
NR443 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2

NR443 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2

This week, you are learning about many different vulnerable populations. Choose one vulnerable population. Briefly describe this vulnerable population. Discuss several risk factors that may impact health outcomes for this group. Describe two priorities for community health nurses working with this population.

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DQ 2 Review the Week 3 Case Study that may be found in Doc Sharing. Assurance is one of the three core functions of public health. Find a resource in your community (other than WIC) that could assist Mary during her pregnancy. Start by searching the Internet for your local health department’s website. What services do they provide for pregnant women or those with mental health concerns? What about your local welfare office? Do they provide prenatal or mental health services? Are there any service organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, or churches providing help for pregnant women or those experiencing mental health concerns? Briefly describe the types of services that you found. Choose one agency and assess this agency in terms of the 4 As. Is it accessible, acceptable, affordable, or available for Mary or other pregnant women that you case-manage?

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