
Health Promotion Essays Examples

Health Promotion Essays Examples

Health Inequalities Several Factors Have View Full Essay
Words: 3135 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 10387894
Richard Mitchell and Professor Daniel Dorling from the University of Leeds and Dr. Mary Shaw from the University of Bristol on the parliamentary constituencies of Britain revealed a number of social policy scenarios. The study traced the impact of the variations to society that might be brought through the effective execution of three social and economic policies. Firstly, they examined the efficacy of the policy of modest redistribution of wealth to counteract the health inequalities. During the decades 1980s and 1990s there were a considerable variation in the wealth possessions of rich and poor reflected in the major variations in their health enumerated by mortality rates. The study revealed that by returning to the inequalities in wealth of 1983 about 7500 deaths annually could have been prevented. (Reducing health inequalities in Britain)

The study assessed the impact of such policy to be most effective in the Birmingham Ladywood constituency in…… [Read More]

Healthcare – The Truth About View Full Essay
Words: 3685 Length: 12 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 27551651

The experiences of seniors within the healthcare delivery system will alter how all Americans view healthcare. The healthcare delivery systems and overall organizational structure in the United States has been slow to adjust but that rest of the world is currently in flux that will migrate into our system. Technological advances in communication have made telehealth and telemedicine vialbel solutions to our outdated healthcare industry orgainzational structre. While these types of advances are only in their infancy, “…there seemed to be broad acceptance that telehealth and telemedicine had provided positive benefits to the worlds healthcare delivery system.” (Telehealth Applications) Our technoloically challenged seniors have actually discovered the trend within the healthcare system and telehealth and telemedicine seems to be an advance that will find worldwide support so we as a nation will be reqquired to jump on the bandwagon.

In conclusion, this article review focused on new Healthcare Delivery Systems…… [Read More]

Healthcare Reforms From 1990s Till View Full Essay
Words: 1184 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 41667635
(Rennie; Fontanarosa, 2006)

Apart from financial reasons, millions are not bale to access healthcare due to a lot of barriers inclusive of geography, racial differences and immigrant status. The people who do not have access to required care, that might comprise incapability to get primary care chronic care, specialist care, or emergency care stand at risk for severe health consequences. As per a recent report, absence of health insurance was linked with considerably lowered application of recommended healthcare services for cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease threat reduction, and diabetes management within the lower-income as also higher-income adults. Apart from the concerns, trouble, and stress directly associated to their illness, patients those who lack insurance or are underinsured also encounter increased levels of debt, threatening calls from collection agencies, anxiety, and possible insolvency. (Rennie; Fontanarosa, 2006)

Impact of reform measures on the nursing profession:

The U.S. healthcare system is considered among the…… [Read More]

Healthcare System in the Netherlands View Full Essay
Words: 4143 Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 15355310
Specialist doctors will normally examine only those patients who have been referred to their clinic by a general practitioner. (U.S. Department of State, n. d.)

The Government of Netherlands is not responsible or the ongoing management of the healthcare system on a daily basis which is offered by private healthcare service providers. However the government is charged with the accessibility and ensuring appropriate standards of the healthcare. A new healthcare insurance system has been launched since January 2006 under which every citizen is required to purchase a basic health insurance package. Under the basic package, one is covered medical treatment, inclusive of services by General Practitioners, hospitals and also specialists, indoor stay, dental care and different medical appliances. People working in the private sector in the Netherlands might decide buying a collective health insurance policy which can be a good alternative since it is cheaper. The fees of the basic…… [Read More]

Healthcare System Built Dominant European-American Cultural Values View Full Essay
Words: 753 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 99809472
healthcare system built dominant European-American cultural values, beliefs, practices. These differ

Religion and spirituality have very different meanings, although these terms are essentially both related to a communion with supernatural forces. However, religion specifically denotes the influence of man and manmade laws, interpretations, and applications of principles of spirituality. Religion is, essentially, spirituality tempered through some mandates and laws of man. Spirituality, on the other hand, is simply one’s own personal conviction, beliefs, and methods of interacting with a supernatural force or a deity. Health care facilities can provide an environment that is conducive to both religion and spirituality. In terms of both the former and the latter, they can attempt to issue procedures and respect the wishes of patients in a way that is consistent with popular Christian religious beliefs. Personnel employed at such facilities can be tolerant of and respectful of the beliefs of clients and of their…… [Read More]

Health Care Over the Last View Full Essay
Words: 996 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Case Study Paper #: 71401369
(Findlay, 2001, 90 — 119) (McLeod, 2003, pp. 895 — 908)

What is the possibility of bias entering the study? If the study is susceptible to bias, state and explain the type of bias that may enter the study and what steps can be incorporated to minimize the entry of bias.

The possibility for bias in the study is low. The reason why, is because researchers will have limited access to the patients they are seeing (through: the use of anonymous surveys). This will dramatically reduce the possibilities of bias existing. (Findlay, 2001, 90 — 119) (McLeod, 2003, pp. 895 — 908)

Based on your hypothesis/proposal, how will the proposed generated results help to develop an effective health policy for the target population of your chosen topic?

The proposal will help to develop an effective health policy. This is accomplished by: providing specific insights about how the increasing utilization of…… [Read More]

Health Care Management Environmental Factors View Full Essay
Words: 1376 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 5972605
The first is to distinguish Methodist Healthcare in the market place; second to create an information systems strategic plan; third to create a system by which the right place, right people, right time and right focus are aligned strategically, fourth to review finances in order to ensure funding for future projects and strategies, and finally to establish Methodist Healthcare as a learning institution focused on the education of associates.

The Care Transformation Initiative was implemented to more strongly align the objective of excellent patient care with the workplace needs of physicians. It has been mentioned above that the new vision of Methodist Healthcare focused on strengthening the institution as an excellent and desirable workplace for physicians. As such, an educational strategy has been implemented, which is focused on upgrading the knowledge and skills of physicians in the health care of patients.

Other strategies that could help in the goal of…… [Read More]

Healthcare Crisis US Health Care View Full Essay
Words: 1617 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper #: 87102656
Universal healthcare is the only saving formula for this nation, which is doomed in a health care crisis of unprecedented proportions. There is a urgent need to transform healthcare from its present state of commercialism towards the humanitarian approach which guarantees ‘healthcare for all’ independent of their social or financial circumstances. A shared and collective responsibility of healthcare management is the only viable formula for America. It is high time we learn from Canada, UK and other European nations and restructure the current broken state of our healthcare. The successful passing of the USNHC act (H.R. 676) is the only way for America to wake up from its healthcare nightmare. Will the powerful insurance industry hold its ground yet again and resist this awakening leaving all the citizens doomed? This is an important question for all the citizens of our country.


1) Science Daily, ‘American Values Blamed for U.S.…… [Read More]

Health Care in Marketing View Full Essay
Words: 311 Length: 1 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 81888384
Promotion Strategies

In the field of healthcare, organizations are required to promote themselves in the same manner as any other corporation mainly due to the fact that many healthcare organizations are dependent on donations, promotion strategies thus help an organizations stay connected with major charities and also give financiers a reason to give money to a particular organization. Our organization’s promotion strategies include sending complimentary gifts to various important people including some charity originations. This helps in staying focused and maintaining a certain standard of performance because donations are certainly not forthcoming when your healthcare organization doesn’t do anything to market itself well.

Promotion strategies can range from internal activities such as those involving the employees and patients and external that includes everything from marketing techniques to advertising of sorts. Our organization follows such large organizations as Evangelical Lutheran Samaritan society, which excels in promotion strategies. This organization has been…… [Read More]

Healthcare Bill View Full Essay
Words: 897 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Creative Writing Paper #: 68839694
Healthcare Bill

Ref: The Health Care bill signed by Andrew M. Cuomo — Governor for Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

I wish to state that the legislation must have come in earlier than this. Autism is a condition that requires medication and care for children and the legislation passed by the Governor Albany, NY on November 1, 2011 requires that the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder be brought under the health care coverage. This is a laudable step in New York and it will be a blessing to such families with autistic children to afford the expensive health care costs. The law now makes it mandatory for the health insurance companies to provide coverage for treatment of autism spectrum disorders, and the companies however may resort to ‘deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance consistent with those imposed on other benefits.’ (Cuomo, 2011)

Discussing the law Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said that the…… [Read More]

Healthcare Philosophies of Christians and Shinto Followers View Full Essay
Words: 2998 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 90819340
Healthcare Philosophies of Christians and Shinto Followers

Christianity approaches healthcare from a rather different perspective as compared to Shintoism. The contemporary Western worldview is generally termed ‘dualism’, which incorporates the idea that evil and good are eternally and continuously locked in combat. Human advancement progresses via rhythms occurring within continuous environment-individual interaction. That is, nurses acquire knowledge of best caregiving practices by working with and understanding fellow human beings, engaging in honest communications with them, and viewing every patient as unique, from a biological, social, psychological, emotional, spiritual and cultural perspective. Christianity claims the Universe and its Creator ought to be considered the principal reality. Mankind views its surroundings using its respective cultural lens, experiences, and worldview. The world is not all evil and unethical; the existence of continuous aggression and brutality around us does not and, definitely, must not influence our worldview. Humanity is a biological specimen encountering immense…… [Read More]

Health Related Websites View Full Essay
Words: 1447 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 42635982
Healthcare Websites

Soda Consumption and its link to obesity in California

The soda sugary drink consumption has increased tenfold along with its availability. California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) confirms that the overall exposure and consumption of soda and sugary drinks amongst children is extremely harmful. The even recently released fact sheets that supported the related harms as well as their concerns towards increasing soda consumption. After reading the article, it became quite clear that the increase in the soda consumption was an after-shoot of the media promotions of unhealthy diets and junk consumption. Increasing attractive advertisements also gave the food industry the opportunity to exploit the increased attractiveness and thus penetrate the market for huge profits.

CCPHA also pointed out the trends of limited physical activities that were also decreasing the overall health of the children. This is also a major concern and makes me realize the overall…… [Read More]

Health Policy Values View Full Essay
Words: 948 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 88065057
Health Policy Values

My Personal Values and Spiritual Beliefs

Values and beliefs are an integral and imperative element in the life of any individual and play a vital role in one’s growth and development. All human beings have their own beliefs, values, and outlooks that alter over time. In turn, these elements have a substantial influence on a person’s capacity to understand, evaluate, and make decisions. They not only fashion the present moment but also the future. My personal belief is that it is imperative to be respectful and considerate to every individual. I believe this makes it possible to not only have self-respect but also respect others and understand other people’s situations. With regard to my spiritual belief, my mantra is that every being on this world has the right to live and is equal in every aspect. These personal and spiritual beliefs have been important in my development…… [Read More]

Healthcare Intro of the Representative View Full Essay
Words: 940 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper #: 34588361
In addition, Senator Collins led the fight to restore critical f funding to Medicare for home health care so that elderly citizens and disabled can receive needed care in their own homes (“Biography”).”

Obviously the senator encourages the funding of both Medicaid and Medicare as she has fought to ensure that both are funded correctly. Collins was also a supporter of the stimulus package that improves healthcare information technology.

As it pertains to abortions Susan Collins is also pro-choice and believes in stem cell research. She is adamant about the right of a woman to choose just as Senator Kennedy. She also voted no on prohibiting HHS grants to organization who perform abortions. She has also been a proponent of expanding stem cell research.

In both the present and the past Collins has worked to ensure that healthcare coverage is affordable. From the bill that she coauthored with Senator Kennedy…… [Read More]

Health and Communities View Full Essay
Words: 413 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 42564349
Health and Community

Nola Pender states that the most important challenge in modern nursing is the understanding of global health issues. It is not enough to merely be aware of international disease patterns but to utilize western technologies to both inform and help bring about change to these epidemic situations. Several diseases have transcended the original locale to become worldwide issues. Most prevalent of these is the epidemic of HIV which has infected people all over the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially labeled the virus as a “pandemic,” meaning that there is no place in the populated world that is not in some way impacted by HIV. The HIV and Aids epidemics are not new information. People have been suffering and dying with this disease for more than twenty years now. However, knowledge of the illness does not mean that people should give up and stop providing…… [Read More]

Health Care Professions Issues and Questions I View Full Essay
Words: 657 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 96541553
Health Care Professions: Issues and Questions

I believe that health care is indeed a right for all people. Just as personal and public safety is a right that we all believe in, ascribe to, and pay to uphold, so we should also protect the right to be healthy. It is the nation’s job to help create an existence for its citizens that is free from disease and other forms of harm. The government does this in other concrete ways for its people, such as by providing definitive means of protection through a police force and through legislation to protect public and personal safety. Thus the health and wellness safety of its people needs to be treated as equally important. Those who oppose a pervasive and comprehensive healthcare system for all (and with it, the taxes that come to all in order to afford such a system) often argue that sick…… [Read More]

Health Advocacy Campaign View Full Essay
Words: 2657 Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 62348941
Health Advocacy Campaign – Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Most of the health issue that people face on a day-to-day basis do not become pandemics. But this is not the case with obesity. Over a billion people are affected by obesity worldwide (Miller, et al., 2004). The statistics are particularly discouraging for children who are obese. Children who have a body mass index (BMI) that is greater than the figures in the 85th percentile for their age and gender are considered to be obese (Miller, et al., 2004). During the past three decades, the number of children identified as obese under that standard has tripled (Miller, et al., 2004). In the United States, more than 30% of the children are overweight or obese, with BMI measurements greater than the 95th percentile (Miller, et al., 2004). The International Obesity Task Force has estimated that, across the globe, 22 million children under five…… [Read More]

Health Care Marketing Approach for View Full Essay
Words: 1922 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 42855396
edu). While this example just discusses one manner in which a given policy can empower a healthcare marketing strategy, social marketing is currently so engrained in our culture that its powers are truly widespread. Social marketing allows products and brands to have more flexible and sensitive pricing as their prices can be changed at any minutes and consumers alerted, given the instantaneous nature of social marketing. The same goes for service as well — any changes or enhancements that are made to services can be alerted to the public immediately. Likewise, social marketing is a two-way process: it allows consumers to chat their thoughts, ideas and concerns to marketers, giving them immediate and constant feedback. Social marketing can impact large groups of people at once, as readily seen by campaigns used by the AHA or the FDA (Kotler et al., 2008).

Social networking can also be a means of social…… [Read More]

Healthcare in the Prison System View Full Essay
Words: 1994 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 54153260

Data Analysis Procedures

In what way(s) are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the data collected? A number of qualitative researchers have advanced comparable data collection approaches for qualitative data, and the author relied on the methods developed by Street and Walsh (1996) for this purpose.

In what way(s) are the data analysis procedures consistent with the qualitative method used? The author states that she based her data analysis on the qualitative techniques developed by Massarik (1981).

Strengths and Limitations

What are two major strengths of the scientific merit of this study? The two major strengths of the qualitative study by Doyle (1999) concerned the timeliness of the research and the relevance of the findings; this researcher determined that the psychiatric nurses surveyed identified the following factors as influencing their work: (a) challenging patients, (b) threats to personal survival of patients, – the technology and artifice of confinement, (d) conflicting…… [Read More]

Health Illness and Society Social Stigma Exists View Full Essay
Words: 2263 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 7144252
Health Illness and Society

Social stigma exists in multiple forms that are mostly related to the culture, ethos, plumpness, race, color, creed, gender, disease and ailments. Stigmatization can cause negative impact on the lives of individuals. They not only impact the health of the people but also affect their mental stability and state of mind. This somehow makes these sufferers feel insecure about them and transforms them into insecure individuals. They develop a feeling of insecurity and their self-esteem is negatively affected. They believe that their worth is adversely affected. Such circumstances can occur in the place of work, educational environment like schools and colleges, health care centers, and even in one’s own family. People are insecure in their family settings as well. Stigma may also be labeled as a tag that links an individual to unsolicited physiognomies (Ali, 2008). In such circumstances, people start recognizing the traits that make…… [Read More]

Health Community Health Even Though View Full Essay
Words: 618 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 55407161

As a group, the 3 groups in this study showed significant increases on both the school-level accountability indicators like performance and progress and the core content indicators like reading, math, and writing for the 3-year period. This was expected and likely due to the importance placed on academic reform throughout the entire state educational system. Holding time constant, the level of implementation was an important factor, particularly on the reading and math indicators. Schools implementing CSHP at a low level had a considerably lower proportion of students meeting both the reading and the math standards than schools implementing CSHP at a high level.

Interestingly, schools implementing CSHP at a low level also had a considerably lower proportion of students meeting both the reading and the mathematics standards than those schools not implementing CSHP at all. This finding was not surprising given that for academically struggling schools, upholding fidelity across multiple…… [Read More]

Health and Wellness Foods and Beverages View Full Essay
Words: 5783 Length: 15 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 39648167
Health and Wellness Foods & Beverages

Increase in health consciousness:

Studies on health consciousness among Americans have been carried out on the telephone by Peter D. Hart Research Associates on the telephone among a representative sample of 1,018 “Less Active” American adults more than 18 years old. The definition of less active was taken as being people who exercised vigorously less than twice a week. The summary of the study stated that 43% of the total adult population is less active while 57% belong to the more active section. The study was conducted among all Americans on behalf of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the collaborator was the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association.

The study showed that some groups of the population like women and lower-income Americans have more than their representative shares of population in the Less Active group. The other interesting factor is that the…… [Read More]

Promotion and Publicity Sales Promotion View Full Essay
Words: 2430 Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 90494893
Fast food markets cater to those who live fast-paced, busy lives, and many people make quick decisions to eat fast food when they’re on the road. Commercials using the college-aged Jared should appear in a limited capacity on television, but in a greater capacity on the radio. The spokesperson should use the commercial in order to compare Subway’s prices with those of other fast food restaurants while distancing the sandwich shop’s products from the products offered at other fast food establishments. A slogan might sound something like this: “Subway. Because the dollar menu doesn’t have to be so greasy.” Using the college-aged Jared to publicize these prices over the radio will convince many to make a fast-paced decision to choose Subway over comparatively priced fast food restaurants.

Those who choose to eat with their friends or in social situations

Subway’s current sales promotion advertising a foot-long sandwich for only five…… [Read More]

Promotions Strategies There Are Two Types of View Full Essay
Words: 678 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 61694194
Promotions strategies.

There are two types of promotion strategies:

Above the line promotion where TV, radio, newspapers, internet, and billboards are used amongst other stratagems)

Below the line promotion intended to be subtle so that consumer is unaware of advertising purpose (e.g. testimonials, sponsorship, product placement, direct mail, trade shows, and public relations).

The five elements that would be involved in promoting / selling the following two components are: personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity.

The promotional objectives for both are also similar in that their overall strategy is to: present information to consumers; increase demand for the product; and differentiate the product.


A combination of above the line and below the line promotion will be used with emphasis on below the line. I will use Internet advertisement, special events, endorsements, and newspapers. I will also give incentives like discounts (“two for the price of…… [Read More]

Health Care Analysis Marketing at Mayo Clinic View Full Essay
Words: 1017 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 23685165
Health Care Analysis: Marketing at Mayo Clinic

Marketing activities and processes play an instrumental role in the success of an organization (Kotler, Shalowitz & Stevens, 2011). This observation is particularly true for Mayo Clinic, one of the largest nonprofit healthcare organizations in the U.S. and whose history dates back more than 150 years ago (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). This paper explores the importance of marketing to the success of the organization. this paper pays specific attention to the 4Ps of marketing, the relationship between the organization’s marketing and its partnerships, the value of those partnerships, as well as its target market.

4 Ps of Marketing

The 4Ps of marketing essentially explain the four major elements that constitute the focus of marketing. The first element is Product, which considers the nature of the product or service and the customer need it fulfills (Kotler, Shalowitz & Stevens, 2011). Mayo Clinic provides a wide…… [Read More]

Health Care Management Marketing to Potential New Clients View Full Essay
Words: 1100 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 91205539
Thus, this implies that, taking into consideration the two promotes the organization in providing improved services as compared to those provided by its competitors, hence, its excellent performance and competitiveness (Qader & Omar, 2013).


Cox, K. (2009). Redefining Private Practice — Smart Ideas for a Changing Economy. Social Work Today. Vol. 9 No. 6 P. 12. Retrieved on April 5, 2014 from http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/112309p12.shtml

Elefant, C. & Black, N. (2010). Marketing Your Practice Today: How to Use Social Media to Network and Build Relationships. American Bar Association. 2010 Issue | Volume 36 Number 3 | Page 40. Retrieved on April 5, 2014 from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/law_practice_home/law_practice_archive/lpm_magazine_articles_v36_is3_pg40.html

Mangold, W.G., & Faulds, D.J. (2009). Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons, 52(4), 357 — 365. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2009.03.002

Qader I.K. a., & Omar, a.B. (2013). The Evolution of Experiential Marketing: Effects of Brand

Experience among the Millennial Generation. International Journal of…… [Read More]

Healthcare Social Vulnerability to Disease Health Care View Full Essay
Words: 710 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 12385483
Healthcare: Social Vulnerability to Disease

Health care has as its immediate concern the welfare of clients and patients. However this pressing concern is often influenced by multiple factors many of which have a distinct social dimension. Consequently, care of individuals and the delivery of quality care is not only a medical problem but also a social problem. Vulnerable populations generally require direct external interventions to assist in the reduction of the levels of risk the group experiences.

There is a fundamental difference between at risk groups and vulnerable populations. The difference is as a result of the role of political, environmental and other social factors in amplifying an already existing risk. At risk groups are populations for whom the relative risk of acquiring a disease is increased beyond that of the general population. There are groups who have a higher probability of contracting malaria and dying from this disease. An…… [Read More]

Health in the Media What View Full Essay
Words: 496 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 22124332
The ads are meant to convey the solemn viewpoint — if you use meth, you will die… it is a ticking time bomb and inevitable.

What are your reactions and/or thoughts about the health issue(s) and how it is presented?

This reminds me of the films seen during driver’s ed. Of films so graphic they almost made one ill — designed to scare kids into being more careful drivers. The images on the Montana Meth Project are designed to shock, designed to cause dialog, and designed, in the long run, to prevent further meth use.

The statistics show that it can be reasonably assumed that the ads had some effect. The reason one cannot make the assumption completely that the campaign worked is because there are too many additional variables that might have something to do with the decrease in meth related activities; price elasticity of the product, law enforcement,…… [Read More]

Health and Fitness Survey Hour Fitness a View Full Essay
Words: 1110 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 74445949
Health and Fitness Survey

Hour Fitness, a global leader in fitness, is committed to making fitness accessible and affordable to people of all fitness levels. The company is the largest privately owned fitness chain in the world, with clubs in the United States, Europe and Asia. In the United States, 24-Hour Fitness and its Q. Sports Clubs division are the industry leaders in fitness. In Asia clubs operate as California Fitness. In Europe clubs operate as S.A.T.S. Sports Clubs. In Norway, Sweden and Denmark, clubs operates as Form and Fitness.

Convenient locations, the latest equipment, affordable prices, knowledgeable staff and outstanding service, as well as facilities that are open up to 24 hours a day, seven days a week, are all factors that have contributed to the company’s tremendous growth and success.

For this project, Steve Gordon, Personal Training Director of 24-Hour Fitness, Northern California Division, was interviewed on November…… [Read More]

Healthcare in Saudi Arabia Project View Full Essay
Words: 13191 Length: 40 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper #: 81599113
Lack of accountability, transparency and integrity, ineffectiveness, inefficiency and unresponsiveness to human development remain problematic (UNDP).

Poverty remains endemic in most Gulf States with health care and opportunities for quality education poor or unavailable, degraded habitats including urban pollution and poor soil conditions from inappropriate farming practices. Social safety nets are also entirely inadequate and all form part of the nexus of poverty that is widely prevalent in Gulf countries. While economic growth is not a sufficient condition for eliminating income poverty, it is certainly necessary in the overall scheme of things. Knowledge remains a cornerstone of development and knowledge absorption involves providing the capacity to use knowledge through education. One significant question remains relative to human development issues in Gulf States because the region has significantly outperformed all developmental regions with the exception of Latin America and the Caribbean. Taken as a group, Gulf countries spend a higher percentage…… [Read More]

Community Health Nursing View Full Essay
Words: 1750 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Case Study Paper #: 68261195
Community Health Nursing

The contribution that a community healthcare unit can make towards enhancing population health and minimizing inequalities is strengthened by international law. Primary healthcare has demonstrated to have an independent impact on improving the status of health within the community. It also affects the reduction of health inequalities and the achievement of improved health outcomes at a relatively low cost and making the healthcare system sustainable. There is substantial evidence that a solid primary health care framework guarantees an effective healthcare delivery. In this case, it will solve the lack of responsiveness and continuity in the overall healthcare. This study has focused on the contribution of a community health nurse to the orientation of the framework towards population health promotion, primary health care and health promotion.

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