
PowerPoint Presentation On Cognitive Errors (Biases)

There are two parts to the project: Part I. Make a PowerPoint presentation consisting of at least 15 slides on cognitive biases. You will also submit a discussion page (Part II), explaining how your own judgment and decision making are reflected in the past and reflects now some of your biases you were able to recognize (you do not have to discuss those of your biases that you were unable to recognize : ). Part II. Answer the following questions about your own judgment and Cognitive and decision-making process in your discussion paper (using at least 500 words) after you have made your slide presentation. (1.) Discuss those of your biases of which you became aware through your intellectual development. (2.) Do you make judgments and decisions differently now than you did at an earlier point in your life? Explain and provide an example of how a bias (or biases) influenced a judgment/decision (or decisions) you made at an earlier point in your life. (3.) Discuss a recent judgment/decision that you made and explain how this judgment/decision is different from what you would have made at an earlier time based on the bias(es) you could not recognize at an earlier time.

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