
Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project

Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project

Identify a health issue affecting (or putting at risk) elderly members of the community.

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2) Develop a health promotion intervention to enhance knowledge amongst the elderly population in Singapore relation to the chosen topic. Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project

3) Identify the educational intervention proposed based on a recognised need in a community or nationally (education session, brochures etc) Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project

4) Identify an elderly target group and where /how the target group will be sourced. 5) Research literature to support the proposal, providing statistics and comparative material identified from good quality academic sources 6) Plan the intervention give detail as to where the work will take place and what format /structure it will take

7) Identify resources required to support the proposal including, staffing, training, equipment, cost etc

8) Evaluate the intervention Write in these subheading : *Introduction Clear and relevant with clear objectives e.g. What does this paper hope to achieve, why and how? *

Background, significance and planned project Describes how the project has been identified. Identify a community need/national need and support by local statistics if available as well as comparisons to work in other places particularly Australia.

Has the need for intervention been identified by a health professional /members of the multidisciplinary team; expressed by a particular group that already exists or a comparative observation that a particular health promotion work is available in some areas of the community/nation but not in another.

Describe target group and where you will source this group. Rationale and evidence for project supported by literature *Intervention Describes how project will be implemented & promoted to target Community :

This should consider the detail of the planned intervention, talks, brochures, education sessions etc, how often and where etc. Will there be advance surveying, focus groups, questionnaires, advertising etc.

How will the sessions for example be planned and delivered. Include how other health professionals could be involved in the project: identify key partners that need to be involved, consider training that may be required, consider voluntary and support groups. How will you liaise and network these groups.

Resources: Consider briefly the resources your may need to support your work community resources such as location for the work and availability throughout the period of the work. Availability of telephones, computers etc Consider and recognise that this may involve costs for rental etc and that there may be staffing costs etc .

You do not need to do a costing but identify the resources that you may need. *Evaluation What do you hope to achieve in the project?

Explain the expected value of the work and whether you anticipate the work being expanded. How will you identify if there is a behaviour change etc .

How will you evaluate the work you have done follow up survey, focus group? *Conclusion

New system for monitoring medication errors

Project Format 1. Title Page (on page 1) 2. Abstract 200-300 words (on page 2) 3. Table of Contents with page numbers (on page 3) 4. Introduction should contain Topic statement& Objective 5. Background/ Literature Review (about the topic) 6. Methodology / Approach(research design, procedures)

7. Results 8. Discussion (of the results) 9. Conclusion / Summary(with Recommendations) 10. Appendix / Tables / Stats 11. Resources / References / Bibliography Note: Font: Arial / Times new roman Size: 12pt Margin: On all sides 1 inch except on Left side 1 ® inch. Alignment : Flush left Spacing: One and half line 20 pages max Number of copies: 2 (one for submission)

Number each page as a Footer Cover page: Topic/Author/Course/Semester/Date-Year/Organization on Cover page Preferred Reference Style for one author (more than 3 use first name with et al): Pechenik, J.A. (1987) A short guide to biology. Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 194pp Within the body of the document use Ref. number only as Superscript (small font) or in brackets.

Note for Title Page Title, Author, Statement below Authors name (by Author Name): as partial fulfilment of the requirements for theMaster of Pharmacy Degree in Clinical Pharmacy On the right side of this page Program Chair .. Dr. Ali AlSayed Hussain

At the footer Pharmacy Department, Dubai Health Authority July, 2015 Topic title: New system for monitoring medication errors Some important information also needed beside other given by your professional staff: 1. How to create a blame free system a health care system to repot the medication error 2. Review medication error % in usa,Canada ,uk and uae 3.

About medication error definition ,nair miss,levels,the need of medication error and how t reduce medication error 4. Advantages and disadvantages of reporting

5. Outcome trend to reduce medication error 6. Plan feed back

7. Awareness of medication error(health care professional more reporting also patient 8. Medication error definition ,causes ,types ,recommendation for preventiin 9. Monitoring and managing medication error.

Leadership Models Presentation

Scenario: As a leadership consultant, you have been asked by the Greater Metropolitan Hospital Council to provide information to the board of regents about potential leadership models for large health care systems. Create a 12 slides PowerPoint? presentation summarizing three potential leadership models that would be appropriate. Consider the following in your presentation: The nature and focus of the models The basis for your selection of each model At least three pros and cons of each model Include detailed Speaker Notes. Use at least eight scholarly references in the presentation. Format references consistent with APA guidelines.

cancer critical thinking

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Together with its supporters, ACS is committed to helping people stay well and get well by finding cures and by fighting back. Critical Thinking Questions: 1.Imagine that a family friend or colleague has just been diagnosed with cancer. Explain how the American Cancer Society might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why? 2.According to statistics published by the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 1.5 million new cancer cases diagnosed each year over the next decade. What factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans? What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time 3.Select a research program from among those funded by the American Cancer Society. Describe the program and discuss what impact the research will have on the prevention or treatment of cancer.

bowel cancer- case study

For this assignment you are required to describe and discuss the assessment and management of bowel cancer your discussion and analysis using credible evidence based literature. Ensure your analysis meets the marking guide. Your discussion will: Provide an overview of the pathophysiology of the condition. Discuss the methods and techniques you would use in your physical assessment of the patient with particular reference to the chosen condition; give a rationale for these methods and techniques. ie risk assessment scales, pain scales, neurological assessment screening tools, equipment and observation charts relevant to the condition. Identify 3 key nursing management strategies for a patient with the chosen condition and critically analyse using evidence based literature. Critically discuss the medication management for a patient with this condition.

Women and Heart disease: Risk Factor Assessment by Family Nurse Practitioners

The Research Review PaperPart 1: Introduction For this weeks assignment, you will identify a womens health topic and why youre interested in it. While examining the literature for your selected topic, assess in what way, if any, health promotion, disease prevention, or both have been incorporated or addressed. According to the CDC (2015), as a nation, the United States spends 86% of healthcare dollars on treating chronic diseases. The Affordable Care Act has included specific language to address illness prevention, health promotion, and wellness for public health (HHS, n.d). Describe the importance of this topic to womens health and in what ways you might incorporate health promotion and disease prevention where applicable. One of the many roles of the advanced practice nurse is to educate, empower, and enable patients and their families to improve and take control of their health. Write two questions about the topic youd like to explore further and explain why. Refer to at least one published journal article related to your topic. Cite any sources you use in APA format on a separate page.

Adolescent health Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project

This is an example of the type of Responses the instructor wants for this assignment Adolescent Development Teenagers go through varied physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. In todays society, these adolescents face a range of developmental issues. Utilizing your learning from your readings and the South University Online Library, respond to the following questions. 1. In your opinion, what are the two most important factors that influence adolescent development? Over the previous 20 years, research reveals a wide array of factors that may influence adolescent development. Throughout this time span, changes have occurred in the factors that influence adolescent development, sexual activity, decision making, and contraception which might include the following. One of the initial studies by researchers suggested that biological, family, peer, school, and community factors influence adolescent development and the age of initiation of sexual intercourse. Further research in this area of study purposed that cultural factors, sexual desire, media, biological factors, emotional factors, social cognitive factors, and environmental factors (peers and parents) influence adolescent development, sexual well-being, and sexual behavior (Commendador, 2010, pp. 147-148). 2. In the Western culture, there are a variety of health services available for adolescents. What is missing in Western society that would benefit health promotion for adolescents? Many healthcare providers and family planning clinics do not address adolescent sexuality until the adolescent is old enough to become a patient in these clinics. Perhaps discussion of sexuality and sexual decision making should be incorporated in the education system, as well as is part of the pediatric healthcare providers educational practice and pediatric clinics serving older school age children. Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project Discussion between nurse practitioners (NPs), parents, sons, and daughters could foster interchange around sexuality, such as pubertal development, changing body, decision making as to sexual activity, and contraception (Commendador, 2010, p. 150). 3. How do the health problems faced by adolescents impact their health and wellness in their lifetimes? Although the impact of health problems on an adolescent and his or her family varies by diagnosis and severity, chronic conditions, by definition, last longer than three months, alter activities of daily living, and often require significant medical care (Jacobs & Popick, 2012, p. 228). Health problems faced by adolescents may impact their health and wellness in their lifetimes in the following ways. Adolescents with chronic conditions may experience mental health and behavior problems due to challenges related to peer socialization and body image, altered peer/family relationships, missed school, regression in development, pain, physical limitations, and modified routines. In the absence of effective coping skills and supportive peer relationships, these challenges can lead to participation in risky behaviors, including unprotected sex and substance abuse, which can have immediate and long-term consequences on an adolescents health. These behaviors may compound the already existing risk of complications from the chronic condition. The challenges of living with a chronic condition extend beyond the adolescents themselves. Families of adolescents with chronic conditions may struggle to understand and manage the additional stressors of condition management, caretaking, and modified routine (Jacobs & Popick, 2012, p. 228). Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project  Note. One way pediatric providers and NPs can address the needs of the adolescent and family is to recommend reputable online health resources for social support suited to the specific needs of the adolescent and family, such as blogs, discussion boards, and other social networking modalities (Jacobs & Popick, 2012, p. 228). 4. Discuss how you would take the sexual history from an adolescent. Which areas would you need to address during your discussion with an adolescent? Some NPs prefer to see the family and adolescent together first. This technique can produce a great deal of information in the first few minutes regarding medical concerns and family dynamics. Another straightforward technique is to start by interviewing the adolescent alone, which is particularly important for older adolescents. At some point, the family may be brought into the interview; however, the adolescent should be present to hear what is being said (Woods & Neinstein, 2009, p. 18). The sexual history interview should be in private with the adolescent. Adolescents may delay medical care if privacy is not ensured. The format of the visit should be explained. Because of the sensitive nature of information shared by the adolescent during the visit, confidentiality should be maintained. Before proceeding, inform adolescent patients of what the limits of confidentiality are, such as not sharing answers to personal questions unless someone is hurting them or they are hurting themselves (Sizer, 2013, p. 51). An assurance of confidentiality is an important aspect of obtaining an accurate sexual history in adolescents (Fortenberry, 2014, p. 4). The sexual history (see Table 1) should be straightforward and nonjudgmental, with appropriate counseling regarding risk-taking behaviors, as necessary (Fortenberry, 2014, p. 4). The Five Ps 1. Partners Do you have sex with males, females, or both? In the past 2 months, how many partners have you had sex with? In the past 12 months, how many partners have you had sex with? Is it possible that any of your sex partners in the past 12 months had sex with someone else while they were still in a sexual relationship with you? 2. Prevention of Pregnancy What are you doing to prevent pregnancy? 3. Protection from STDs What do you do to protect yourself from STDs and HIV? Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project 4. Practices To understand your risks for STDs, I need to understand the kind of sex you have had recently. Have you had vaginal sex, meaning penis-in-vagina sex? If yes: Do you use condoms: never, sometimes, or always? Have you had anal sex, meaning penis-in rectum/anus sex? Do you use condoms: never, sometimes, or always? Have you had oral sex, meaning mouth-on-penis/vagina For condom answers: If never: Why dont you use condoms? If sometimes: In what situations (or with whom) do you not use condoms? 5. Past History of STDs Have you ever had an STD? Have any of your partners had an STD? Additional questions to identify HIV and viral hepatitis risk Have you or any of your partners ever injected drugs? Have you or any of your partners exchanged money or drugs for sex? Is there anything else about your sexual practices that I need to know about? (Fortenberry, 2014, p. 4). Abbreviations Sexually transmitted disease (STD); Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Table 1. The five Ps. Note. Adapted from Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Overview of Issues Specific to Adolescents, by J.Fortenberry, 2014, p. 4. Retrieved from http://www.uptodate.com/contents/sexually-transmitted-diseases-overview-of-issues-specific-to-adolescents Note. Although it is important for NPs to respect their adolescent patients confidentiality, it is also important to encourage the adolescent to talk with his or her parents about issues that affect health (Middleman & Olson, 2012, p. 10). References Commendador, K. (2010). Parental influences on adolescent decision making and contraceptive use. Pediatric Nursing, 36(3), 147-170. Retrieved from  Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Projecthttp://web.b.ebscohost.com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/ehost/pdfviewer Fortenberry, J. (2014). Sexually transmitted diseases: Overview of issues specific to adolescents. Retrieved from http://www.uptodate.com/contents/sexually-transmitted-diseases-overview-of-issues-specific-to-adolescents Jacobs, H. S. & Popick, R. (2012). Utilization of internet resources for adolescents coping with chronic conditions. Pediatric Nursing,38(4), 228-235. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/ehost/pdfviewer Middleman, A. & Olson, K. (2012). Confidentiality in adolescent health care. Retrieved from http://www.uptodate.com/contents/confidentiality-in-adolescent-health-care Sizer, C. (2013). Adolescent issues. In T. Buttaro, J. Trybulski, P. Bailey, & J. Sandburg-Cook (Eds.), Primary care: A collaborative practice. (4th ed.). (p. 51). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Woods, E. & Neinstein, L. (2009). Office visit, interview techniques, and recommendations to parents. In L. Neinstein, C. Gordon, D. Katzman, D. Rosen, & E. Woods (Eds.), A handbook of adolescent health care. (1st ed.). (p. 18). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Elderly Health Challenges Health Promotion Project

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