
Give substantial peer review using the template provided

The purpose of this review is to provide constructive feedback. 1. Provide as much detail as you can when answering the questions. 2. Avoid yes/no or other terse responses since they provide minimal value and are easily misinterpreted. Be specific. 3. Offer specific examples from the author’s work to support your evaluation. Answer the following questions based on the review of your peers Quest. Remember to be as thorough as possible .Cite specific examples of both positive and negative aspects of the work. Topic Comments 1. POLICY ISSUE 2. MOVENOTE 3. GOVERNMENT RESPONSE 4. ASSESSMENT 5. PROPOSED BILL 6. ADVOCACY 7. IMPLEMENTATION 8. SUMMARY 9. CREDITS Provide a short summary of the positive and negative aspects of the WebQuest Additional Comments Provide any additional comments, suggestions, or corrections.

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