
Presentation and Patient Education Material

Presentation and Patient Education Material

In the lab, students will present their final piece to the Immunization Project, patient education.

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The patient education material can be a pamphlet, flyer or power point presentation educating the patient on the immunization itself. Students will take the summary created during the course and utilize the content to complete the presentation. The in-class presentation should be a minimum of 10 minutes but no longer than 15 minutes which includes a question and answer session.

Be prepared BEFORE class. Follow the presentation/patient education material rubric to complete the final assignment. Be sure that enough handouts/flyers/brochures are printed for the whole class. If you are absent on the day of presentations or if you come to class unprepared, project presentation points will be deducted. In addition to presenting to the class, submit your education piece to the drop box.

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