
Topic 1: What Do You Think? Strategic Alliances, Partnerships and Networks Consider an issue that…

Topic 1: What Do You Think? Strategic Alliances, Partnerships and Networks

Consider an issue that you would like your organisation (or the senior managers within the organisation) to address. Based on the Dutton article briefly outline a brief plan as to how you can get the more senior managers in your organisation to pay attention to your issue.

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Topic 2: What do you think? Emotional Intelligent Employees

Emotional intelligence (EI) as a critical set of management skills in health care organisations is a hot topic.

What is the value of EI to health care professionals today?

How can EI best contribute to effective management?

How could you develop EI in your organisation?

What EI/EQ measurement tools can be used to provide practical recommendations for adopting patient-centric behaviours in health care organisations?

Should measurement of EI should be part of the selection and recruitment process for health care professionals?

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