
SOC 262 Week 1 Assignment ( Definition of Race )

SOC 262 Week 1 Assignment ( Definition of Race )

Definition of Race

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Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing the current view that race is a social construction supported by political realities.  Include the following:

  • How does this view compare with the traditional, biological view of race?
  • How did the traditional view assist or inhibit the assimilation of underserved groups into the overall American majority?
  • Which approach – assimilation, melting pot, fusion and/or pluralism – matches most closely to the new definition of race in contemporary America?
  • Which definition of race do you support?  Why?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, and include at least two sources in addition to the textbook.

Submit your paper to the Assignment Files tab.

SOC 262 Week 1 Assignment ( Definition of Race )

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