
Ezekiel and the New Temple Essay Custom Essay

Ezekiel and the New Temple Essay Custom Essay

EZEKIEL AND THE NEW TEMPLE ESSAY INSTRUCTIONS After reading the Module/Week 3 Reading & Study materials, you will write a 1,500–1,800-word essay on the interpretive issues related to Ezekiel and the new temple in Ezekiel 40–48. The paper must conform to current Turabian format, including a brief introduction with the thesis statement and a brief conclusion. In the body of the paper, you must address the following questions: Section 1 (1,000–1,100 words) • Should the church or theologians understand the temple prophesied in Ezekiel 40–48 as literal, figurative, or both? • What specifics in the Ezekiel passage and the Old Testament prophets, in general, inform your answer? • How should the further revelation in the New Testament impact your understanding of this Old Testament prophecy? • Explain how specific New Testament passages related to Ezekiel 40–48 or the concept of temple influence your understanding of this issue. Section 2 (250–300 words) • Ezekiel 40–48 refers to the offering of sacrifices at the future temple. How do you understand this aspect of the prophecy? • What problems/issues does this raise? • How does the New Testament influence whether you should understand these sacrifices literally or figuratively? Section 3 (250–400 words). • Reflect on what this study has contributed to your understanding of biblical prophecy and how it might impact the ways that you teach on biblical prophecy when dealing with these topics in your church. You must reference 2–3 commentaries on Ezekiel as well as the 4 articles/websites provided in Module/Week 3’s Reading & Study folder. Grading of this assignment will be based on how well you have assessed the major views, interacted with key passages, and used biblical evidence in support of your position. All sources that are referenced or quoted must be footnoted, and a bibliography of sources used (even if only the resources provided in class) must be included. Because of the length of this essay, quotations from biblical passages and other sources must represent less than 10% of the total word count for the paper. Overuse of quotations will result in a deduction of your grade for the assignment.

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