
Objecting to Proposed Organizational Plans

At a recent strategic planning retreat of a 40-person multispecialty group, the administrator made a presentation that focused on the coming year’s plans to establish the organization’s first two primary care satellites, which would be located in two of the community’s growing suburbs. These satellites would require the hiring of four family practitioners and other support staff. When the administrator finished her presentation, one of the most senior physicians stood up and said, “This is a foolish expenditure. We’re so busy now in this group we can’t even see another patient. Our revenue was up 14% according to the previous financial presentation’s we heard. There’s no reason to change what we’re doing.” How might you respond to one of the most senior physicians in objecting to a proposed organization’s first two primary care satellites?
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Is the objecting physician a specialist or general practitioner? If the latter, he himself gave the main argument for opening the satellite clinics: they are already over-loaded so this is a chance to decrease the burden while maintaining profits.

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If the former, there might be a problem because according to new Medicare guidelines (remember, “whatever Medicare does, everyone else soon follows?) specialists will require referrals from primary cared providers (General Practice, Family Practice, Pediatrics, OB/Gyn, Internal Medicine, and authorized Nurse …

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