
HCS/545 Week Two Health Care Laws, Policies, and Regulations Timeline

HCS/545 Week Two Health Care Laws, Policies, and Regulations Timeline

Create a timeline in which you discuss 3-4 important health care laws, regulations, or policies throughout the years that have impacted health care today.  Do not choose HIPAA as one of the laws.  

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Include the following in your timeline discussion:

  • Identify the law, policy, or regulation selected.
  • Explain what influenced the law, policy, or regulation selected.
  • Describe the impact the law, policy or regulation had on health care today.
  • Include at least three peer-reviewed references with no more than 10% a direct quote

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Additional Guidance:

This assignment should be 5-6 paragraphs.  Your paragraphs should include an introduction, a heading for each law you select and a paragraph to describe the law, and a paragraph to conclude.  See the materials link for some ideas of things you could include into your timeline.

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