
SOC 262 Week 3 Assignment ( Student Autobiography Worksheet )

SOC 262 Week 3 Assignment ( Student Autobiography Worksheet )

Student Autobiography Worksheet

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Fill out the Student Autobiography Worksheet form about your family’s background (all that you know or can find out).

Combine the answers from the worksheet into a 350- to 700-word statement defining your complex identity.

Submit your worksheet to the Assignment Files tab.

Answer the following questions about your family’s background (all that you know or can find out).

  • When did your family(ies) come to the U.S.?
  • Where did your family(ies) come from?
  • Do you trace your family heritage to more than one country outside the U.S.? Which countries?
  • What language(s) did your relatives speak?
  • Do you or any of your relatives speak a non-English language? Which language(s)?
  • Were you or any of your family adopted? How has this impacted your ability to know your family’s history?
  • To which race(s) or ethnic group(s) do your ancestors belong?
  • How do you define your racial/ethnic identity?
  • Are you a first-generation American?

If you have any Native American heritage please answer the three questions below:

  • Do you have some Native American heritage (or Amerindian heritage from other countries in the Americas)?  From which tribe(s) is this heritage?  Be as specific as possible.
  • Are you a formal member of the tribe(s)?
  • Do you consider your identity Native American? If so, to which tribe(s) do you belong?

Combine these answers into a statement (350 to 700 words) defining your complex identity.

SOC 262 Week 3 Assignment ( Student Autobiography Worksheet )

SOC 262 Week 3 Assignment

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