
HCS/545 Week Two Health Care Laws, Policies, and Regulations Presentation

HCS/545 Week Two Health Care Laws, Policies, and Regulations Presentation

See attached grading rubric.

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Resources: Week Two Individual Assignment: Health Care Laws, Policies, and Regulations Timeline

Brainstorm with your team a list of laws, policies, and regulations selected for your Week Two Individual Assignment.

Select 2-3 laws, policies, or regulations as a team based on your discussion. Do not present on HIPAA.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes discussing your selections.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Identify each of the laws, policies, or regulations selected.
  • Discuss the influence of politics on health care regulations, laws, and policies.
  • Describe the role and impact of governmental and non-governmental regulatory agencies on health care policy.
  • Explain the relationship between law and policy in health care.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

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