Nursing theory practice setting.
Provide an overview of the theory
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Get Help Now!Myra Estrin Levine is known as the most important Nursing theorist for developing “The Conservation Model.” Levine got a diploma in 1944 and obtained her B.S in 1949 and finished M.S.N in 1962 from Wayne State College. She acted as a specialist to healthcare facilities and colleges of nursing. Furthermore, she offered a teaching format for the medical or surgical sector of nursing and developed “The 4 Conservation Fundamentals.” “She clearly connected wellness to the procedure of conservation design and viewed wellness as one of its necessary elements” (Levine, 1991).
The 3 significant ideas of the Conservation Model are 1) wholeness, 2) adaption, and 3) conservation. “Whole, wellness, hale all are sourced from the Anglo-Saxon word hal” (Levine, 1973, p. 11). Myra Levine formulated her take of wholeness as an open system, which meant checking out the components of the…… [Read More]
Alligood, Martha Raile (2010). Nursing theory: Utilization and application. Toronto: Mosby Elsevier.
Chinn, P.L., & Kramer, M.K. (2011). Integrated knowledge development in nursing (8th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
Current Nursing (2010). Levine’s four conservation principles. Retrieved from .
Levine, M.E. (1973). Introduction to Clinical Nursing (2nd Ed.). Philadelphia F.A. Davis.
Nursing Theory Middle Range Theory View Full Essay
Words: 2277 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 98474698
The respondents who step out to be part of the research process should be protected from any unwanted intrusion or any other form of personal or group harassment (Smith & Liehr, 2008).
It is formal to have and conduct nursing research according to the set ethical frameworks where the entire review of the proposal will be undertaken. Whether to be undertaken by the staff or students, this research should be subjected to ethical approvals, which will make sure that the research, proposal is directed at serving the nursing school dream and intentions. Using the Middle range theory, the nursing problems and challenges will be solved in various ways as follows (Smith & Liehr, 2003).
All the nursing researchers and educators, being the staff members, must have respect upon the dignity, interests, and rights of the nursing students and other staff members related and participating in practical and theoretical learning.
Any…… [Read More]
Basford, L., & Slevin, O. (2003). Theory and practice of nursing: An integrated approach to patient care. Cheltenham, U.K: Nelson Thornes.
Fitzpatrick, J.J., & Kazer, M.W. (2012). Encyclopedia of nursing research. New York:
Springer Pub.
Meleis, a.I. (2011). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: Wolters
Nursing Theory Is That it View Full Essay
Words: 652 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 61414434
At times patients cannot care for themselves, and nurses must remedy these self-care deficits (Dorothea Orem’s Self-care theory, 2011, Nursing Theories).
Whenever possible, patients should be empowered to act as best as they can to care for themselves. The nurse is viewed as an aid to remedy the self-care deficit in Orem’s view. The nurse is not seen as superseding the patient’s basic right to autonomy. Although some nurses know this intuitively, when busy or rushed sometimes it can be easy to forget the value of allowing patients to do as much as possible as they can for themselves, even if this is something as simple as eating and drinking or going to the bathroom.
Given the preponderance of lifestyle-related diseases today, Orem’s stress upon patient self-knowledge and awareness is essential. Patients will care for themselves when they return home from a healthcare environment in most instances, and they must…… [Read More]
Cody, W.K. (2006). Philosophical and theoretical perspectives. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett
Dorothea Orem’s Self-care theory. (2011, January 11). Nursing Theories.
Retrieved April 6, 2011 at
Nursing Theory as a Guide View Full Essay
Words: 1309 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 97015701
227), and as such, the values of nursing practices were degrading. Nowadays we can pride on a much appreciative recognition of nursing theory with “models” being implemented regularly and indeed I can think of the Magis model of care carried out in Chicago in the first decade of the 2000’s. This initiative was possible because of “several nursing theories along with information from the Institute of Family Centered Care” (Jasovsky et al., 2010, “Abstract”) and led to such results as the change of nursing practice habits that, although proved sometimes uncomfortable for nurses, it meant proficient practicality (Jasovsky et al., 2010, p. 32); the results were deemed even more satisfactory when related to patients feedback, 90% of these having willed to further recommend the services of the hospital (Jasovsky et al., 2010, p. 35-36).
Moreover, Cody believed that nurses found it difficult to adopt or even try to understand nursing…… [Read More]
Reference List
Cody, William K. (2003). Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice. Nursing Science Quaterly, 16(3), 225-231. Retrieved from
Jasovsky, D.A., Morrow, M.R., Clementi, P.S., & Hindle P.A. (2010). Theories in Action and How Nursing Practice Changed. Nursing Science Quaterly, 23(I), 29-38. Retrieved from
Nursing Theory and How it View Full Essay
Words: 964 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 46473902
Cody uses a lot of fancy words and makes mention of philosophy and nursing as a study and a science but it gets a little too sweet and sugary to the point of almost being self-serving or sycophantic, with the only real question whether Cody is trying to make himself look good, nursing as an industry/career/educational pursuit look good or a combination of the two. First, he makes mention of nursing possibly dying off as a science and that is simply specious. The form and function of nursing shall certainly change as the years change but it’s NEVE going to go away. It may be called something else someday just like PTSD used to be called shell shock. However, the root nature of the job and the role is not going to change in its basic function, to ease pain and treat the sick.
Another dimension of the treatise mentioned…… [Read More]
Cody, W. (2003). Nursing Theory as a Guide to Practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16, 225-231.
Nursing Theory Applicable in the 21st Century View Full Essay
Words: 1313 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 11380990
ange Theory in Nursing
The credibility of a profession is mainly based on the professional’s ability to create and apply the appropriate theory. Theories are notions or concepts used for inferring observations, elucidating experiences, and unfolding relationships of project results. Theories are derived from conceptual models. The main function of a theory is to narrow and fully specify the phenomena that is contained in the conceptual model. The theory should also provide a relatively concrete and specific structure for interpreting the initially puzzling situations, behavior, and events. A nursing theory is defined as a set of concepts, relationships, definitions, and assumptions that are derived from nursing models and project a systematic view of phenomena by designing particular inter-relationships among concepts with the purpose of explaining, describing, predicting, and prescribing. Theories are derived using either deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning (Smith & Liehr, 2013). Nurses make use of various theories in…… [Read More]
Davydov, M. (2014). Middle-Range Theory for Nursing. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 30(6), 316.
Fawcett, J. (2005). Middle range nursing theories are necessary for the advancement of the discipline. Aquichan, 5(1), 32-43.
Imenda, S. (2014). Is there a conceptual difference between theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Journal of Social Sciences, 38(2), 185-195.
Lenz, E. R., Pugh, L. C., Milligan, R. A., Gift, A., & Suppe, F. (1997). The middle-range theory of unpleasant symptoms: an update. Advances in Nursing Science, 19(3), 14-27.
Understanding Nursing Theory View Full Essay
Words: 1782 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 65561219
Nursing Theory — oy Adaptation Model
The oy Adaptation Model is one of the most commonly cited and used options when it comes to nursing theories. It has been in existence since 1976, and has had a number of years to be adjusted and changed to work with the adjustments that have occurred in the field of nursing over time (Alligood, 2011). Being able to adapt and change is a very important part of nursing, because all patients are different. Additionally, treatments and medications change rapidly, and that can be difficult to keep up with if a nurse is not focused on adapting his or her style and beliefs to the changing nature of medicine. Here, the importance of nursing theory will be explored, along with the key points that are used in the oy Adaptation Model. The views and ideas that the model provides when it comes to nursing…… [Read More]
Alligood, M.R. (2011). The power of theoretical knowledge. Nursing science quarterly, 24(4), 304-305.
Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2013). Essentials of nursing research. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Roy, C. (2011). Extending the Roy adaptation model to meet changing global needs. Nursing science quarterly, 24(4), 345-351.
Roy, C. (2011). Research based on the Roy Adaptation Model last 25 years. Nursing science quarterly, 24(4), 312-320.
Nursing Theory View Full Essay
Words: 1049 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 16416814
Henderson Nursing Philosophy
classification of theories Grid
Virginia Henderson
Classification Focus
Historical Period
She graduated from her first nursing program in 1921 and her career was at its apex in the 1970’s as she was one of the more prominent authors of nursing textbooks through the 1970’s (and before that dating back to the late 1950’s). She was a research associated at Yale until she died in 1996. She died that same year at the age of 1998. Basically, her career was active in some form for nearly seven decades but it was highest in the middle part from the 1950’s to 1970’s.
Educational background
Virginia Henderson started her medicine career after she graduated from the United States Army School of Nursing in about 1921. She later received her bachelor’s degree in 1931 and her master’s degree. Her Bachelor of Science as well as her master’s from…… [Read More]
AAHN. (2015, January 21). Home. Retrieved January 21, 2015, from
McBride, Angela Barron (1996). “Remembering the first lady of nursing.” Reflections in Nursing Leadership (Sigma Theta Tau).
Meleis, A. (2011). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress (Fifth ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
“Virginia Avenel Henderson.” Virginia Nursing Hall of Fame, Virginia Nursing Archives. Special Collections and Archives, Tompkins-McCaw Library, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Applying Watson’s Nursing Theory to Assess Patient View Full Essay
Words: 1000 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 42278568
Applying atson’s Nursing Theory to Assess Patient Perceptions of Being Cared for in a Multicultural Environment” describes the validness and authentication of the nursing theory of care by Jean atson. She was of the view that the best which a nurse can give to the patient is care as humans are naturally gifted with it and it is irrespective of ethnical, racial, cultural or social basis. The article describes the implications of this theory in such environment where the nurses and their patients have ethnical and cultural difference and they do not even understand each other’s language. It is a case study designed to explore Saudi patient’s perceptions of important caring behaviors by staff nurses. It was concluded by the data obtained that the patients rated overall caring behaviors as most important irrespective of their cultural differences with the caregiver. Hence atson’s theory was proved in a multicultural environment, but…… [Read More]
Works cited
Nicely, Bruce. (2011). Virginia Henderson’s principles and practice of nursing applied to organ donation after brain death. Progress in Transplantation, Vol 21, No. 1, March 2011.
Wakifa (2009). Applying Watson’s Nursing Theory to Assess Patient Perceptions of Being Cared for in a Multicultural Environment. Joumal of Nursing Research, VOL 17, NO 4, DECEMBER 2009.
Walling, Allan. (2006). Therapeutic modulation of the psycho-neuroimmune system by medical acupuncture creates enhanced feelings of well being. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners; Apr 2006; 18, 4; ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source pg. 135
Actualizing Nursing Theory in Practice View Full Essay
Words: 2246 Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 5307699
Nursing Concept Analysis: Caring
Caring is a concept central to nursing theory. Indeed, an esteemed constellation of nurses throughout history, including Nightingale, Watson, Henderson, and Benner, have integrated the concept of care into their theory and praxis. Caring has been considered a foundational element of nursing such that “compassion and therapeutic relationships” are viewed as essential “underpinnings” of nursing (Skillings, 2008). As with most disciplines, the complexities that accompany professional practice in contemporary settings can pose unanticipated challenges. The ethic of caring that is fundamental to nursing endures an onslaught of competing priorities, barriers to compassionate practice, and adaptations inherent to modern healthcare institutions (Skillings, 2008).
Most behaviors that the nursing discipline considers caring are readily recognized, such as “attentive listening, comforting, honest, patient, responsibility, providing information to the patient can make an informed decision, touch, sensitivity, respect, calling the patient by name” (Vance, 2003). Categorically, many nurse practitioners…… [Read More]
Brenner, P. (1984). From novice to expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Dewar, B. & Cook, G. (2013). Developing compassion through a relationship centered appreciative leadership programme. Nurse Education Today, 14(9), 1258-1264.
Fry, N.A. (1993). Beyond professional caring: teaching nursing students the art of Christian caring. Paper delivered at the Faith and Learning Seminar at Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska in June of 1993. Retrieved from
Leininger, M.M. (1991). Culture care, diversity and universality: A theory of nursing. New York, NY: National League of Nursing Press, p. 35.
Dorothea Orem Nursing Theory Analysis View Full Essay
Words: 2299 Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 47962252
This will give her a good idea of the level of understanding the patient has and then she can tailor her teachings to fit the patient’s level of understanding.
It is also a good idea for the nurse to give the patient as much printed information on the topic as she can because the patient can always use these materials as a reference in case the nurse is not readily available. If he teaching is about following a menu plan that will assist the patient in a speedy recovery, the nurse can have the patient keep a food journal of what he ate for a week or so and they can go over it together to determine what is working and what isn’t. The same goes for the patient needing to be educated on any type of physical activities he must perform in order to improve and maintain his health.…… [Read More]
Baker, Lois K. And Denyes, Mary J. (2008). Predictors of self-care in adolescents with cystic fibrosis: A test of Orem’s theories of self-care and self-care deficit. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 23(1), 37-48.
Cleary, Michelle and Freeman, Adele. (2006). Enhancing nurse care partnerships: A self-
directed learning approach. Nurse Education in Practice, 6, 224-231.
Griswold-Pierce, Anne and Smith, Jennifer A. (2008). The ethics curriculum for doctor of nursing practice programs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 24(5), 270-274.
Personal Definition of Nursing Theory Like Most View Full Essay
Words: 710 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 53568977
Personal Definition of Nursing
Nursing Theory
Like most facilities, my institution stresses that it cares for its patients. Its belief in the value of caring and the place of caring at the center of nursing practice has caused it to make Jean Watson’s Human Caring Theory the core of its philosophy. Watson’s theory states that caring is an interpersonal science and a “caring environment is one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for himself or herself at a given point in time” (Jean Watson’s theory of nursing, 2012, Current Nursing). One critical assumption that I see implemented in my practice is the idea that “caring is more ‘healthogenic’ than is curing. A science of caring is complementary to the science of curing” (Jean Watson’s theory of nursing, 2012, Current Nursing). Nursing may be a science, but nurses must always remember that…… [Read More]
Jean Watson’s theory of nursing. (2012). Current Nursing. Retrieved:
Nursing models of care. (2013). Highland Hospital. Retrieved:
Remote Nursing Theory Remote Nursing and Jean View Full Essay
Words: 456 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 94551604
Remote Nursing Theory
Remote Nursing and Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring
Despite the identification of a clear role and responsibility for nurses in the area of remote and rural medical care, providing primary medical assistance to individuals and communities in geographically isolated areas, there have been significant barriers demonstrated to the effective networking and planning of nursing efforts, resources, and personnel in this area (Coyle et al. 2010). Though this problem is largely one that is practical in nature and requires a fix found in policy and infrastructure, the problem can ultimately be seen as one that is rooted in theory and philosophy. Simply put, nurses attempting to provide care to remote individuals and communities are not equipped with the proper tools, training, or resources to provide effective care, and this has also affected the focus of nursing in this arena such that results of nursing attempts in this area…… [Read More]
An application of Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring in Nursing could definitely help to provide a renewed focus on those aspects of rural and remote care that are most essential to patient needs, and that will lead to a greater level of satisfaction and involvement by nurses. Essentially, this theory of nursing insists that the carative rather than the curative aspects of nursing practice and patient outcomes be focused on, which also automatically means treating the whole patient and improving their quality of life rather than simply trying to address specific symptoms and/or diseases (Watson 199; Rafael 2000). Caring for the patient rather than trying to cure the patient leads to a very different perspective in nursing, and this perspective can be applied to whole communities as well as to individuals.
The usefulness of this theory in regards to rural and remote nursing care and practice is difficult to overstate. By approaching rural communities and individuals simply with the focus of providing the best possible care, rather than attempting to provide cures that seem more readily available in less remote settings, nurses would be able to achieve greater levels of self-defined efficacy while at the same time improving the quality of life and the quality of care for their patients (Watson 1999; Rafael 2000). An application of this theory would not immediately address the practical problems of policy and infrastructure that face rural and remote care, but it would provide a solid foundation for the improvement of care in this area — improvement that research has shown must be brought about by nurses (Coyale et al. 2010). This foundation can then be used to encourage greater official attention to and coordination of the issue.
Incorporating this theory into this area of practice begins simply with changing the mental and emotional fous of care.
Application of Orem Nursing Theory View Full Essay
Words: 1891 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 90804158
Dorothea Orem Nursing Theory
A theory is related concepts, and propositions used to guide a professional practice. Moreover, nursing theory serves as the interrelated concepts, predictive in nature, statement explanatory that assists in understanding the nursing phenomenon, which helps to explain and predict the nursing outcomes. Nursing theory is an organized body of knowledge used to explain the phenomena and supporting the nursing practice. Moreover, the nursing theory is defined as a set of definitions, concepts, assumptions, and relationships or propositions that are derived from the nursing model. However, the nursing theories consist of grand and middle-ranged theory. The middle ranged theory is the testable theory, limited in scope, limited in a variable, and used for the clinical research. More importantly, nursing theory serves as the body of knowledge that assists in carrying out the nursing research.
The objective of this study is to use the Dorothea Orem theory to…… [Read More]
Aliakbari, F., Parvin, N., Heidari, M., & Haghani, F. (2015). Learning theories application in nursing education. Retrieved May 10, 2017, from
Maria, O. (2015). Application of Dorothea Orem’s Theory of Self-Care to the Elderly Patient on Peritoneal Dialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal 41(5): 495-498.
Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, Sixth Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Wong, C. L., Ip, W. Y., Choi, K. C., & Lam, L. W. (2015). Examining Self-Care Behaviors and Their Associated Factors Among Adolescent Girls With Dysmenorrhea: An Application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(3), 219-227. doi:10.1111/jnu.12134
Analyzing Application of Nursing Theory View Full Essay
Words: 2149 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 16786886
Nursing Theory
The broad definition of the term ‘theory’ is development and elucidation of any aspect or field of cognition. Theory then is a collection of interrelated propositions that must forecast, describe, influence, or explain events. Theories of learning have attempted to offer explanations about learning as well as its application. In the last century, educational researchers and psychologists have postulated a number of theories to account for how people attain, organize and apply knowledge and skills. Rather than offering a specific theory, educational psychology provides multiple approaches and theories about the process of learning and the motivation for change and learning in individuals. Understanding theories of learning, (essentially educational psychology), is central to the field of education, for enabling nursing educators to offer an atmosphere conducive to learning, enhancing the educational system’s efficiency and education harmonization. In the previous century, learning theory formulation and assessment has greatly facilitated the…… [Read More]
Ahmed, S. (n.d.) Theories and models of nursing practice. College of nursing/university of Baghdad. Retrieved from:
Aliakbari, F., Parvin, N., Heidari, M., & Haghani, F. (2015). Learning theories application in nursing education. J Educ Health Promot. Retrieved from:
Azimian, J., Negarandeh, R., & Movahedi, A. F. (2014). Factors Affecting Nurses’ Coping With Transition: An Exploratory Qualitative Study . Global Journal of Health Science, 1916-9744.
Duchscher (2015). Transition Theory. Nursing the Future. Retrieved from:
Nursing Concepts and Theory Conceptual-Theoretical Structure Paper View Full Essay
Words: 1674 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 18218062
Nursing Concepts and Theory
Conceptual-Theoretical Structure paper
Personal belief about nursing theory and knowledge development process for nursing practice
All nursing theories play an important role in defining nursing and giving the roles that nurses need to play. Originally, the role of nurses was simply to carry out activities as instructed by doctors, however, over the years, this role has been changed to include more responsibilities as the nursing world has evolved. Nursing theories describe, predict and explain the various phenomena in nursing practice and thus create foundations for nursing practice. They also help to generate knowledge in the field of nursing and to point the direction which the field should develop in future. This view is supported by Carper (1978)
who states that nursing theories elaborate nursing practice and create professional boundaries for the profession. Nursing knowledge comes from research that has been conducted on nursing which forms scientific…… [Read More]
Anderson, A.M. (2005). Nursing Leadership, Management, and Professional Practice for the LPN/LVN (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.
Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 13-23.
Clark, M.J. (2003). Community health nursing: Caring for populations (Fourth ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Dayer-Berenson, L. (2010). Cultural Competencies for Nurses: Impact on Health and Illness. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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