
Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and all of your technological gadgetry was gone!

Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and all of your technological gadgetry was gone! What would it be like to live in a world with no TV, no smartphone, no iPod®, no microwave, not even a toaster? Well, perhaps someday you will get a chance to meet someone from just such a society as our world becomes increasingly smaller due to the processes of globalization. For now, though, your task is to explore and comment on the ways that levels of technology define the ways that people in different societies around the world still live today.

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Technology and Society

Explain how different levels of technology have shaped the development of five types of human societies over time. Describe how people in each of those societies use available technology as part of their way of life. If you had a choice to be a member of any one of those societies, including our own, which would you choose, and why?

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Ans)Preindustrial societies: before industrial revolution and the widespread use of machines,societies were small,rural,and dependent largely on local resources.the very first occupation was that of hunter -gatherer . Hunter -gatherer societies: demo...

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