The Chicago or Turabian style, sometimes called documentary note or humanities style, places bibliographic citations at the bottom of a page or at the end of a paper. Although the 16th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style (2010), which is available online, and the 8th edition of Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, edited by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff (University of Chicago Press, 2013) also offer guidelines for parenthetical documentation and reference lists, the Chicago and Turabian styles are most commonly thought of as note systems, which are frequently used in history and the arts.
Chicago Paper Format
Paper. Use standard white A4 paper (8.5”x11”).
Font. Use a legible font like Times New Roman, size 12.
Margins. Margins should be from 1” to 1.5” inches on all sides.
Page numbering. The title page is not numbered. The next page after the title one starts with ‘1’ in the upper right-hand corner. Arabic numerals are used for page numbers; pages are numbered consecutively.
Title Page
1. Type the title of your paper in UPPER CASE.
2. Place it one-third down from the top of the page, you will need to press Enter 7 times. Center your title.
3. Hit Enter 8 times.
5. Type your first name and last name. Press Enter
6. Type the name of your class. Press Enter
7. Type the current date.
Here is a sample title page arranged according to Chicago Style.

As discussed earlier, in a Chicago/Turabian paper, you must add annotations or endnotes whenever you utilize a plain citation or a reworded resume of a work.
- Add annotations at the end of the page where you cite the work.
- An endnote is an anthology of work citations. It must be included at the end of every chapter or at the end of the essay.
In Chicago/Turabian style essays, you can use either of them. Regardless of what you choose, you must start by adding a superscript number, to which you must attach bibliographical data. The first entry for each work needs to comprise the entirety of pertinent data pertaining to it. Write the author’s complete name, work title and publication. When you reference the same work another time, the entry must solely comprise the author’s last name, an abbreviated version of the title (in the eventuality that the title includes more than four words) as well as the page numbers. When you reference the same work and page more than twice, add the term “Ibid”, which stands for “from the same source”. In case the references are from distinct pages, add “Ibid” and the page number. For instance:
Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
- When writing Chicago/Turabian essays, you must utilize footnotes.1 Footnotes have a large array of advantages, the most noteworthy one being the fact that they offer swift access to data.2 It goes without saying that students find it easier to use footnotes instead of lengthy and puzzling bibliography sections, as they can comprise more data; footnotes have no disadvantages.3
- 1James Johnson, “Everything You Need to Know About the Chicago/Turabian Style: The Advantages of Using It”. Elite Essay Writers publication, 2015. While these are utilized in Chicago/Turabian papers, they are also frequently utilized in different reference styles.
- 2Johnson, “The Advantages of Using It” 56-79. A rapid and straightforward accessibility may also be provided by including a bibliography section at the end of the paper. Nevertheless, research has demonstrated that not many students read it. On the other hand, a lot of them look at the footnotes written at the end of each page.
- 3 Ibid. This may constitute an imprecise assertion, as footnotes are known to present a disadvantage which is not approached in the paper: the reader might be distracted from the point of the essay.
3 Ibid. This may constitute an imprecise assertion, as footnotes are known to present a disadvantage which is not approached in the paper: the reader might be distracted from the point of the essay.
The Chicago/Turabian reference section must be included at the end of the essay. This section enumerates all of the works you used, including the ones you mentioned using annotations. Here are the requirements for the reference section:
Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
- Use alphabetic order.
- In the upper side of the page, add the word “Bibliography” and center it.
- Add all of your sources. Also, list other pertinent works.
How to Add References
- Names: Write both the surname and the first name.
- Titles: For lengthier sources like books or periodicals, use italics. For shorter sources like articles, chapters or pieces of poetry, use quotes.
- Issuing Data: Mention the publishing company first. Then add the periodical name.
- Punctuation marks: All important components must be separated using periods.
Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
Books (single author)
- Annotation 1: James Johnson, The Chicago/Turabian Style: How to Use It. (London: Elite Publishing, 2010), 20-29.Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
- Annotation 2: James Johnson, The Chicago/Turabian Style, 11.
- Bibliography: Johnson, James. The Chicago/Turabian Style: How to Use It. London: Elite Publishing, 2010.
Books (multiple authors)
- Annotation 1: John Anderson and Robert Williams, Essay Writing: How to Do It, 2013-2016 (London: Elite Writings, 2015), 94.
- Annotation 2: Anderson and Williams, Essay Writing, 76-54.
- Bibliography: Anderson, John and Williams, Robert. Essay Writing: How to Do It, 2013-2016. London: Elite Writings, 2015Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
Chapter (Included in a book)
- Annotation 1: Paul P. Arnold, “How I Became a Star.” In The Road to Fame: Amazing Showbusiness Figures. (San Francisco: Elite Press, 2007), 46.
- Annotation 2: Arnold, Paul P. “Became a Star”, 67-70.
- Bibliography: Arnold, Paul P. “How I Became a Star.” In The Road to Fame: Amazing Showbusiness Figures. 67-70. San Francisco: Elite Press, 2007.
- Annotation 1: Andrew Steel, The Path to Success (London: Elite Publishing, 2011), Kindle version.
- Annotation 2: Steel, (The Path to Success*.
- Bibliography: Steel, Andrew. The Path to Success. London: Elite Publishing, 2011. Kindle version.
Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
Periodical Article
For such entries, you should only mention particular pages in the annotation. However, in the reference section, you must mention the entire range of the particle.
- Annotation 1: Bernard White, “How to Write Great Essays” Elite Essay Magazine 95 (1056): #135.
- Annotation 2: White, “Essays,” 102.
- Bibliography: White, Bernard. “How to Write Great Essays.” Elite Essay Magazine #135 (1056): 95-105.
Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
Websites (including academical articles) can be cited either in the text or as annotations. If you do this, you don’t need to mention them in the reference section. For instance: (“Towards the end of 2017, work on the fortification separating the US and Mexico will begin, as mentioned on the US Government website…”). In case you need to add a more official reference, there are no specific requirements. Add the date when you accessed the website or, if possible, the date when the website was last modified.
- Annotation 1: “Chicago/Turabian Style Format.” Last modified March 24, 2017, {link}
- Annotation 2: “Chicago/Turabian Style Format.”
- Bibliography: Chicago/Turabian. “Chicago/Turabian Style Format.” Last modified March 24, 2017. {link}
Chicago Style Formatting Guidelines
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