
Start your presentation with a brief introduction by telling your audience who you are and what you’re going to be talking about. 


Assignment Instructions:

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· Start your presentation with a brief introduction by telling your audience who you are and what you’re going to be talking about. 

· Give the audience some information about the issue (who is affected and how, important facts/statistics about the issue, laws/policy that relate to the issue, etc.)

· Find 3 intervention/support programs for that issue in your community. Provide the audience with a brief summary of each program (name of program, services they provide, cost, and how clients access those services).

· Wrap up your presentation with any other information you’d like to include and provide a summary for your audience.

· On the last slide, provide a summary for your instructor. What did you learn from this assignment? Did anything surprise you? Was it difficult for you to find resources in your community for the issue you picked? Any other information you’d like to share. 

The readings throughout this semester are some of your main sources of information for this project. You’ll also need to cite the sources you find in your community and any other resources you use. Your presentation should be a minimum of 15 slides with notes included at the bottom to thoroughly explain your points. You need to use APA format to cite your sources in the body of your presentation and on the Reference slide at the end.

Please see the grading rubric below for how your PowerPoint will be graded:

Community Education rubric Possible Points Points Earned
Student provides a clear introduction. 5
Presentation contains:                description/explanation of the issue

information about who is affected

important facts/statistics about the issue

3 local intervention/support programs are discussed

A summary of each program (name of program, services they provide, and how clients access those  services) is provided

Student provides a summary for the presentation

Student also provides a summary for the instructor as described in the instructions (what you learned etc.).

No spelling, grammar, or other writing errors.

Presentation meets the length requirement (15 slides minimum).

APA formatting is used for citations and reference list (the textbook is your main source).

Total 100

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