
Male Victims of Domestic Violence

I have to complete an assignment on male victim of domestic violence. I don’t know where to start trying to do either. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Interesting topic! Let’s take a closer look at what you might include. I also attached two informative articles to get you started.


In a short paper like this one, you will still include an:

I. Introduction (e.g. several sentences introducing the topic; define domestic abuse; why is it worth writing about; why is is important; and a purpose statement: The purpose of this paper it to…);

E.g. Whether you are male or female, the definition of domestic violence is the same. (define)

II. Body (e.g., prevalence, types of violence and effects. treatment)

A. Prevalence

E.g. Statistics suggest it is a worldwide phenomenon, but widely goes unreported.

For Canada: see http://www.canada.com/reginaleaderpost/news/story.html?id=743f8340-d94d-490e-b31b-cff499b0a911
For Britain: see http://www.thesite.org/homelawandmoney/law/victims/malevictimsofdomesticviolence and

Why men remain silent? …

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