
Strengths and Weaknesses of Using Observation as a Data Collection Method

Can someone help me with a brief explanation of an analysis of the strengths and limitations of observation as a data collection method?
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Question: What are the strengths and weaknesses of observation as a data collection method?

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There are several strengths and weaknesses associated with utilizing observation as a data collection method. Some of the more common ones are outlined below. Some helpful resources with additional information are also listed at the end.


  1. It is Direct: Researchers can directly observe human behavior rather than depend on people to report how they behave in certain situations. Additionally, this avoids the problem of people not being truthful when asked about how they might behave because researchers can observe them in action.
  2. Natural Setting: Researchers can make observations in the natural environment versus an artificial experimental setting.
  3. Does not Depend on Participant Willingness: Researchers can freely observe and gather data and are not dependent on recruiting participants for a study or experiment in which people might be hesitant to participate.
  4. Permanent Record: Data collected …

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