
Due date : 21 September 2018 23:55 Length and/or format Maximum 2000-word Social Innovation

Due date: 21 September 2018 23:55

Length and/or format Maximum 2000-word Social Innovation Concept Report

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Learning Outcomes

LO2 discuss the principles and focus of community engagement as they relate to the relationship between business and marginalised or disadvantaged communities (GA1, GA2)

LO3 evaluate the ethical and social responsibility of participants in business community organisations (GA4, GA8);


The purpose of this assessment is for students to develop a social innovation concept and to present it in a report. In this assessment you are required to consider theoretical and practical aspects of social innovation.

You are free to choose an existing community organisation and create a social innovation for their client group or you can develop an entirely new concept that you are passionate about.

You need to consider the following issues: the common good, financial, environmental and ethical implications and implementation challenges.

Approaches to this assessment will be discussed at the Workshop in Week 4.

A suggested structure for your report follows

· Executive Summary (200 words)
· Discussion of social innovation and community engagement theory (500 words)
· Description of your proposed social innovation and how your social innovation contributes to the common good (400 words)
· Conduct a SWOT, PESTLE and offer discussion on the possible funding and ethical implications of your social (500 words)
· Overview and briefly discuss the challenges for implementation (300 words)
· Conclusion (100 words)
· References
· Appendices (optional)

You are required to research and use at least 10 scholarly sources to support your discussion. This will include benchmarks from other social innovations, business reports and articles. In addition, websites may be used sparingly if they are of direct relevance.

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