
Nursing Theories and Their Influence on One’s Behavior

Nursing Theories and Their Influence on One’s Behavior View Full Essay

Health Promotional Model by Nola Pender

The following study focuses on Srof and Velsor-Friedrich (2006) article titled “Health Promotion in Adolescents: A eview of Pender’s Health Promotion Model.” According to the health and promotion model, every individual possesses unique personal characteristics as well as experiences that influence subsequent actions. Various sets of variables for behavioral knowhow affect the essential motivational significance. The authors have emphasized the need to identify the variables that can be influenced by different nursing procedures. The health-promoting norms should facilitate improvement in health and enhance functional ability as well as the appropriate quality of life at all developmental stages.

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According to Srof and Velsor-Friedrich (2006), the Health Promotion Model is a predictive nursing strategy that Nola proposed in 1982. In this case, she sought to explain people’s perspective on their health and the effect of their personal foundation and direct actions. The model predicts the potential…… [Read More]


Peterson, S.J., & Bredow, T.S. (Eds.). (2009). Middle Range Theories: Application to Nursing Research. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Family Image Semiotics Nursing Theories View Full Essay

Words: 665 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 15462240
At first glance, the image used in the banner for the Nursing 550 Family and Culture Diversity Theories does not seem relevant to the subject. However, a deeper examination shows that there are layers of semiotic meaning in the image. The image depicts a gorilla tenderly cradling a kitten in its arms. At first, I did not notice that the baby animal was a kitten at all, assuming that it was a baby gorilla. My assumptions alone are one of the reasons why this course is important in raising awareness about the diversity of family structures. After realizing that the image depicts inter-species parental caring, I considered how gorillas are wild animals whereas kittens have been domesticated over the course of thousands of years. Therefore, a gorilla and a kitten are not just different species with different genetics; they have different genotypes and backgrounds. A person can adopt a kitten,…… [Read More]


Ehrmin, J. (n.d.). Course banner for Nursing 550 Family and Culture Diversity Theories.

Nursing Theory Comparison Human Becoming View Full Essay

Words: 702 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 13445289
According to the research, it “is defined as a practice-based ethic that is patient centered, It is an individualistic ethic that unites the reason why a decision is made with the action itself and the foreseeable consequences of that action,” (Brown, 2010). In this the theory also shares with Parse’s theory the importance of individual decision making and choices. One of the main differences is the notion of how we relate to one another. We have a freedom from aggression, known as negative right, based on this relationship, where we are not scared of others acting out irrationally against us. As such, the health care professionals do not act to harm the patients, but the patients also have the strict role of being the patients, thus “to fulfill his responsibilities in the treatment plan and not to place any unreasonable demands on the healthcare professional” (Brown, 2010). This is different…… [Read More]


Brown, Barbara. (2010), A bioethical decision making guide: A synopsis of Symphonology. Health and Human Development. Penn State University. Web. http://www.personal.psu.edu/dxm12/n458/symphonology.htm

Parse, Rosemary Rizzo. (2011). Human becoming theory. Nursing Theories. Web. http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/Rosemary_Pars_Human_Becoming_Theory.html
Nursing Theory the Ethical Implications View Full Essay
Words: 1012 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 15934456
(Newman, 1) Here, it can be evidenced that the empathy accorded by the theoretical framework will provide an ideological umbrella for how best to address one’s condition while simultaneously abiding the regulatory medical requirements common to most forms of modern treatment.

This means possessing a degree of pertinent information where nursing theory is concerned that will allow for such pragmatism and a firm understanding of the practices pertinent to kidney donation as denoted in the annotated bibliography provided here below.

Cohen, E. & Pifer-Bixler, J. (2009). Surgeons Remove Health Kidney Through Donor’s Vagina. CNN. Online at http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/02/03/kidney.vagina.surgery/index.html

The article here described a first-ever successful procedure in which a healthy kidney was removed through a donor’s vagina rather than through traditionally employed and far more invasive surgical procedures. This is useful to our discussion because it reduces the strain and cosmetic impact of making a kidney donation. The article cites the…… [Read More]

Works Cited:

Cohen, E. & Pifer-Bixler, J. (2009). Surgeons Remove Health Kidney Through Donor’s

Vagina. CNN. Online at http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/02/03/kidney.vagina.surgery/index.html

Griffin, D. & Fitzpatrick, D. (2009). Donor Says He Got Thousands For His Kidney. CNN. Online at http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/09/01/blackmarket.organs/index.html

McKay, R. (2010). Kidney Donor Needed Own Transplant. Chicago Tribune. Online at http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-tc-nw-man-kidney-0104-0105jan05,0,2513301.story
Nursing Theory the Evolution of View Full Essay
Words: 576 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 79144390

Types of Reasoning

One of the main types of reasoning discussed in the readings is logical reasoning. This type of reasoning features the use of inferences in order to come into knowledge about a certain experience or phenomenon. Essentially, inferences are the way that conclusions are drawn after systematically examining observations and external phenomenon. It is close to the style of scientific inquiry which is also a very logic-oriented methodology. The primary idea behind inferences is that an individual sees or witnesses some stimuli or phenomena. From this event, that individual can then make their own conclusions as to why or how that particular stimuli or phenomena occurred, making an assumption based on external observations combined with prior knowledge of similar events and circumstances.

A second type of reasoning discussed in the reading is the use of deduction. Logical reasoning uses deduction, or the process of concluding an assumption…… [Read More]

Nursing Theory Personal Approach View Full Essay
Words: 718 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 26235578
Nursing theory chosen, which best aligns with my personal theory of nursing, is Neuman’s System Model. This model was created by Betty Neuman, and designed to be holistic in nature (Memmott, et al., 2000). The focus of the model is on the whole person (patient), the environment surrounding that person, the overall health of the person, and the nursing care that person is provided with during his or her illness. While it might seem obvious that all of these areas should be considered, many models of nursing practice today ignore too many important factors regarding a person and why he or she may be ill (Barnum, 1998). With that in mind, it is very important to use a theory like Neuman’s Systems Model in order to address more than just a set of symptoms (Memmott, et al., 2000). When nurses and other medical professionals take a look at a chart…… [Read More]


Barnum, B. (1998). Nursing theory: Analysis, application, evaluation. NY: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Memmott, R.J. Marett, K.M. Bott, R.L. & Duke, L. (2000). Use of the Neuman Systems Model for interdisciplinary teams. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 1(2).

Nursing Theory Nursing Is a View Full Essay

Words: 883 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 65138438

A person’s health is an ever-changing state of being resulting from the interaction with the environment. Optimum health is the actualization of both innate and obtained human potential gained through rewarding relationships with others, obtaining goals and maintaining expert personal care. Adaptations can be made as required to maintain stability and structural integrity. A person’s state of health can vary from wellness to illness, disease, or dysfunction. Professional nursing is founded on the need to promote wellness practices, the attentive treatment of persons who are acutely or chronically ill or dying, and restorative care of patients during convalescence and rehabilitation. It also includes the education and measurement of those who perform or are learning to perform nursing responsibilities, the support and communication of research to enhance knowledge and practice, and the management of nursing in healthcare delivery systems. Nursing practice centers on the application of a body of knowledge in…… [Read More]

Johnston, N., Rogers, M., Cross, N. And Sochan, a.(2007) Global and planetary health:

teaching as if the future matters. Nursing Education Perspectives 26(3), 152

Nyatanga, L. (2005) Nursing and the philosophy of science. Nurse Education Today 25(8), 670-675
Nursing Theory in Nursing Decision-Making View Full Essay
Words: 826 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 40721361

A nurse must weigh these variables, physical, mental, and spiritual, when advising a course of treatment and deciding how to approach a patient or patient’s family. An adolescent who is an injured athlete envisioning a lucrative college scholarship might demand and be able to physically and mentally withstand a more aggressive form of treatment, due to psychological and developmental and goal-related visions (spiritual) factors than might a less motivated elderly patient.

A nurse who is training other nurses can instill consideration for all such variables in her various trainees — and encourage nurses to engage in self-care as well as patient care on spiritual, preventative physical health care, and mental levels. Additionally, in a work environment with many diverse cultures, remind other nurses that Neuman’s model has also been modified slightly to take into consideration culture as well as mind, body, and spirit — although culture and spiritual values are…… [Read More]

Works Cited

Neuman, B.M. (1990). The Neuman systems model: A theory for practice. In M.E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice (pp. 241-261). New York: National League for Nursing.

Neuman, B.M. (Ed.). (1995). The Neuman systems model (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.

Pierce, J.D., & Hutton, E. (1992). Applying the new concepts of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Forum, 27(1), 15-18.
Nursing Theory Framework View Full Essay
Words: 2702 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 33960538
Nursing Theory Framework

Attachment Theory

ecognizing Addiction through Attachment Theory

Affect egulation and Addiction

Handling Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

The First Phase of Therapy





Nursing Theory Framework

The misappropriation of prescription drugs by teens in the United States is a growing public health issue. Using a nursing theory framework, the scope of the problem of prescription drug use among teens is reviewed. Equal in variety to manifestations of addiction are sundry psychological theories that attempt to explain and treat the problem. Hardy (2011) was able to look into four traditional models for recognizing alcoholism (social learning theory, tension reduction theory, personality theory, and interactional theory,) in addition to five theoretical models that were developing at the time of their writing.

An approach to treating and understanding addiction that has created a huge amount of research in current decades, and which displays big promise for effective…… [Read More]


Caplan, J.P. (2012). Neuropsychiatric effects of prescription drug abuse. Neuropsychology Review, 17(3), 363-80.

Elkashef, A.M. (2012). Prevention and treatment of addiction. Psychiatric Times, 16-18.

Fischer, B.P. (n.d.). Assessing the prevalence of nonmedical prescription opioid use in the general canadian population: Methodological issues and questions. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(9), 606-9.

Flores, P.J. (2012). Group psychotherapy and neuro-plasticity: An attachment theory perspective. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 60(4), 546-70.
Nursing Theory Application View Full Essay
Words: 748 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 44487421
Nursing Theory Application

Case Study Overview from the viewpoint of a new EMT — Patient was a 78-year-old mail presenting breathing difficulties. Patient had early stage cancer with a DRN bracelet and note. Patient’s wife was aware of the DNR, but her natural reaction was to try to save her husband. The call, then, was more to assure the wife than the husband, who accepted the situation but was still distressed.

Nursing Theory Applied — “Nursing as Caring” was developed by Boykin and Schoenhofer in the 1980s when looking at the dimensions of caring and how it applied to the overall patient/health care paradigm. In general, the theory is a framework that guides and acts as a tool box when dealing with common issues in modern health care. The central dimensions of the theory is that caring is what makes humans ‘human,’ that caring is a moment to moment and…… [Read More]

Works Cited

Cardinal Stritch University. (2010, June). Anne Boykin & Sarvina Schoenhoffer – Nursing as Caring. Retrieved from stritch.edu: http://www.stritch.edu/Library/Doing-Research/Research-by-Subject/Health-Sciences-Nursing-Theorists/Anne-Boykin-Sarvina-Schoenhofer-Nursing-as-Caring/

Kubler-Ross, E. (2007). On Grief and Grieving. New York: Scribner.

Kubler-Ross, E. (2007, April). The Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle. Retrieved from Changing Minds:: http://changingminds.org/disciplines / change_management/kubler_ross/kubler_ros s.htm

Kubler-Ross, E. (2013, January). On Death and Dying. Retrieved from ELR Foundation: http://www.ekrfoundation.org/

Nursing Theory — Bonnie Duldt View Full Essay

Words: 580 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 51978123
” This is a fallacy because it assumes facts not in evidence and makes a statement that appears to be factual when it is opinion.

7 State one argument made by the author. Each additional execution appears to deter between three and 18 murders. While opponents of capital punishment allege that it is unfairly used against frican-mericans, each additional execution deters the murder of 1.5 frican-mericans. Further moratoria, commuted sentences, and death row removals appear to increase the incidence of murder

8 Identify the premises and conclusion of the argument. Premise = legal execution has positive effects; conclusion: continued use of capital punishment will save lives.

9 Is the author’s argument valid or invalid, sound or unsound, strong or weak? Explain how you determined this. uthor’s arguments are sound and strong, using selective data to prove case, using academics and law enforcement information to appeal to audience.

10 Does the…… [Read More]

American Civil Liberties Union. (2004). “Capital Punishment Should be Abolished.” In T. Roleff, ed., Opposing Viewpoints: Criminal Justice. San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

1 Identify the principal issue presented by the source. The death penalty is not administered fairly; studies have found that the defendant’s race, geographic location, and economic status greatly influence whether or not capital punishment is imposed.

2 Identify any examples of bias presented by the

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