Chemotherapy: A Treatment for Cancer
The side effects of chemotherapy, however, and more extreme than the ones you would see on the back of a medicine bottle. The most common side effects of chemo are nausea and vomiting, fatigue, hair loss, pain; such as headaches, muscle pain, stomach pain, and pain from nerve damage like burning, numbness, and shooting pains, all of which are most commonly felt in the fingers and toes; sores in the throat or mouth, diarrhea, constipation, and blood disorders. There is one specific side effect that patients worry about called chemo brain…. [tags: history of chemistry and technology]
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679 words | (1.9 pages) | Preview
The Mutation of Cancer Cells
– … The p53 protein is involved in the pathway (, 2014)of apoptosis. This pathway is metamorphose on when an amoeba has DNA damage that can’t be repaired. If the gene for p53 is not (, 2014)operating properly, cells with damaged DNA (, 2014)last to grow and divide. Over time this can (, 2014) induce to cancer The 2 capital sign of genes that play a (, 2014) job in cancer area unit oncogenes and neoplasm suppressor genes. (, 2014) Oncogenes most oncogenes (, 2014) area unit mutations of sure traditional genes name oncogenes…. [tags: oncogenes, treatment to inhibit or suppress them]
1753 words | (5 pages) | Preview
The Cure for Breast Cancer
– … Approximately 20 – 30% of women delay for 12 weeks or more from self-discovery of a breast symptom to presentation to a health care provider (Grunfeld, et al., 2002). In other words it takes a woman 3 months if not longer to inform her doctor that she might have breast cancer or some other problem wrong with her body. The human body is very fragile and it is very important to get the required amount of treatment needed to help with this illness. Let’s not forget that certain cases of breast cancer can take a person’s life if they are not treated in the proper amount of time…. [tags: research, disease, organization]
1598 words | (4.6 pages) | Preview
Raising Awareness on Occupational Cancer
– People usually associate work-related deaths with traumatic injuries that result fom accidents in the workplace. New reports, however, show that death claims from occupational diseases, particularly occupational cancer, have dramatically increased and have surpassed those from fatal injuries. And yet, unlike the attention given to workplace hazards that could cause traumatic injuries, public awareness of occupational hazards relating to cancer and other diseases has not increased proportionately…. [tags: Work, Disease, Employees]
538 words | (1.5 pages) | Preview
– Cancer is a genetic disease because it can be traced to alteration within specific genes, but in most cases, it is not an inherited disease. The genetic alterations that lead to most cancers arise in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of a somatic cell during the lifetime of affected individual. Because of these genetic changes, cancer cells proliferate uncontrollably, producing malignant tumour that invade surrounding healthy tissue. As long as the growth of tumour remains localized, the disease can usually be treated and cured by surgical removal of tumour…. [tags: Health, Diseases, The Tumor of Liver]
2308 words | (6.6 pages) | Preview
Testicular Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment
– When a man is diagnosed with testicular cancer, the first think that comes to his mind is death. Later, sadness, desperation and negation are the most common reactions takes over him and his whole family. Several questions about the disease and treatment arisen, as the illness is getting further examined. However, this is only the start of a long journey to beat the illness. As part of the difficult process, is an important decision is to make: to choose or not an orchiectomy surgery procedure. Orchiectomy is surgery to remove one or both testis, and it is most often done to treat testicular cancer…. [tags: orchiectomy, manhood, virility]
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Gene Therapy Applied to Cancer
– Gene therapy is a relatively new discovery in the world of science. For years, doctors and researchers have been developing biological tools that are used in gene altering today. However, in recent years, doctors have begun to investigate the possibility of healing diseases through the process of gene therapy. Gene therapy is an experimental medical process that through which, doctors seeks to strengthen the body by replacing missing and damaged genes. Some people believe that replacing the genes that were not given to them at birth, or tampering with someone’s natural genes is considered unethical…. [tags: ethics, science, effectiveness, treatment, cells]
2128 words | (6.1 pages) | Preview
The Affects of Childhood Cancer
– When one hears the word “cancer”, thoughts about how their previous life is about to change cloud the mind, but when one hears the word cancer for their child, it is a whole different outlook; the affects of childhood cancer are not only taken on by the patients, but also by their families; the affects can range from emotionally to physically, socially to financially, and even educationally. “Childhood cancer is considered rare, especially compared with adults. Still it’s the leading cause of death in children pre-adolescent, school-aged children” (Report: Childhood Cancer Rates Continue to Rise, but Treatment Helps Drive Down Deaths)…. [tags: pediatric oncology]
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An Investigation About Testicular Cancer
– … • It usually affects young or middle-aged men. • Treatment for testicular cancer is very effective and nearly all men are cured. • Like other cancers, it isn’t infectious and can’t be passed on to other people. 2. Skills needed to run the campaign Good communication skills Organised Good time management Good team player Good at engaging with the audience the campaign is targeting 3. Factors that influence planning of health promotion and relation to testicular cancer Gender; men are less like to come out and ask for help if they think they have a problem…. [tags: treatment, campaign]
637 words | (1.8 pages) | Preview
Survey about Patients with Cancer
– Science, and the pursuit of knowledge, has always been fascinating to me. I feel there is no greater accomplishment than to be able to analyze a problem, understand it, and implement a solution for the greater good. Because of this intrinsic need in people to make advances in scientific knowledge, the process of conducting research has been well developed. Following these guidelines in module one, I developed an experimental randomized trial to study the effects of telehealth on 30 day readmission rates in cancer patients…. [tags: readmission, error]
1126 words | (3.2 pages) | Preview
Skin Cancer and the Elderly
– I was born and raised in Palm Beach County of south Florida. The ocean, beach, and sun are just another everyday routine in the lives of a south Floridian. Sun bathing is a hobby that I never realized was such a big deal until moving to Orlando; when going to the beach and tanning is a privilege only shared on occasion. In Palm Beach County, it is hard to find someone that isn’t ten shades darker then they are naturally otherwise. When reports about the negative effects of UV light came about, I constantly heard “Oh, it won’t happen to me, I will deal with that when I’m older, but for now I’m going to continue tanning.” Today, skin cancer “is the most common type of cancer in the U.S.” (Ferr… [tags: Health ]
1011 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview
The Administration of Nuclear Medicine and Cancer
– … Before the advancements of nuclear science in medicine, people used to face immense pain in parts of their bodies and no amount of screaming or homemade remedies would be of help. With the invention of surgical instruments and procedures, the practice of amputing body parts with cancerous cells became common. This was never an assurance that the patient would become healthy. It would always be a matter of time before the cancer would recur, that too with renewed vigor. The solution sought to that was- chop more(Mukherjee, 2011)…. [tags: nuclear radiation, diagnostic tests]
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NFL and Breast Cancer Awareness
– NFL Breast Cancer Awareness If many of you haven’t noticed, NFL players and teams have been accessorizing in a variety of pink apparel this month and it’s not just coincidental. Three years ago the NFL teamed up with The Susan G. Komen Foundation, in a campaign that runs every October to raise Breast Cancer Awareness and encourage women 40 years and older to get their annual screenings. Of the 120 million Americans who watch football each week, about 40 million are women, making this an effective messenger of cancer awareness by the amount of viewers (…. [tags: Advertising ]
968 words | (2.8 pages) | Preview
Cases of Cancer During Pregnancy
– In this series of patients there were four cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, four cases of the major or minor salivary glands and three tongue carcinomas. Diagnosis of head and neck cancer during the pregnancy had an impact on gestation of delivery with the majority delivered preterm to accommodate further treatment intervention. One patient had a termination of pregnancy to undergo treatment. However all infants recovered well and there were no maternal deaths (need to confirm). Diagnosis and management of cancer prior to pregnancy did not appear to result in any adverse consequences…. [tags: radiotherapy, miscarriage, chemo]
1183 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview
Colorectal Cancer in African Americans
– According to the American Cancer Society, the third leading cause of cancer related deaths for African American men and women is colorectal cancer (CRC). African Americans have a higher CRC mortality rate than White men and women due to lack of preventative testing, increased cancer fatalism attitudes, decreased knowledge of the cancer, and late onset diagnosing. To research how to resolve this issue the “Fayetteville Area Inter-Faith Commitment to Colorectal Health and Cancer Reduction in African Americans,” or “The F.A.I.T.H Project” was created to execute a culturally targeted faith/community-based educational intervention about CRC within the African American community…. [tags: knowledge, diagnosing, education, intervention]
797 words | (2.3 pages) | Preview
Cigarette Smoking and Lung Cancer
– Cigarette smoking has become a part of the daily life of many Americans. At every given second, someone somewhere is smoking a cigarette. Beginning in the early 20th century, institutions have been investigating the negative, and in some cases fatal, effects smoking tobacco products has on the body. Banning cigarette commercials from television and mandating warning labels on all sold tobacco products have not been enough to keep hundreds of thousands of people dying each year from the long term effects of tobacco…. [tags: tobacco, chemical, nicotine]
675 words | (1.9 pages) | Preview
The New Cancer Drug Analysis
– The new cancer drug ought to be distributed through the Obamanos Plan, however, the government should pay for a portion of the cancer treatment through taxes. Before examining why the Obamanos plan would be the most effective and morally right, let investigate through a libertarian conception of rights why health care is not a right in first instance. This explanation would provide a basis as to the reason behind the decision to choose the Obamanos Plan and why the Canadian and Brit Plan are both morally impermissible and a clear violation of the rights bestow upon us as humans…. [tags: canadian plan, obamanos plan,canecr treatment]
1275 words | (3.6 pages) | Preview
Cells, Cancer and Gene Control
– … H2O – Water) contribute to the composition of cells that are necessary to sustain life. Now that we understand the properties of life and the composition of cells, we can focus on the architecture or formation in terms of basic anatomy and physiology as our second area of exploration. The two types of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) defined before have a few common things such as Plasma membrane (similar to animal cells); Cell wall (similar to plant cells); and Ribosomes, the prokaryotic cells (found in Bacteria and Archaea domains) are fractionally smaller than the eukaryotic cells and simpler in architecture…. [tags: genetic studies and engineering, oncology]
1891 words | (5.4 pages) | Preview
A Brief Biography of Cancer
– Cancer has been seen in humans as one of the most potentially fatal diseases for thousands of years and only in the most recent couple of centuries have we discovered that most information necessary to bring us to today’s understanding and knowledge (Kenny 2007, Weinberg 1996) was achieved by extensive research of cells, DNA, and epidemiology studies. As we currently know, cancer is acknowledged as having over a hundred different diseases, and is known to be the result of mutations of the genes and almost similarly to DNA, which are responsible for the amount of cell division and production (Kenny 2007)…. [tags: deadly diseases, human health problems]
1889 words | (5.4 pages) | Preview
Smoking and Lung Cancer
– Lung cancer it is the cancer of the lungs. It it is cause by smoking and second hand smoking and radon . Lung cancer the cancer that kills more people every year that any other cancer combined and has the highest death rate of all and every cancers every year. Two sponge or saclike respiratory in most vertebrate in your chest area with the heart functioning to take out carbon dioxide from the blood and give it oxygen. a major disease cause form cells that are deformed and that spread to many different major parts of the body…. [tags: treatment, smoking laws]
791 words | (2.3 pages) | Preview
Cell Phone Waves and Cancer
– Many people, around the world, use cellular or mobile phones in their everyday life. With the amount of time spent on a cellular phone increasing, so is the concern that these mobile devices, in which we so heavily depend, are now giving us cancer. There is no consistent evidence that connects the use of these wireless devices to any specific type of cancer. Additionally, more research is needed to examine the technology of cellular phones and how people use them. Technology and use habits are constantly changing…. [tags: Brain Tumors, Technology, Waves]
1997 words | (5.7 pages) | Preview
The Second Worldwide Killer: Cancer
– … Mouse double minute 2 homolog (MDM2) enzymes, a negative regulator of the p53, have been assessed overexpressed by as much as 100-fold in a variety of tumor cells 4. Prodrugs are inactive or less active molecules, which undergo chemical or enzymatic biotransformation transforming to an active pharmacological agent in body 5. Since a large number of potential drugs or drug candidates have undesirable properties such as inadequate site specificity, low absorption, unfavourable distribution, toxicity and short duration of action, prodrugs should be considered as one potential solution in the early stage of drug design and development 6…. [tags: causes, effects, treatment]
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Difficult to be Happy with Cancer
– It’s really hard to enjoy the Christmas spirit when you have cancer, Sherlock knows that. ‘Acute lymphoblastic leukemia,’ is what the doctors had told him a few months back when he was having problems. Once the news hit John had gone into a wreck of care. He bought Sherlock milder shampoos, satin pillows, gentle bristled brushes, ect. Sherlock didn’t really pay attention, all he really did was lay on the couch and gaze at the ceiling. He was always tired, he got tons of infections, and he bruised at the brush of a feather…. [tags: personal narrative]
1385 words | (4 pages) | Preview
Research on Cancer and Cell Phones
– … Although radiofrequency energy is non-ionizing and is not as dangerous as ionizing radiation, tissues in the body where the cell phone is frequently placed and exposed to still absorbs that energy. The most susceptible tissues to radiation are blood forming organs and then are the reproductive organs. Death is possible if the blood forming organs are exposed to high doses of radiation. As for reproductive organs, there has been a lot of controversy on whether or not it is safe for men to keep their cell phones in their pocket or belts and according to the Environmental Working Group (, a public health advocacy organization and an organization specializing in research,… [tags: oxidative stress, electromagnetic radiation]
3138 words | (9 pages) | Preview
Overview of Esophageal Cancer
– The scientific definition for cancer is a disorder in which the body cell loses their ability to control growth. Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that regulate the growth of most cells, which means they divide uncontrollably. Cancer cells are different from healthy cells because they do not die but continue to divide. Cancer disrupts the cell cycle because of this. The infected cells absorb the nutrients other cells need, block nerve connections, and prevent the organs they invade from doing their job…. [tags: health, disease, cells]
1423 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
– … If your mother, sister, or daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer, your chances also increase. However, the majority of people diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. • Gene mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 can be passed on from one generation to the other. These genes can increase the risk but do not make cancer inevitable. • Any radiation treatment to your chest increases the risk of breast cancer. • Obesity can also lead to breast cancer. • Beginning of periods at a younger age (less than 12) or the beginning of a menopause at a much older age exposes you to the risk of developing breast cancer…. [tags: risk factors, treatments]
1524 words | (4.4 pages) | Preview
Fatty Acid Synthesis and Cancer
– Introduction Fatty acid synthesis plays a vital role in homeostasis within the human body. The process of fatty acid synthesis regulates energy metabolism and provides fuel in times of starvation1. This process also synthesizes biomolecules that are important to life during embryonic development and lactation in mammary glands2. An overproduction of synthesized fatty acids is implicated in disease states such as obesity, liver disease, and cancer3. The fatty acid synthase (FAS) complex performs a vital role in fatty acid synthesis…. [tags: homeostasis, biochemical reactions, experiments]
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Stomach and Bladder Cancer
– When a person hears the word, cancer, a sickening feeling comes over them. Cancer is the second cause of death in the United States. I’m sure everyone has known someone who has had cancer before, or may have even experienced it themselves. This illness has taken many lives but there has been an abundance amount of people that have survived and currently living cancer free lives. As of 2010, there has been approximately 13,028,000 cases of cancer of all types. This number includes the 6,079,000 cases of males and 6,949,000 cases found in females …. [tags: biological therapy, cell carcinomas]
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How to Prevent Cancer
– … People with low education are the ones to have cancer due to having not insurance. I. Literary Review Cancer is a term that is used to call diseases where cells divide into abnormal cells causing excessive cells to invade other tissues. The excessive cell causes tumors. The tumors can become benign tumors which aren’t cancerous. The tumor that is classified as malignant is considered cancerous. Men and women need to be informed about cancer and how to prevent it. The population should be educated on what steps you need to take to prevent from obtaining cancer…. [tags: tumors, general screenings]
768 words | (2.2 pages) | Preview
DNA Replicaiton Cause Cancer
– … Diet also lead people to cancer, consumption of red meat in big amount with specific amount of time could lead to intestine cancer. Nitrates and nitrites in meat interfere botulinic exotoxin production in the body (Divisi, Tommaso, Salvemini, Garramone, Crisci, 2006). People who are obese have a higher risk of cancer than the normal people are. V. Treatment People with cancer must be treated with particular treatment as it’s a state where they could be really sensitive about themselves and about the disease, cancer not only makes people down physically but also attack people’s mentality…. [tags: oncological analysis]
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Breast Cancer: The Epidemic
– Are you a woman over 40. If so, do you get regular mammograms. Breast cancer is an epidemic that plagues women, even though some men can get it. According to the American Cancer Society, “breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into (invade) surrounding tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease occurs almost entirely in women, but men can get it, too” (Breast Cancer). Today many women are becoming diagnosed with breast cancer…. [tags: Diseases, Disorders]
1327 words | (3.8 pages) | Preview
Treatment of Colon Cancer
– It is widely known that cancer is lethal; but colon cancer ranks high among the types of cancers that take away the lives of a plethora of people every year. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the colon and at times, rectum, of the long intestine. In a report published by The American Cancer Society, colon cancer is said to be “the third leading cause of cancer death” and “the third most commonly diagnosed cancer” (Alteri et al. 1). Colon Cancer Alliance ranks it as “the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the US” (“Colon Cancer Statistics”)…. [tags: Dangers, Factors, Prevention]
1149 words | (3.3 pages) | Preview
Effective Cancer Screening Methods
– Effective cancer screening methods are used to detect or identify the presence of a specific cancer before the individual displays any symptoms of cancer. Early detection of a cancer through screening can save the life of a person who may have died without screening detection. Early detection of cancer can also provide a less costly and more effective treatment than if the cancer progresses requiring more advanced or drastic treatment. Screenings tests for the more common cancers such as breast, colon, prostate or cervical can be non-invasive or only slightly invasive…. [tags: Health, Screening, Early Detection]
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Lung Cancer and Smoking
– A. LUNG CANCER: Definition: According to the National Cancer Institute (2009), lung cancer refers to the uncontrolled and abnormal proliferation of lung tissue, usually in the cells lining air passages1. It occurs when there is an excessive growth of the cells found in the lungs leading to a variety of clinical symptoms. Classification: The International Classification of Disease, ICD-10 classifies lung cancer under C34 as malignant neoplasm of the bronchus and lung2. When reporting routine statistics, tumours of the lung and bronchus are grouped together with those of the trachea C333…. [tags: Health, informative, expository]
2069 words | (5.9 pages) | Preview
Proper Prostrate Cancer Treatment
– Being diagnosed with cancer has always been taken as a death sentence by a majority of the population. This can partly be contributed by the fact that most people do not understand clearly what cancer is. The way most reporters and some journalist have reviewed information relating to prostate cancer has been hazardous. Proper cancer treatment, especially prostate cancer in men is possible as reviewed in this article. The article is a citation from the referenced materials and sources in which it is possibly saying, cancer gets presented as any other form of illness hugely misinterpreted and one that can easily be cured…. [tags: Article Review ]
2067 words | (5.9 pages) | Preview
Many Causes of Cancer
– … If one of these genes is altered, the cell may transform to tumor cell and cause cancer. Most people may acquire gene defects in one cell or more during their lives, or may inherit these defects from their parents or family. The inheritance of gene defects increases the chance of cancer formation in the future. 2. The Age There is a positive relationship between age and cancer formation. The old people are more susceptible to have cancer than the young people because they have weak immune systems, and they also have been exposing to cancer-causing agents more than the young people and children…. [tags: genetics, life style, exposure]
962 words | (2.7 pages) | Preview
The Effects of Childhood Cancer on Families and the Journey That Becomes the New Normal
– In 1998, the most common cause of child and adolescents death claimed approximately 2500 young lives in the United States alone. The cause of this dreadful loss of life was due to childhood cancers. This paper explores the changes in the life of children dealing with cancer, families that have been affected by these diseases (also known as pediatric cancer) and a small part of the journey they experience. Cancer does not discriminate and affects all members of the family unit. This paper investigates the challenges that a family will experience from the first diagnoses through palliative care…. [tags: Children, Adolescents, Childhood Cancers]
1749 words | (5 pages) | Preview
Smoking and Lung Cancer
– Oscar Wilde was quoted as saying, “A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?” Unfortunately, Oscar Wilde had no idea that smoking caused lung cancer. Lung cancer is one of the most preventable diseases that exist, yet people continue to voluntarily put themselves at risk, and it still has tragic effects on the person and their family even though there are ways to treat it. The disease itself is categorized into two types, but both are eventually fatal…. [tags: Anti Smoking Essays]
1529 words | (4.4 pages) | Preview
Leukemia: Cancer of the Blood
– The river of life, the blood is the body’s primary means of transportation. Blood is a part of the hematopoietic system, which also includes lymphatic tissue, bone marrow, and the spleen. Blood is a complex transport medium that performs vital pick-up and delivery services for the body by picking up food and oxygen from the digestive and respiratory systems, and delivering those vital elements to different cells of the body. In exchange of the blood and oxygen, blood then picks up wastes from the cells for delivery to the urinary organs…. [tags: Diseases, Disorders]
1623 words | (4.6 pages) | Preview
Overview of Lung cancer
– Lung cancer is considered to be the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. There are approximately about 180,000 cases that are diagnosed in America, considering that 90% dies thru lung cancer alone. Despite of its number, it is the most preventable of all the cancers. Like every cancer it spreads out fast if not taken seriously, this due the abnormal growth of cells. The abnormal cell growth often leads to the formation of tumor. This cancer is very common and very deadly. The following common symptoms of lung cancer may include excessive coughing, chest pain, shortness in breath, hoarse voice, swelling on the face and neck, unexplained loss of appetite and tiredness…. [tags: Health, diseases]
934 words | (2.7 pages) | Preview
Cancer Research and Funding
– Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Tumors are then created and interfering with the digestive, nervous and circulatory systems. It is one of the most leading causes of death, reaching at about 8.2 million deaths in 2012. It is expected that cancer will rise from 14 million to 22 million within the next 2 decades. With over 100 cancer research centers in the United States studying how to treat this disease, people need to understand the importance of donating also with the awareness of signs and symptoms in the early stages…. [tags: investigation foundations]
1075 words | (3.1 pages) | Preview
Advancement in Cancer Research
– Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body where they can grow and form new tumors in a process called metastasis. Once this happens it is very hard for a patient to survive a situation like this. For example, about half the people diagnosed with lung cancer live for at least 5 years after diagnosis, but if the lung cancer has metastasized to other areas of the body the survival rate for people is 4 percent, states the Mayo Clinic. This just shows how harder it is for doctors to treat patients with metastasized cancers…. [tags: Metastasis, Prevention, Diagnosis]
1378 words | (3.9 pages) | Preview
Money Now or Cancer Later?
– The new debate over drugs is the passing of the legalization of marijuana for medical use. In ancient texts, there is a described time and use for cannabis to treat diseases and it continues on from over two thousand years ago to today (Johnson). The argument is widely debated and has been on the lap of congress for over one hundred and seventy-five years (Johnson). The political debate now isn’t just over legalizing it, it’s about do we allow it to be legalized so we can tax it now and pay for the after effects later, or do we not allow it to be passed and still arrest people in states that allow it and are following the rules…. [tags: Drugs, Legalization of Marijuana, Medical Use]
1623 words | (4.6 pages) | Preview
Review of Cancer Treatments
– Oncology: The Painfully Great Science Outline -Introduction -What is Cancer. -What is Oncology. -Rituxan -Avastin -Revlimid -Gleevec -Conclusion Oncology: The Painfully Great Science “When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does, too.” – Terri Clark This statement is very true. When someone is diagnosed with cancer it starts a journey down a road that no one wants to travel on. In recent years, there have been countless trials and tests to find a cure for this terrible disease but none have been entirely successful…. [tags: Healthcare, Medicine]
2189 words | (6.3 pages) | Preview
Females and Breast Cancer
– Today, the most common cancer in females is Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a form of cancer that affects the cells in the breast. It can occur in men and women but it mostly occurs in women. Breast cancer starts with the body’s cells multiplying strongly and then the cells metastasize to places in the body they shouldn’t be. It develops in the milk ducts and glands of the breast tissue, and begins by forming a lump in the breast. Once the lump is formed the cancer spreads through to the channels of the lymph nodes or the bloods stream to the other organs…. [tags: men, women, prevention]
1051 words | (3 pages) | Preview
Treatment for Prostate Cancer
– Introduction Studies have shown that that 25% of men that are diagnosed with cancer are usually diagnosed with prostate cancer. It has progressed so much that it is the 3rd common cause of death in men in the USA. Drugs for prostate cancer have made progressed so much in just the last 10 years. Chances of survival and control in pain have improved so much with the evolution of chemotherapy drugs. Chemotherapy is a treatment that using the bloodstream spreads all over the body to repair and kill cancer cells…. [tags: docetaxel, cabazitaxel, chemotherapy]
2044 words | (5.8 pages) | Preview
Treatments to Combat Cancer
– … • All the cells whether normal or cancerous exhibit a degree of intrinsic resistance to the compounds they normally encounter. • In mammalian cells the rate of division of the cells is also an important in the case of intrinsic cancer drug resistance. • It is the fact that the chemotherapeutic agents are more effective to rapidly dividing cancerous cells which are of proliferative malignancies. • Mostly the solid tumors are resistant to drugs which could explain that most of cells are in the Gₒ resting state…. [tags: chemotherapeutic drugs, resistance, metabolic]
1767 words | (5 pages) | Preview
What is Pancreatic Cancer?
– What is Pancreatic Cancer. Pancreatic cancer happens when abnormal cells start to grow Irregularly and they end up forming a tumor. You have 2 types of cells within the pancreas, the Endocrine and Exocrine; both which have different functions. The pancreas is a 6-8 in (15-20 cm) long, slipper-shaped gland located in the abdomen. It lies behind the stomach, within a loop formed by the small intestine. Other nearby organs include the gallbladder, spleen, and liver. The pancreas has a wide end (head), a narrow end (tail), and a middle section (body)…. [tags: endocrine, exocrine, liver]
889 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview
Colon and Rectum Cancer
– … Genetics may induce the coding of certain genes within cells to undergo spontaneous mutations. (Labianca, Nordlinger, Beretta, Brouquet, Cervantes, 2010). This factor produces the cluster of colon cancers seen in families. The risk of an individual getting cancer of the colon increases when immediate family members have received a diagnosis in the past. The rate of occurrence decreases when isolated extended family members develop the disease. However, if several people in one family group such as cousins, aunts and grandparents are diagnosed, the risk for the rest of the members of that family rise substantially…. [tags: disease, deaths, diet, exercise, bowl]
1629 words | (4.7 pages) | Preview
Cancer and Soy Protein
– Soy has been greatly exaggerated as the answer to all our problems for years. Soy, in and of itself, is toxic to the human body unless cooked thoroughly and properly. There are several side affects of soy consumption, but the one I will be discussing is cancer. The ‘miracle cure’ for cancer is said to be soy protein and isoflavone supplements. Cancer rates are at an all-time high, and the disease is the second leading cause of mortality in the United States. The idea that soy could save lives sounds amazing but, unfortunately, that is not the case…. [tags: Human Diseases, Nutrition]
1800 words | (5.1 pages) | Preview
Cranberries Help Prevent Cancer
– Potent, pucker-inducing, and attractive, cranberries have been around the holiday table for about 400 years. Native Americans used crushed cranberries to preserve pemmican, a dried meat blend that, thanks to the benzoic unpleasant in the little red berries, resided well maintained and palatable over the winter. Pilgrims served cranberries at the first Thanksgiving dinner, starting one of numerous customs that we still perform today. You may have endeavored cranberry juice and dressing, or snacked on the dehydrated fruits…. [tags: healthy food, plant chemicals]
960 words | (2.7 pages) | Preview
The Truth about Gay Cancer
– There are four letters, that when put together can spell out a lifetime of agony, despair, prejudice and constant indignation; AIDS. Over the years the disease has been called GRID, Gay Cancer and finally came the name that is commonly accepted today, AIDS. Multiple theories are present as to the origin of this deadly virus, all of them are unique but no matter what the origin or name, AIDS is a terrible epidemic that needs to come to an end. People have suffered long enough, and too many people have been discriminated against something that’s not entirely their fault…. [tags: Auto Inmune Deficiency Syndrome]
1051 words | (3 pages) | Preview
Increase in Cancer Incidence
– Cancer in recent times became an epidemic. In the recently published report from the international agency for research on cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency for research on cancer of the world health organization (WHO), the global burden of cancer has been expected to almost double in the next decade. This trend is not only limited to the cancer incidence but is expected to be replicate in the cancer death or even more [1]. As per the 2012 WHO report, the most common cause as per the incidence globally is lung(1.8 million,13 %), breast (1.7 million,11.9%) and large bowel (1.4 million,9.7%)…. [tags: anesthetics, tumors, immunity]
1426 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview
Overview of Ovarian Cancer
– Introduction: Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death of the women population. Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that happens in most women that go through the stage of menopause, and takes place in women’s reproductive system. In 1994, about 24,000 new cases of ovarian cancer were diagnosed. Following that around 13,600 women died because of the disease. Throughout the years since 2006 the age group that it was mostly found in has changed, rising in the younger crowd. Ovarian cancer often spreads early without any known symptoms…. [tags: Women, Reproductive System, Disease]
807 words | (2.3 pages) | Preview
Thyroid cancer in Australia
– Thyroid cancer in Australia is more common in women than men and is usually seen in people younger than 50 years of age, accounting for 2.1% of all cancers in Australia (Thyroid cancer – Cancer Council NSW (2014)). Many types of tumours can develop in the thyroid gland which is situated at the front part of the neck under the thyroid cartilage. Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common type of thyroid cancer with approximately 8 of 10 people with thyroid cancer having papillary thyroid cancer (Ain K, Lee C, Holbrook K (2014))…. [tags: women, tumor, biopsy]
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Prostate Cancer and Nutrition
– Prostate Cancer and Nutrition Clinical Radiation Prostate cancer is the most common cancer of men and the third most common cause of death from cancer. Prostate cancer usually occurs in men above the age of 50. Many men who have prostate cancer, do not show any symptoms. Screening for this cancer is usually done by a Digital rectum exam (DRE) and/or Prostate specific antigen test (PSA).Digital rectum exam is the palpation of the prostate through the anus to check the size of the prostate. Prostate specific antigen test is a blood test to check if the prostate is releasing this specific antigen in the blood stream which can be a strong indication of prostate cancer…. [tags: clinical radiation, illnesses]
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Fighting Cancer with Information
– Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. It’s the name that makes up a 100 different types of cancerous diseases. Cancer starts when the cells in the body grown rapidly out of control. Being that the cancerous cells don’t die away they continue to grow uncontrollably forming new cancerous cells that’s invading the different tissues in the body (B., Ricardo. “Fighting Cancer with Information.”). Most cancers are named for the organ or type of cell in which they start – for example, cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer; cancer that begins in melanocytes of the skin is called melanoma (B., Ricardo…. [tags: diseases, abnormal growth, cells]
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Analysis of Cancer Treatments
– Everyday doctors all around the world are using their skill of reading cells through microscopes to figure out a way to treat and cure cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation seem like the main source of treatment but some people choose to take a more natural route that is not so hard on their body. But which one is best. It is said that most people decide on chemotherapy or radiation to help shrink their cancer because these two options can eliminate cancer. Radiation starts out by the cancer patient receiving an x-ray of the area of the body where the cancer is located for they can verify the area that the radiation needs to be admitted to…. [tags: Radiation, Chemotherapy, Natural Cures]
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Overview of Pancreatic Cancer
– Pancreatic Cancer In today’s day and age, where medicine and science are advanced and able to cure many maladies, it comes as a disappointment that there are still things that are unable to be fixed with the knowledge that has been acquired. The purpose of this paper is to educate the importance of one such is that of cancer, and in particular pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is one disease that, even with all our knowledge and advancement, cannot be cured. Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth, and pancreatic cancer occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in the pancreas…. [tags: disease, tumor, abnormal cell growth]
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Radiation and Tyroid Cancer
– … 87% of this sharp increase is related to papillary thyroid cancer which is not too much of a problem for people. In 2012, the “Cancer” study said that the type of x-ray that exposed the most human-made radiation was dental x-rays (Roslin.) There are two sides to the question of whether x-rays cause cancer. Dr. Oz believes and has been encouraging people to limit the use of x-rays and that it raises the risk of causing cancer (Brody.) He said thyroid cancer was the “fastest-growing cancer in women.” He said it was from dental x-rays and mammograms…. [tags: effects of radiation, x-rays, brain tumor]
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Cancer Culture and Awareness
– … Why then, aren’t other colors and causes widely recognized by organizations partnered with cancer nonprofits. Pink is a guideline that is being used to shape and define cancer culture. When it comes to other issues and colors, there aren’t nearly as many well knows nonprofits generating hype for the cause. The National Football league is one that welcomes breast cancer awareness with open arms. Players are donned with the colors yearly during awareness games and events, and then those pink colored uniforms are then auctioned off with the proceeds benefitting research funds, etc…. [tags: pink, breast, patients, survivors]
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Breast Cancer Among Women
– Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in the world today and has one of the highest mortality rates when compared to other cancers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). This cancer develops when tumors have formed within the cells of the breast and begin to divide uncontrollably while gaining the ability to metastasize (4, 7, 8). When looking at the statistics, one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in their life time (2, 4). In 2013, there was an estimated 232,340 new cases while in 2014 there was an estimated 232,670 new cases (4, 8)…. [tags: mortality rate, tumors, mutations]
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Personal Statement: Breat Cancer
– “Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). It is the 2nd leading cause of death from cancer in Canadian women.” (Breast cancer statistics, 2013). Despite what cancer research arrived to in terms of ways to prevent breast cancer by identifying the risk factors, the early detection methods, and treatment; the Canadian cancer society still reports an alarming rate that based on year 2013, that 23,800 women estimated would be diagnosed with breast cancer, which 5000 would die from it…. [tags: canadian women, chemotherapy ]
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HPV and Cervical Cancer
– “O.N.E.L.E.S.S. I wanna be one less one less.” We have all heard the commercials for being one less girl or guy infected with HPV, but do we really know what the commercials are talking about. What is HPV, or better yet what does it stand for. HPV is the abbreviation for the Human Papillomavirus. It is a very common STD and is easily contracted. An HPV infection can be caused by over one hundred related HPV’s. There are four common types of HPV; they are types six, eleven, sixteen, and eighteen…. [tags: Health ]
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Women and Breast Cancer
– Many changes will occur to women’s breast during their lifetime, especially during menopause, puberty, and childbirth. Not a lot of women, however, are actually familiar with the anatomy and function of breasts. This would be a first good step for women towards understanding the causes of breast cancer (Brinker, 2013). The breasts are made up of fat and breast tissues along with veins, nerves, arteries, and connective tissue that help to hold them in place. In breast tissue there is a complex network of lobules-sacs that produce milk, and ducts which are canals that carry milk from lobules to the nipple openings when a mom breastfeeds…. [tags: oncological analysis]
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The Cancers of the 21st century
– Nothing seems more rewarding than being able to hear that all the hard work paid off. After months or years of fighting an uphill battle with cancer, there is finally a moment of peace when the word “remission” is spoken. Unfortunately, this word does not mean the cancer has been permanently cured, and some people never get to hear that word which is longed for from every cancer patient. In general, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both children and adults. Unlike many other diseases, cancer is an extremely versatile illness; it can be found in many different forms with an uncountable number of causes…. [tags: Cancer patients, Cure, Terminal Illness]
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Plants Protect Against Cancer
– Nowadays, it is indicated that the most common plants have protective effects against cancer. They can also stimulate the immune system. They also prevent chemical carcinogen DNA binding. They also inhibit the metabolic pathways associated with cancer development (Craig, 1999).Tissue culture provides the possibility to work on tissues and cells isolated from an organism without affecting the systems of that organism. This task can be done in controlled conditions in which the factors as temperature and pH can be controlled (Grever and et al, 1999)…. [tags: immune system, chemical carcinogen, cells]
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Cancer: The Phenoptosis Concept
– … As mentioned before, nervous cells, with some exceptions, are not subject to cell turnover but depend on other cells which are subjected to cell turnover. For the photoreceptor cells (cones and rods), these cells are retina pigmented cells (RPC). Each day, every RPC, by phagocytosis, removes from roughly 50 photoreceptor cells, approximately 10% of the membranes having photopsin or rodhopsin molecules on them. These cells, which have a very high metabolic activity, show cell turnover and, when this turnover slows down, damaging substances such as A2E (a vitamin A-derived breakdown product) accumulates, cells of RPC layer rarefy and leave holes in the RPC layer…. [tags: cures, telomerase activation]
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Pediatric Cancer Patient Care
– The word “cancer” is usually perceived by many people in society as a very intimidating disease. This is due to the fact that as a society we either had a family member or someone close to us suffers from it. When a child is first diagnosed with cancer it can be very stressful for both the child and family, so clear communication can aid to alleviate fears, provide reassurance, and comfort. Children diagnosed with cancer will especially require support during this difficult transition because of the changes in body image and health status…. [tags: Nursing, Health Care]
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Pancreatic Cancer Case Study
– Introduction In this essay I’m going to discuss about a patient named Mr. Valdez who has been diagnosed of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is often not diagnosed until it is advanced because the cancer usually causes no early symptoms, leading to metastatic disease at time of diagnosis (Brown & Edwards, 2008). I am going to focus on the adverse patient events that may occur in the oncology department during the course of treatment and nursing care for Mr. Valdez, and the evidence based nursing practice to improve patient outcome…. [tags: Case Study]
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Smoking and Lung Cancer
– Just because a person doesn’t smoke does not mean that their free from the same consequences as a full fledge addict when they draw in passive smoke. A person that breathes in secondhand smoke is just as likely to have cancer as a mainstream smoker. The Piedmont Heart Institute states that “living with a smoker increases non- smokers chances of developing lung cancer by twenty to thirty percent.” (Par. 2). There are people that have families full of tobacco users that go to get their daily check up, not expecting anything, and come out of doctor offices with the realization that their lungs look like a ten year using mainstream smoker…. [tags: non-smoker, tobacco, secondhand smoke]
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Prayer, Spirituality, and Cancer
– “The minute you think that you have no hope, you are down for the count. So you’ve got to always think there’s hope,” said Andy Delbridge who was interviewed by Don Teague of the Today Show. Andy relied on his spirituality when he was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. Spirituality is a very debatable subject everyone has a different opinion of what it is, but when faced with a terminal illness your best bet will be prayer and putting your faith in a higher power. Webster’s dictionary defines prayer as, “An address to God or a god in word or thought.” If you were to read Yahoo Answers or some other answers website you will get different definitions from anyone willing to answer…. [tags: faith, terminal illness, brain tumor]
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Chemotherapy and Breast Cancer
– A total of ninety-eight patients who presented in April 2009 through May 2011 with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the combined breast clinic in National Cancer Institute. In the TNM staging classification, LABC is represented by stage IIIA (T0-N2; T1/2 – N2; T3 – N1/2), stage IIIB (T4, N0-2) and stage IIIC disease (any T, N3). Various chemotherapy schedules were used according to standard practice at different times. For much of this period, the standard neoadjuvant treatment regimen was 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC) with two schedules used: 500 mg/m2 5-fluorouracil, 75 mg/m2 epirubicin and 500 mg/m2 cyclophosphamid… [tags: effective treatments, oncology]
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Treatment of Brain Cancer
– Treatment of brain cancer typically includes surgery, radiation therapy, and systemic chemotherapy. Nevertheless, the median survival rate of patients with primary brain tumors after surgery and radiation therapy is nine months, with approximately 10% living two years (Orive, Ali, Anitua, Pedraz, & Emerich, 2010). Ultimately, brain tumors are responsible for approximately 13,000 deaths in the United States each year (Greenlee, Murray, Bolden, & Wingo, 2000). Limited tumor cell drug uptake, intracellular drug metabolism, and cellular mechanisms of resistance have all stalled the progression of brain cancer therapeutics (Orive, Ali, Anitua, Pedraz, & Emerich, 2010)…. [tags: Health, Medicine, Nanoparticles]
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Bone Cancer
– Bone cancer is a type of cancer in the bones where the cause is not yet known. Researchers are trying to find new and improved ways of treating this type of cancer. Some background information is stated so new research and new treatments could be understood better. Bone cancer can be either diagnosed as primary or secondary bone cancer. Primary bone cancer is when the bone cancer starts in the bone. Secondary bone cancer is diagnosed when the cancer starts elsewhere and spreads to the bone. For example, when someone has breast, prostate, or lung cancer and end up getting bone cancer because the cancer spreads to the bone is described as secondary bone cancer…. [tags: signs, symptoms, chemoteraphy]
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The Biology of Cancer
– The Biology of Cancer In this report I will discuss the biology of cancer, including the explanations of what is cancer, what causes it and how it can be prevented. In addition, I will briefly discuss the different ways it is treated. What is cancer. Cancer develops when cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start due to the abnormal cells growing out of control. Normal body cells grow, divide and die in an orderly fashion…. [tags: Papers]
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Breast Cancer
– Breast cancer is everywhere. The pink ribbons, the “I heart boobies” bracelets, and the thousands of breast cancer walks all over the United States. These all contribute to breast cancer organizations. Over one hundred million dollars has been raised to support breast cancer. This may not seem serious by the promotions and jokes that these organizations pull support from, but don’t forget the millions of people who have breast cancer. Breast cancer affects, approximately, an eighth of all American women in their lifetime…. [tags: Medical Conditions]
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Lung Cancer
– In 2013 there were an estimated 159,480 deaths due to lung cancer in the United States alone (Lung Cancer). Lung cancer is an unrelenting disease that is caused by many environmental factors and personal habits. It begins as mutations within a cell’s DNA and eventually progresses to a tumor which can then spread to various other parts of the body. There is no cure for lung cancer presently, however there are numerous treatments available to patients in hopes of eradicating or at least controlling the disease…. [tags: cancerous cell, NCLS, SCLC, smoking]
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