). Cancers found in the rectum are usually ulcer type tumours which are easily detected by rectal bleeding (Cross & Underwood, 2013). Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in males and females (AIHW, 2012a)…. [tags: Cancer, lymphoma, melanoma]
925 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview
Fighting Cancer in Canada
– Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada, responsible for nearly 30% of all deaths in Canada (Canadian Cancer Statistics, 2013). According to Statistics Canada, nearly half of Canadians (45 % of male and 42 % of female) develop the cancer in their life and quarter of them has a terminal prognosis (Statistic Canada, 2013). Due to increased mortality rate over a period of time, cancer became the first priority of Oncologist and health care professionals to develop any method to stop or at least limit the fast killing action of cancer…. [tags: Cancer in Canada]
1604 words | (4.6 pages) | Preview
Patients with Cancer
– This paper explores different peer-reviewed articles that attempts to shed some light on the phenomenon of the lived experience of patients with cancer; supporting the fact that individuality is a huge factor in the care of cancer patients. Manu types of cancers exist and patients should be treated as individuals versus as a disease or diagnosis. As oncology nurses we accumulate knowledge on a daily basis that may be revised in practice. Therefore, it becomes our innate duty to visit the literature and gain the understanding and evidence that will help us in improving our practice of nursing…. [tags: Health, Nursing, Breast Cancer, ]
2083 words | (6 pages) | Preview
An Overview of Cancer in Australia
– … Disease burden is measured in Disability-adjusted Life Years (DALYs), the number of years lost due to premature death or disability. Thus, this consists of Years of Life Lost (YLLs) and Years of Healthy Life Lost (YLDs) (AIHW, Cancer in Australia an overview). YLD for cancers can include adverse effects of treatment including chemotherapy, and further psychosocial effects. CRC has both a high YLL and high YLD, with 2010 figures placing it second for YLLs (55, 800 YLLs), and third for YLDs (12, 400 YLDs) (AIHW, Cancer in Australia an overview)…. [tags: prostate and breast cancer]
791 words | (2.3 pages) | Preview
Immunotherapy, What it Means for Cancer Treatments
– For years the go to cancer treatment has been very invasive and often created hardships for patients. Today we are on the fast track of a breakthrough that could redefine typical cancer treatments, one that could and will save thousands who are at risk. According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), despite great efforts to develop better treatments, more than 7.6 million people worldwide died from cancer alone in 2013, with that number growing each year (CDC 2014). It would be unlikely that there will ever be a single cure for all cancers…. [tags: Cancer Treatment, Invasive, Cancer patients]
953 words | (2.7 pages) | Preview
Analysis and Description of Pancreatic Cancer
– What is Pancreatic Cancer. Pancreatic Cancer is cancer of an organ in the human body called the pancreas, which is located behind the lower part of the stomach. The function of this organ is to secrete certain essential enzymes to digest food and also secrete hormones to metabolize sugars such as insulin and glucagon (Mayoclinic). People get pancreatic cancer when the cells of the pancreas develop genetic mutations; and these can form in both the exocrine and endocrine cells of the pancreas, but exocrine tumors are more common than endocrine tumors…. [tags: cancer, pancreas, epigenetics]
1728 words | (4.9 pages) | Preview
The Battle to Beat Breast Cancer
– The Battle to Beat Breast Cancer Breast cancer impacts women and their friends and loved ones in so many different ways. Breast cancer can be devastating. Many women die yearly due to breast cancer. Families are shattered by this killer. Spouses are left to try and pick up the pieces and carry on without their companions. Men are left to raise their children without their mothers. Children are left to face life’s journeys without their mothers. There are ways to detect breast cancer and if detected early, may possibly be the difference between life and death…. [tags: women, cancer treatment]
1174 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
Cause and Effects of Pancretic Cancer
– Pancreatic cancer can show various symptoms or signs to people in the body. Majority of the time, symptoms are not apparent until the cancer has developed and spread in the area. These symptoms that develop are not specific in the pancreas, because they mirror other problems. If the cancer is in the head of the pancreas, it can cause symptoms like nausea, jaundice, weight loss, itching, dark urine, abdominal pain, back pain, light stool color, and vomiting. In the body or tail of the pancreas, the symptoms could be weight loss and belly and/or back pain…. [tags: symptoms, factors, cause, cancer]
1071 words | (3.1 pages) | Preview
An Evaluation of Be Clear on Cancer
– The aim of this essay is to evaluate the implications of the recent government health initiative ‘Be Clear on Cancer’. Here, a brief history of why the initiative was introduced in relation to public health and the political agenda will be discussed. However, it is first essential to understand how the modern healthcare has been shaped by historic and recent developments. Furthermore, understanding the influence on healthcare practice of healthcare theories and various models will be investigated in this essay…. [tags: Cancer and Public Health]
2019 words | (5.8 pages) | Preview
Use of PET for the Detection of Cancer
– Prostate cancer imaging with 18F-fluorocholine A combination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy is generally used for the detection of prostate cancer [17]. However, conventional prostate biopsy, even using 6–12 needle samples, is susceptible to sampling error with a false- negative rate as high as 30–40% [18, 19]. In addition, postradiotherapy prostate biopsies are prone to problems in interpretation (due to the presence of radiation effects and the lack of knowledge of the time required for residual tumour to become nonviable after radiation [20]) and transrectal ultrasound-guided sextant biopsy typically understages disease in patients with… [tags: Prostate cancer imaging]
1592 words | (4.5 pages) | Preview
How is Cancer created and Breast Cancer Analysis
– Our Bodies seem to amaze us with what they are capable of. Birth till death, our lives are a continuous cycle. The life of a cancer cell amazes me from where it begins and where it ends off. In breast cancer, the cancer cell is much more fascinating.What causes the cells to start their cancerous cycle.The factors that cause the activation of dormant cancer cells are, radiation, health, lifestyle and genetics. Our bodies are the holders of over 60-90 trillion cells. Once a cells dies out, a new one is born; using the process of mitosis…. [tags: cancer cells, cancerous cycle, mitosis]
1404 words | (4 pages) | Preview
Cancer: What Everyone Should Know
– Cancer: What Everyone Should Know Cancer bombarded an estimate of 1,638,910 people in the United States alone and killed roughly 577,190 people ( Nearly half of the people who were diagnosed with cancer died, why. It is not because Oncologists are not caring for the patients properly or that cancer research is not progressing. It is simply because awareness about cancer is at a bare minimum. It is true, some cultures dedicate the month of October to Breast Cancer Awareness, but Breast Cancer is not the only cancer that intrudes people’s bodies…. [tags: cancer, tumor, disease, cancer awareness]
2363 words | (6.8 pages) | Preview
The HPV Vaccine and Its Effect on Cancer Screening and Prevention
– The HPV vaccine and its effect on cancer screening and prevention Introduction Human Papillomavirus(HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) around 20 million people are infected with HPV and additional 6.2 million people are newly infected every year. According to National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2003-2004 among sexually active women (57% of 14 to 19 years and 97% of 20 to 59 years) HPV was highest prevalent in youngest age group (40% of 14-19 years and 50% of 20-24 years)…. [tags: HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer]
1653 words | (4.7 pages) | Preview
Tracking Metastasis and Tricking Cancer
– Carcinoma is a cancer that begins to develop in epithelial cells. These cells include the lining or tissue of an organ or in the skin (Australian Institute of Health Welfare & Australasian Association of Cancer, 2012). There are two types of carcinoma cells, basal cells and squamous cells (American Cancer Society, 2012). Basal cell carcinomas are the cells that develop in the basal cell layer of the epidermis (American Cancer Society, 2012). Squamous cell carcinomas are cells that are more likely to develop in the fatty tissue beneath the skin (American Cancer Society, 2012)…. [tags: Carcinoma, metastasis, cancer]
894 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview
Cancer: Risk for Thromboembolic Events
– Cancer is a recognized risk for thromboembolic events (TEE) with rates in this population being up to four higher than the general population [1,2]. Indeed, up to 30% of TEE occur in cancer patients [3-5]. These events, in addition to attendant morbidity and mortality contribute additional economic burden to the health care system with costs of hospital management estimated at about $20,000 per patient [6,7]. TEE are held to be the second leading cause of death in cancer patients [8] and patients with TEE over all have poorer outcomes with a 2 fold increase in death rate within 2 years of diagnosis in patients with breast cancer [9]…. [tags: breast cancer patients]
3056 words | (8.7 pages) | Preview
Designing Cancer Vaccine against Lung Cancer
– Lung cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide both in men and women. It accounts for nearly 1.2 million deaths per year. Over the last few years many advances have been made in the field of surgery, chemotherapy and radiations for treating this deadly cancer but they are unlikely to result in cure. Lung cancer is associated with very bad prognosis. So there is a dire need of developing novel therapeutic vaccines for improving prognosis of this disease Cancer therapeutic vaccines are designed to regulate the host tumour interactions in order to shift the balance from tumour acceptance to tumour control…. [tags: Lung Cancer, Cause of Death, Treatments]
1690 words | (4.8 pages) | Preview
Women Coping with Breast Cancer
– Women Coping with Breast Cancer Coping has been closely connected to stress; it involves a process by which a person attempts to restore balance in response to a stressful life event (Henderson, Gore, Davis, and Condon, 2003). The most common cancer among Canadian women in 2010 is breast cancer. An average of 445 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and an average of 100 Canadian women will die of breast cancer every week (Canadian Cancer Society, 2010). Coping with breast cancer has been defined as being emotionally and physically challenging for women and their families (Henderson et Al., 2003)…. [tags: Health, Diseases, Cancer Diagnosis]
1682 words | (4.8 pages) | Preview
Chemotherapy Effects in Cancer Patients
– Chemotherapy Effects in Cancer Patients When we hear the words, cancer treatment, our minds naturally shoot straight to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is one of the most commonly used ways to treat cancer. Chemotherapy did not have original plans to treat cancer patients, but it did have other plausible problems to aid. After WWII, lymphoma, a form of chemotherapy, was used to help soldiers who were harmed by mustard gas (Chemo Brain, 2012). This medical advancement continued to progress into what we now know as chemotherapy…. [tags: Cancer Treatments, Chemotherapy History]
1190 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
How Women Cope with Cancer Major Challenges
– This article presented the readers with a clear purpose for this research. The researchers wanted to look at the uncertainties that young women that are survivors of cancer face, and how they cope with these major challenges and changes in their life that they are faced with after surviving breast cancer. This article focuses on younger breast cancer survivors (BCS) because breast cancer is seen more often in older women, the writers state that there is little research done on the stress of survivorship in younger women…. [tags: breast cancer, cancer survivors]
514 words | (1.5 pages) | Preview
Prostate Cancer and PSA Testing
– Introduction Prostate Cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer affecting men and the second leading cause of cancer death among American men (Qaseem, Denberg, Owens, & Shekelle, 2013). Medical professionals have been using prostate specific antigen (PSA) screenings along with digital rectal exam (DRE) for many years to screen for prostate cancer. PSA was first identified in 1966 in semen, followed by the identification of PSA in blood in 1979. The PSA test has been approved for use since 1994 to detect early prostate cancer…. [tags: Pros, Cons, Prostate Cancer]
1251 words | (3.6 pages) | Preview
Common Types of Cancer
– “Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected” (What Is Cancer. What Causes Cancer?,1). Most cancers harm the body when cells begin to divide and form lumps of tissue called tumors. However, leukemia affects cells in the blood stream. While some tumors can grow to affect many different systems in the body, some are not dangerous and are referred to as benign tumors…. [tags: cell growth, cancer colon]
1467 words | (4.2 pages) | Preview
Overview of Breast Cancer
– If you or a loved one were diagnosed with breast cancer, how would you feel. You would probably feel very afraid and worried. Breast cancer is a common and potentially deadly form of cancer that affects both men and women. There are risk factors for getting the disease and there are different types of treatment for people who have been diagnosed with the disease. There are also steps that people can take to try to prevent getting breast cancer or at least catch it early. Luckily there are many organizations working to raise awareness of the disease, to educate the public about it, and to support research about it…. [tags: lung cancer, swollen breast]
1019 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer Community Resources
– Breast cancer is the predominant form of cancer diagnosed in America women, second only to skin cancer and the primary cause of cancer deaths, surpassed only by lung cancer. Approximations suggest that one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during the course of their life (American Cancer Society, 2013). As with any disease, a diagnosis of breast cancer can be tremendously challenging and freighting experience not only during the time of treatment and post treatment, but also as a survivor of the disease…. [tags: health, lung cancer]
899 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview
Cancer: The Virulent Disease
– An ordinary human body contains approximately one trillion cells and precisely 46 chromosomes in each cell. However, the human body can be altered by a genetic mutation. Over the course of history, genetic mutations have had a large impact on the human race. They have brought harm to numerous amounts of people. Cancer, in particular, is one of the most lethal diseases. Cancer begins when a portion of DNA inside a chromosome is damaged, causing a cell to mutate. Then, the mutated cell reproduces multiple times and creates a tumor…. [tags: Cancer, tobbacco, chromosomes]
858 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview
The American Cancer Society
– The American Cancer Society is a volunteer-based organization that is present across the United States. Its main purpose is to raise money and awareness about the severity and prevalence of cancer. Cancer education and research is where most of the focus and monetary donations are used for. The American Cancer Society strives to fulfill their goal of “less cancer and more birthdays” across all generations and populations (ACS Inc., 2011). The American Cancer Society began its fight in 1913, starting as the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC), which included fifteen members in New York City (ACS Inc, 2011)…. [tags: Cancer Education, Research, medical]
878 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview
Colon Cancer Awareness
– In Hacienda Heights, California, Elsie Garcia a 67 year old female patient would evade the colonoscopy screening for four years which would screen for colon cancer is alive and healthy today due to a new test called FIT (fecal immunochemical test) which is less invasive than the American Cancer Society “Gold Standard “colonoscopy. She would schedule appointments for the procedure but would cancel in fear of the risk related to having colonoscopies. A Colonoscopy is considered the best way of screening for potential cancerous polyps is considered generally safe but the risk of colon perforation during the procedure is 1 in 1000 cases which would lead to serious complications…. [tags: Colorectal Cancer]
747 words | (2.1 pages) | Preview
Genetic Changes in Cancer
– Cancer (otherwise defined medically as a malignant neoplasm) is a group of diseases which are associated with dynamic aberrations in the genome and consequent losses in the regulatory mechanisms which govern normal cell proliferation and homeostasis. There are two important classes of genes involved in the control and homeostasis of the cell-cycle both of which play key roles with respect to cancer – the oncogenes and tumour-suppressor genes. Oncogenic precursors known as proto-oncogenes are genes encoding proteins involved in signalling systems that control cell growth and differentiation – typically being involved in signal transduction pathways and execution of mitogenic signalling (Ell… [tags: Disease, Cancer Cells]
681 words | (1.9 pages) | Preview
Correlation Between Cancer and Latinos
– Literature Review Null hypothesis: There exists no correlation between receiving a diagnosis of cancer and being either Hispanic or Latino. Alternative hypothesis: There exists a correlation between having a cancer diagnosis and being either Hispanic or Latino. Dependent variable: cancer diagnosis. Independent variable: Hispanic or Latino. My hypothesis seeks to establish that there is no direct correlation between being Hispanic/Latino and receiving a cancer diagnosis. I believe that it is not a direct causation of being Hispanic/Latino that leads individuals to developing cancer…. [tags: Education, Poverty, Health Insurance, Cancer]
1587 words | (4.5 pages) | Preview
How Cancer Effects the Cells, the Body, and their Offspring
– Have you ever wondered how cancer forms. Well, cancer starts when a cell’s DNA becomes altered. When the DNA is altered, the cells reproduce without restriction and do not die like a normal cell. These extra cells form a mass of tissue that is a tumor. Cancer forms in the genes of our cells, and is able to be carried in the offspring of the person with cancer. The cells are the basic units of life. Cells contain DNA that make up genes. Genes are instructions for the cells to make certain proteins…. [tags: Cancer Essays]
925 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview
The Science of Lung Cancer and its Treatment
– 12,800 males and 10,700 females are diagnosed with lung cancer each year.(CancerCa)The lungs are vital organs in our body which are located in the chest. Lungs bring oxygen into our body and release carbon dioxide.( oncologychannelCom) The lungs are respiratory organs that are important because they take in fresh oxygen to your blood which is then carried to your cells. Cancer occurs when mitosis goes “wild”. This means that cell division keeps dividing uncontrollably. This happens because some of the genes in the cell have been damaged or lost…. [tags: Lung Cancer, diseases, medical, ]
1007 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview
Biology Summative: Telomeres, Telomerase, and Cancer
– … As a result, better cancer treatment would revolutionize society by saving thousands of lives every year. Furthermore, governments and institutions around the word spend billions of dollars on research cancer; better cancer treatment as a result of research in cancer and telomeres would save the world a lot of money in the future. Lastly, the future applications of this research will lead to advancement in medical technologies. Thus, the links between telomeres and cancer and the discoveries being made on them is changing the world through current and future applications that have implications for cancer treatment, society, the economy, and technology…. [tags: cancer cells, dna replication]
766 words | (2.2 pages) | Preview
Costs of Childhood Cancer Treatment and Research
– Cancer, one of the most feared words in our vocabulary of this time, especially in childhood (Druker 1). Most people when thinking of “childhood cancer” envision very young children, although a “Nation Institute of Health Policy concerning inclusion of children in clinical research defines children as being younger than twenty-one years of age while the Food and Drug Administration considers children to be fifteen years and younger” (Ries 158). That being said, most cancers incidence peak among children occurs during the first year of life (Gurney 149)…. [tags: Health, Diseases, Cancer]
2220 words | (6.3 pages) | Preview
Cervical Cancer in Caucasian Women Ages 25-35
– Cervical cancer is one cancer which can be prevented in our world today. Women need to know what causes cervical cancer along with the signs and symptoms to look for. The Pap smear screening is the test which can find cervical cancer. It is a cancer to which age does not really matter. Most women are in the menopausal phase of life when this cancer occurs. This cancer does not care about age because it does affect younger women. “Cervical Cancer is the third most common cancer in women worldwide” (Adegoke, Kulasingam &Virnig, 2012)…. [tags: Cancer, Prevention, Women, Cancer Information]
1092 words | (3.1 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer Among Women
– Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the tissue of the breast and spread to the surrounding area of the breast. This cancer most normally begins from the inner lobules of the breast, which are called the ducts and is better known as the part of the breast that makes milk. After a woman develops cancer, she is tested to determine what type of cancer she has and which treatment is best for her. Some treatments for cancer are surgery, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy and radiation. In the present day, surgery is nevertheless the best choice when dealing with breast cancer…. [tags: Cancer, Disease, Breast, Women, Information]
1471 words | (4.2 pages) | Preview
The Battle Against Cancer is Helped by Mammorgraphy
– Cancer is one of the most lethal diseases that greatly contributes to the death toll of millions people around the globe, especially breast cancer. However, as technologies are being modernized, humans took a major step forward in the battle against cancer by inventing mammography. In the past few years, mammograms helped save countless women’s lives, and consequently, it’s currently one of the leading research programs that attracts attention of many scientists. Basically, breast cancer happens when the amount of cells growth exceeds the amount of cells which die…. [tags: cancer, mammography, mammograms, ]
563 words | (1.6 pages) | Preview
Reducing Your Risk of Breast Cancer
– The one question that needs to be asked by women is “how can I reduce my risk of getting breast cancer?” because all women are at risk. It is very important that all women know how to lessen their chances of getting breast cancer because women are most vulnerable of developing the illness. It is estimated that over “192,370 women will be diagnosed with and 40,170 women will die” of breast cancer in the year 2009; both the number of diagnoses and deaths can be cut in half if women try to lower their risk of breast cancer (…. [tags: Breast Cancer, risk, medical, ]
1454 words | (4.2 pages) | Preview
Gender and Lung Cancer
– Literature Review Lung cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the lungs; it can either be in one or also in both. The growth of the lungs makes it easier for tumors to grow in them, which then causes cancer. Some symptoms that a person with lung cancer experiences is the following: coughing, pain in chest, shortness of breath, changes in voice, harsh sounds when breathing etc. There are different causes of lunch cancer in humans, the number one cause would be tobacco smoking, and other causes would be exposure to radon, secondhand smoke and air pollution (Zang, & Wynder, 1996)…. [tags: Abnnormal Cells, Lungs, Growth, Cancer]
1017 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview
History of Pancreatic Cancer and Its Mortality
– The history of pancreatic cancer is one filled with tragedy and revelation. Once long denied any recognition for its disastrous effects, it is now acknowledged as the fifth deadliest cancer in the world (Hishberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research [HFPCR], 2010). With the highest mortality rate of all major cancer, 94% of patients die within the five years of diagnosis with 74% dying within the first year, life expectancy after diagnosis is the short period of three to six months (HFPCR, 2010)…. [tags: pathology, pancreatic cancer, carcinoma]
1050 words | (3 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer 1 Early Onset Gene Analysis
– Breast cancer is one of the most common and important diseases that affect women and ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer mortality in American women1. These cancers are triggered by germline mutations on the C-terminal of a gene called BRCA1 (or “Breast Cancer 1, Early Onset Gene”) tumor suppressor. The BRCA1 gene is located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 17 at region 2 band 1, consists of 24 exons and encodes a multidomain protein of 1863 amino acid residues in human2. The BRCA1 proteins produced from BRCA1 gene help preventing cells from growing and dividing too rapidly or in an uncontrolled way3…. [tags: breast cancer, cancer, brca1 protein]
791 words | (2.3 pages) | Preview
The Risks of Melanoma Skin Cancer
– You just left your doctor’s office from a routine checkup, you feel healthy. However, your doctor ordered more tests to be done, slightly concerned; your doctor calls you the next day to return to his office. Your doctor tells you that you have “Melanoma Skin Cancer”. Your body goes numb, you have just been diagnosed with cancer; not to mention stage four skin cancer. You do not understand how this could have happened to you especially since you are so young and lead an active lifestyle. Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, “every, one in five people in the United States will develop skin cancer in their lifetime (“Skin Cancer Foundation”)…. [tags: skin cancer, uv rays, dna mutation]
1176 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
The Use of Melittin As An Anti-cancer Drug
– Over the centuries, the venom of animals has had its range of uses, from cosmetics to the treatment of various illnesses. Quite some years ago, there was a mortality study conducted on beekeepers, which showed that there was a slightly lower mortality incidence of cancer in beekeepers than in normal people [1]. This sparked and interest into the venom of honeybees (Apis meliffera) [2] and its effects on cancerous cells. Bee venom is used to treat a variety of conditions. One condition that seems to be most popular in all the research is cancer…. [tags: bee venom, cancer, melittin]
1230 words | (3.5 pages) | Preview
Cancer Cells and the Insulin-Growth Proteins
– What if we use what our bodies already produce and use that to combat cancer. Proteins are large molecules that have multifunctional roles in our bodies. They are involved in almost all of our cell functions, like carrying and distributing oxygen throughout our bodies to creating our skin cells. They are the structure to all of our biological cells within all living things. A couple of scientists, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, conducted several experiments manipulating and creating proteins to inhibit breast cancer cells and colon cancer cells from developing…. [tags: cancer, protein, hormone]
1006 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview
The American Cancer Society and the Relay For Life
– On April 9th, 2014, The American Cancer Society sponsored Relay For Life in support of people who have battled cancer, who have lost loved ones, and who will continue to fight against the disease. This event was suitable for our Tobacco team because it allowed us to educationally campaign the harmful dangers that are correlated with smoking or chewing tobacco. After several meetings of preparing, our group was able to attend Relay For Life and achieve effective tobacco awareness activities, interactions, results, and analytical data…. [tags: The American Cancer Society, tobacco]
1203 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
China Cancer Villages: Annotated Bibliographies
– Cao, Jie, et al. “Association Between Long-Term Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollution and Mortality in China: A Cohort Study.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 186.2/3 (2011): 1594-1600. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Cao states that China’s air pollution is causing an increase in mortality, rates of hospital admissions, exacerbation of chronic respiratory conditions, and decreased lung function. A test was conducted comparing long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution and mortality in a countrywide representative cohort in China…. [tags: pollution, china, urban, cancer]
1986 words | (5.7 pages) | Preview
Animal Testing: A Research on Mice and Cancer
– … Replacing experiments on animals with alternative techniques such as experimenting on cell cultures instead of whole animals is used. Such implications can occur due to the fact that the animal does not have consent to be presented as a tool in this experiment. Hypothesis H0(i): There is no significant difference between the mean of the reaction time in each gene absent of the 2 different groups of treatments compared to the untreated control group. (Null) H1(i): There is a significant difference between the mean of the reaction time in each gene absent of the 2 different groups of treatments compared to the untreated control group…. [tags: brain cancer, temozolomide]
1263 words | (3.6 pages) | Preview
Atrial Myxoma: Cancer Research
– The cancer I chose to research is Atrial Myxoma. This is the most common form of primary heart tumors. These occur largely in adults, more specifically women. The age range is predicted to be three to eighty-three years of age. In sporadic cases, the mean age is fifty-six. In familial cases, the mean age is twenty-five. Seventy-five percent are found in women. Most of these tumors are benign, meaning they can be removed without causing death or serious injury to one’s body. There are two different places where this cancer can be found; the left Atrium and the right Atrium…. [tags: cancer, heart tumors, atrial myxoma]
668 words | (1.9 pages) | Preview
Breast Cancer- Leading Cause of Death
– Breast cancer continues to be the leading cause of death for middle aged women. In the past year, there were over 194,000 new cases of breast cancer in the U.S., approximately 20% of which did not access treatment in time despite the availability of educational resources. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in a female or male’s breast cells. Though the condition is not gender specific, it is most prevalent in middle aged to older women. It’s malignant foundation causes it to also conquer surrounding tissues if left untreated…. [tags: Middle Aged Women, Cancer, Treatment]
1442 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview
Colon Cancer Research Should Receive More Government Funding
– “I know people are pretty well embarrassed just at the mention of colon cancer. Sticking a tube in you to find out what’s wrong is not a nice thing. But I can tell them, a 30- or 40 minute test is worth it. We have to make them feel more comfortable about getting screened.” (Eric Davis). Most people are not exactly sure what colon cancer is. Colon cancer forms in the cells of the colon walls. Colon cancer is a deadly cancer and can easily be prevented if more people were open to talking about it…. [tags: Colon Cancer ]
2308 words | (6.6 pages) | Preview
Pancreatic Cancer
– Pancreatic cancer is when malignant cancer cells are found in the tissue of the pancreas. The pancreas is an organ found behind the stomach, in front of the spine. It is divided into three different sections: the head, body, and tail. The head is located at the wider end of the pancreas and the tail towards the narrow end. The pancreas is made up of two different glands. They are the exocrine and endocrine glands (Bethesda, 2013). The pancreas has two different functions. The exocrine gland secretes a pancreatic juice into the intestines…. [tags: health, pancreatic cancer]
1319 words | (3.8 pages) | Preview
Colon Cancer Disease
– “Once colon cancer becomes symptomatic, nine times out of ten it is too late” (“Colon Quotes”). Colon cancer has always been an issue in the world. It is a deadly cancer that has killed many over the years. Colon cancer affects both men and women as they get older. There have been many deaths and diagnosis over the years because of colon cancer. It affects patients, families, and friends because of the battles the patients have to go through. Colon cancer is a deadly cancer that puts many through tough battles…. [tags: Symptomatic, Deadly Cancer, Death, Diagnosis]
1293 words | (3.7 pages) | Preview
Uterine Cancer
– There are many different types of uterine cancer that can affect a woman during any stage in life. Endometrial cancer is a cancer that forms in the lining of the endometrium of the uterus and is also one of the most common types of uterine cancers. Another type of uterine cancer is Adenocarcinoma. While Adenocarcinoma can be found in many parts of the body, it is also found in the uterus because of the mucus-secreting glands. Another type of cancer that can be found in many places of the body is Sarcoma…. [tags: Endometrial Cancer, Adenocarcinoma]
2152 words | (6.1 pages) | Preview
Thyroid Cancer
– INTRODUCTION Thyroid cancer is a relatively rare tumor but it is the most common endocrine malignancy worldwide and has increasingly become a public health problem over the past two decades [1]. In recent years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased at an alarming rate, especially in developed countries. Thyroid cancer is the tenth most common cancer in Canada [2]. Furthermore, the incidence rate of thyroid cancer is increasing more rapidly than any other cancer in Canada [3, 4]…. [tags: Thyroid Cancer Research Paper]
2504 words | (7.2 pages) | Preview
Lung Cancer: A Leading Cause of Death Today
– Lung cancer is on of the leading causes of death today. Lung cancer is a type of neoplasm cancer and is given its name but the site of where the cancer is located. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine states, “ Most lung cancers develop in the cells that line the bronchi.” Lung cancer can take many years to develop and some have no idea that they even have it until it grows large enough to impede the function of the lungs. There are two different types of tumors the benign, which means that it does not spread and stops growing or the malignant where they grow and spread…. [tags: a type of neoplasm cancer]
1591 words | (4.5 pages) | Preview
Mesothelioma Cancer
– Mesothelioma is a cancer that is easily mistaken for lung cancer but is actually a cancer in the lining of organs within the body called the mesothelium; it can affect a person mostly in the chest cavity and in the abdominal. Exposure to asbestos, radiation, and Zeolite are the main causes of a person developing Mesothelioma. Smoking is not a prime cause of Mesothelioma, but a combination of smoking and exposure to asbestos increases the risk of developing the cancer and sometimes it’s found to be genetic…. [tags: lung cancer, lining of the organs]
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What is Breast Cancer? What is the Cause of it?
– What is Breast Cancer. What is the Cause of it. Breast cancer is cancer cells that develop in the breast of a woman. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma in situ. The cancer cells develop in the milk ducts of the breast. Doctors and researchers do not exactly know the cause of cancer. All they know is that it usually occurs when a cell’s DNA is damaged. When cells in the breast start to develop abnormally they begin to develop quicker than the normal cells. They also keep multiplying, causing them to metastasize throughout the breast to the persons lymph nodes and sometimes other parts of the body…. [tags: Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, Cancer Cells, Milk Ducts]
1315 words | (3.8 pages) | Preview
HPV & Cervical Cancer
– HPV & Cervical Cancer – What Every Woman Should Know I was eighteen years old when I had my first abnormal pap smear. I received a call from my OB/GYN’s office and was informed that I had the Human Papilloma Virus show up on my pap smear. This was the first pap smear I had ever had, and I was terrified. The news got worse. I researched this virus and learned that it was actually a sexually transmitted disease that could either cause cervical cancer, or genital warts. I didn’t understand, I had been with my boyfriend for five years and he was my first partner…. [tags: HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer]
2544 words | (7.3 pages) | Preview
Can Teflon Cause Cancer? : Facts & Myths
– … It is also a chemical that does not react to other chemicals which may come into contact with it. Perfluorooctanoic acid ([PFOA] also known as C8), is another man-made chemical that is used in the manufacturing process of Teflon. And although during the manufacturing process much of this acid is actually burned off, still an insignificant (?) amount is actually left within the final product. The problem is, this insignificant amount of PFOA that does not get burned away, may actually be questionable as to how much of a risk remains within the product…. [tags: harmful, cancer, remoteness, chemical]
523 words | (1.5 pages) | Preview
Melanoma: The Most Dangerous Forms of All Skin Cancer
– Melanoma is known to be the most dangerous forms of all skin cancers. These brown coloured cancerous growths develop when unrepaired DNA has committed damage to the body’s skin cells. It is known that it is the most commonly triggered by vigorous amounts of sunshine, over excessive use of tanning bed and UV lights which result in making mutations in the skin that produces the skin cells to over multiply at a quick rate which can eventually form nasty tumours. How is Melanoma caused. Melanoma is caused by over exposure to UV which can sometimes cause sunburn, it can be especially critical to those whom are inclined to the disease itself…. [tags: skin cancer, unrepaired DNA]
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Brain Cancer
– When you think of Brain cancer what do you think of. I think of it as millions of people being killed by it each year. It hard to think of someone that you love could die of something as that but it happens. Brain cancer is a malignant tumor that causes people to die. Some can be removed, and some can not. So over the past decades they have been trying to treat people. It has been working but not all the way. People get the cancer back and sometimes it cant be controlled and people die. Brain cancer is really deadly and kills millions each year…. [tags: malignant tumor, cancer cells, treatment]
969 words | (2.8 pages) | Preview
– 1. Prostate Cancer 1.1 Understanding the prostate The prostate is a gland part of the male reproductive system; it is located below the bladder and above the rectum surrounding all the way around the first portion of the urethra below the bladder. It helps in the production of the seminal fluid that helps carry the sperm during ejaculation. One of the most common prostate problem is benign prostate growth that, over time, can compress the urethra and cause difficulty to urinate. 1.2 Risk factors for prostate cancer No one knows exactly what causes the disease…. [tags: Cancer Research paper]
2879 words | (8.2 pages) | Preview
Differences in Cancer Stem Cell Properties in Human Colon Cancer Cell Lines HCT116 and HT29
– Summary: Background and objective. Tumor heterogeneity is shown to be related to clinical outcome in cancer patients. The concept of a small subset of cancer stem cells being responsible for tumor relapse and metastasis comes out as a promising strategy for targeted cancer therapy. However, cancer stem cells are not easy to identify and isolate. The aim of this study was to determine the putative colon cancer stem cell subsets in human colon cancer cell lines HCT116 and HT29, which differ in their aggressiveness and differentiation capacity…. [tags: tumor heterogeneity, coln cancer]
1838 words | (5.3 pages) | Preview
Lung Cancer: The Relationship Between Gender, Age, and Ethnicity
– … The responses were: male (2,969) or female (4,696). Second, “Which one or more of the following would you say is your race?” The responses were: White (5853); African American (743); Asian (227); American Indian/Alaskan Native (179); Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (30); refused (42); and don’t know (99). Finally, “How likely do you think it is that you will develop cancer in the future. Would you say your chances of getting cancer is…” The responses were: very low (1,130); somewhat low (1,729); moderate (2,872); somewhat high (995); very high (353); refused (27); and don’t know (217)…. [tags: survey, HINTS, cancer related data]
827 words | (2.4 pages) | Preview
Tumor Protein 53 and its role in Ovarian Cancer
– TP53, also called tumor protein 53 is a tumor suppressor gene that encodes p53 and acts as a control center for the cell to act on when stressed (Brachova). Human p53 is a nuclear phsophoprotein of molecular weight 53kDa located on chromosome 17 containing 11 exons and 10 introns (Ling). One of its primary roles is as a transcription factor and in its active state is a homotetramer comprised of four 393 amino acid residues (Joerger , The tumor suppressor p53). Another main role p53 plays is as a tumor suppressor and once activated, protects against cancer by “functioning as a sequence-specific transcription factor, through protein-protein interactions, activating cell cycle arrest, apoptosis… [tags: tumor protein, ovarian cancer, tp53]
2901 words | (8.3 pages) | Preview
Analysis of The most Common Diagnosed Cancer in Women
– Breast cancer is the most common diagnosed cancer in women around the world. Currently, it is suggested that approximately 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer and 1 in 28 women will die from it (Conlon, Johnson, Bewick, Lafrenie, & Donner, 2010). Over the past few years, the expectation after breast cancer treatment has not significantly improved. Therefore, it is important to identify the risk factors and causes of this cancer. Within recent years, many environmental factors have been studied with substantial relevance to breast cancer, however, one of the most controversial factors has been cigarette smoking…. [tags: breast cancer, cigarette smoking, tobacco]
863 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview
Preventing Cervical Cancer through HPV Vaccinations
– … Once differentiated biopsies are taken of the abnormal patterns. If precancerous cells are found or if any abnormal cells are found there are many treatments that can prevent cervical cancer from ever happening. If cervical cancer is found treatment will be dependent on the type of cervical cancer and the stage of the cancer. There is a surgical treatment which is where the cancerous tissue is removed, such as by a hysterectomy, Chemotherapy to slow down or stop the growth of cancer cells…. [tags: second most common cancer for women]
850 words | (2.4 pages) | Preview
Severe Hypocalcemia due to Denosumab in Metastatic Prostate Cancer
– Hypocalcemia is a rare and dangerous side effect of the drug Denosumab. We present a case of a patient with metastatic prostate cancer who developed severe hypocalcemia after the administration of the drug. A total of 80 gm of intravenous and 370 gm of oral calcium were administered in vain and a maximum ionized calcium level attained was 0.71mmol/ during the first 16 days of hospital stay. Due to worsening renal failure from tumor spread our patient needed dialysis to achieve normal calcium levels…. [tags: Side Effects, Prostate Cancer, Denosumab ]
1038 words | (3 pages) | Preview
The most Important Causative Agent of Cervical Cancer
– Human papillomavirus (HPV) a non-enveloped virus accounted as the most important causative agent of cervical cancer worldwide with more than 45,000 diagnosed cases annually (1). Even after establishment of encouraging vaccine platforms for it,s prevention due to shortages of this supplements the infection rate remained accelerating in developing country. Yet, more than 100 types of HPV distinguished by genetic analysis among them types 16 and 18 belonged to definite carcinogens group are responsible for more than 62% and 15% of cervical cancers respectively(2, 3)…. [tags: Cervical cancer, TLR, human papillomavirus]
1434 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview
Understanding Cervical Cancer
– Cervical cancer, also called cervical carcinoma, develops from abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix (McKesson Clinical…). The cervix connects the vagina and the uterus. During birth, the cervix dilates and allows a baby to pass from the womb to the birth canal (Hixson, 37). Sadly, cervical cancer used to be the common cause of cancer deaths in women, but fatalities greatly reduced since the development of the Pap smear in the 1930s (American Cancer…). Early diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer may increase the possibility of pregnancy…. [tags: HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer]
642 words | (1.8 pages) | Preview
Different Types of Cancer and Their Treatments
– Different Types of Cancer and Their Treatments All living things are made up of cells. They are the smallest things that are capable of basic life-they take in nutrients when needed, they put out waste and they reproduce. Cells divide (reproduce) at least once during their life, sometimes dozens of times. Organisms rely on this, this is how they grow or repair themselves when they are damaged. A normal body has around 30 trillion cells. Permanent gene mutations are what cause cells to malfunction…. [tags: Cancer Health Medical Essays]
5928 words | (16.9 pages) | Preview
What Lung Cancer is, How Cells Become Cancerous, and What Carcinogens Are
– In this seminar (essay) we will be discussing cancer, specifically lung cancer, what it is, how cells become cancerous, and what carcinogens are. I will begin by telling you what a cell is. A cell is most frequently referred to as the basic building block of life. The human body is made up of millions and millions of cells that provide structure for the body and carry out many functions for everyday living. Cells grow and divide all the time and sometimes become damaged. This is when they become a mutation, which will continue to affect the normal growth of cells…. [tags: Lung Cancer, Carcinogens ]
796 words | (2.3 pages) | Preview
The Relationship Between Diet and Cancer
– The Relationship Between Diet and Cancer Today we know that too much of a certain type of foods can have harmful effects on our health and well-being and we are learning that diseases such as cancer are caused in part by our dietary choices. In the 1950’s scientists discovered relationship between diet and coronary heart disease, the nations number one killer. In the last 15 year a link between cancer and diet has been discovered by scientists. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS), an organization of the nation’s foremost scientists found evidence so persuasive that in their landmark report Diet, Nutrition and Cancer of 1982 they insisted Americans to begin changing their diets to r… [tags: Cancer Dieting Health Essays]
513 words | (1.5 pages) | Preview
The Best Method of Medicine For the Treatment of Breast Cancer: CAM or Drugs
– Extensive research has been done in the field of oncology to try and determine the best and most effective methods to cure cancer. Cancer has been a very critical and long term problem that has been seen for centuries. Two distinct fields of study are the use of pharmaceutical drugs and complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Both of these fields produce drastically different results based on the side effects, effectiveness, and overall health of the treated patients. Several researchers have came to the conclusion that the best way to cure cancer would be to incorporate the practices together thus enhancing and bringing the positives from the two.Cancer is an important health problem… [tags: curing cancer, oncology, treatment]
1178 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
Does Detecting Breast Cancer with MRIs Increase the Rate of Mastectomies?
– In the last years, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become a very popular method used for the early detection of breast cancer, because it has greater sensibility than mammography. But, opponents of MRI are concerned about this type of examination because of the belief that it may increase rates of mastectomy. However, different studies have been performed and no proof of this has been recorded (Dang and Zaguiyan et al 937). Although many people think that mastectomy may increase with MRI’s, I feel that these types of screenings should be more recommendable for women at high risk for breast cancer, because cancer, if not treated on time might be fatal…. [tags: MRIs, breast cancer, mastectomies, ]
892 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview
In-silico analysis of phytocompounds for inhibition of nAChRs receptor mediated lung cancer
– Lung cancer is mostly found in cigarette smokers. Nicotine Acetyl-CoA receptor (nAChR) is found to be responsible for this cancerous activity. When cigarette containing nicotine binds with this receptor of lung cells the carcinogenic activity is initiated. Hence, there is a possibility for the prevention of lung cancer formation when the nicotine is competitively inhibited by an interfering molecule preferably from natural products. Natural products from plants have benefits like anti tumor, anti-inflammatory, and so on…. [tags: Lung Cancer, Cigarette Smoking]
1477 words | (4.2 pages) | Preview
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