
Use of Big Data and AI to Fight Cancer

Use of Big Data and AI to Fight Cancer
– According to the American Cancer association, there will be one and a half million new cancer diagnosis in the United States this year. Studies show that one in five diagnosis are incomplete or wrong. Following heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Cancer is conglomerate of sub type diseases, each genetically different. The last two decades brought significant molecular biology and genetic knowledge into cancer and treatment options. When looking at the inconceivable increase in medical knowledge, doubling every five years, there is an increasing opportunity for cognitive computer systems involvement…. [tags: IBM and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center]

716 words | (2 pages) | Preview

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Promoting Positive Health Behaviors: Prevention Programs that Advocate for Early Cancer Screening
– With an increase in the number of annual deaths caused by cancer in the US population, there have been many efforts by numerous private and public entities to create programs aimed at prevention of certain types of cancer. Due to ineffective intervention strategies many programs struggle to produce positive outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the Every Woman Matters Program (EWM), its’ ineffectiveness and the reasons as to why the program was unsuccessful. I will summarize and analyze two other prevention programs that succeeded at the goal of advocating and promoting health and prevention…. [tags: Health, early cancer screening]

1395 words | (4 pages) | Preview

Cervical Cancer
– Cervical cancer malignant cancer of the cervix uteris or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which has made cervical cancer the focus of intense screening efforts using the Pap smear. About 2.2 percent of women carry one of the 2 virus strains most likely to lead to cervical cancer. One of the symptoms of Cervical Cancer is very Unusual amount of discharge. Treatment consists of surgery in early stages and chemotherapy and radiotherapy in advanced stages of the disease…. [tags: HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer]

1059 words | (3 pages) | Preview

Cervical Cancer
– Cervical cancer is the second foremost occurring cancer in women after breast cancer. Cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Infection by HPV typically occurs in the early years of sexual activity according to the World Health Organization (WHO), but it can take up to a full twenty years for it to develop into a full-blown malignant tumor. Scientists believe that for all intents and purposes all cervical cancer cases are caused by infection with a few types of cancer…. [tags: HPV Cancer, Cervical Cancer]

2861 words | (8.2 pages) | Preview

Cancer Prevention through Macrobiotics
– Introduction Traditionally, the American diet has been defined by meat, potatoes, and white bread. As of late, Americans are gaining awareness about the importance of a diet that is more nutritious than meat and potatoes. This is partly due to highly publicized information on foods that claim to be beneficial to our overall health. Articles and news reports let us know about the most current study on diet and how it relates to athletic ability, mental acuity and general well-being. Another area that has received much attention is how diet is connected to disease prevention…. [tags: The Macrobiotics Cancer Prevention Diet]

3886 words | (11.1 pages) | Preview

Representation of Breast Cancer
– Representation of Breast Cancer “Palimpsest” is defined as “awrittendocument, typically on vellum or parchment, that has been writtenupon severaltimes, often with remnants of earlier, imperfectly erased writingstill visible,remnants of this kind being a major source for the recovery of lostliteraryworks of classical antiquity” (American Heritage Dictionary). Thisdefinitionprovides a way to theorize the intersection of photography withbreast cancer asa medical condition, a personal trial, and a discourse…. [tags: Cancer Health Photography Essays]

4043 words | (11.6 pages) | Preview

Probability of a Breast Cancer Patient Undergoing More than one Surgery
– Surgical Oncology is a subset of oncology that focuses on the surgical management of cancer. Though, it has not been ratified by a Board certification, this area of expertise is coming to its own by the success of combined treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted biological treatments. Through developing technology, such as the iKnife, surgery to target tumorous cells is becoming a necessary and popular field of medicine and is a very viable option for cancer procedures, both for treatment and prevention…. [tags: surgical oncology,breast cancer,chemotherapy]

1482 words | (4.2 pages) | Preview

Article Analysis: Depressive Symptoms Among Caregivers of Colorectal Cancer Patients
– Introduction The article “Depressive symptoms among caregivers of colorectal cancer patients during the first year since diagnosis: a longitudinal investigation” written by Youngmee Kim, Charles Carver, Caio Rocha-Lima and Kelly M. Schaffer is a prospective longitudinal study seeking to look for the relationship between stress and social support and how they are related to progressing depressive symptoms for caregivers of colorectal cancer patients (Yougmee et al, 2013). Longitudinal studies are observational with no interference between researchers and their subjects…. [tags: stress, social support, cancer patients]

2292 words | (6.5 pages) | Preview

Facts about Cancer
– Facts about Cancer · Cancer is a disease where cells multiply without control and destroy healthy tissue. · Cancer can endanger life and is the leading cause of death in many countries. · About 100 kinds of cancer affect human beings. With other kinds affecting plants and animals. · Cancer strikes people of all ages. · It occurs in both Male and Female. · Cancer can start anywhere in the body and spread. · The most common parts where cancer occurs are the skin, the digestive organs, the lungs, the cervix (neck of the womb) and the female breasts…. [tags: Cancer Health Medical Essays]

1146 words | (3.3 pages) | Preview

Coffee Consumption and Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness among African & Caucasian American in a Population-Based Study
– … In order for the participants to be admitted to this study certain criteria and rules should be followed. For example; the age of members should be at 40-79 years old, they should be able to comprehend the study review in English, they lived in private houses and not in any establishment or nursing home, they did not have any psychological disorders, such as psychosis, neurosis, or behavior disorders, and they had to have a strong body physique. On the other hand, members that were excluded from the study are the ones whom under the influence of alcohol, rigorously medicated, or have psychological disorders (Arab et al., 2011)…. [tags: preventing cancer risk]

1115 words | (3.2 pages) | Preview

Melanoma (Skin Cancer)
– Many people think that is it possible to achieve a “healthy tan,” but this thought has been proven wrong. Overexpose to UV-A and UV-B rays from the sun lead to premature aging of the skin, as well as the possible formation of skin cancer, know as melanoma. An appearance of a tan is actually a stage of burning and damage to the skin. Although a tan may be desirable to many, the fact remains that more people need to be educated on the dangers of the sun’s harmful rays, and the possible health complications of overexposure…. [tags: Melanoma Skin Cancer]

1427 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview

Cancer and Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge
– Cancer and Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge “I cannot prove my mother, my grandmothers, along with my aunts developed cancer from nuclear fallout in Utah. But I can’t prove they didn’t.” Epilogue, Refuge In Terry Tempest Williams’s Refuge, death slowly claimed almost all of the women of her family. Death took Williams’ family members one by one just one or two years apart. In every case, the cause was cancer. Williams insisted in the epilogue that fall-out from the 1951-62 nuclear testing in Utah brought cancer to her family…. [tags: Cancer Research Refuge Williams Essays]

1781 words | (5.1 pages) | Preview

Cancer Celll Imaging and Photothermal Therapy in the Neaf-Infrared Region by Using Gold Nanorods
– … The process for synthesizing these rods was done by use of the seed-mediated growth method, but with limited alterations.0.0005M auric acid contained in 0.2M cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) was reduced at room temperature to give rise to small nanoparticles sized 5 nm as the seed solution. This was followed by preparation of a 100 lm growth solution by reducing 0.001M auric acid in a solution containing 0.2M CTAB, 0.15M Benzyldimethylhexadecyl-ammonium chloride (BDAC), and 0.004M silver salt at 70 µL of 0.0788 ascorbic acid…. [tags: cancer research, dseadly disease]

830 words | (2.4 pages) | Preview

Local Breast Cancer Hot Spot
– Local Breast Cancer Hot Spot With the waves crashing in front of you, the sun warming your body, and a slight breeze coming just over the dunes, you would never think you were sitting on a beach considered to be a breast cancer “hot spot.” Unfortunatly, if you were sitting on certain Cape Cod beaches, that’s just what you’d be doing. “It’s an unfortunate situation, I lost two sisters and my mother-in-law to breast cancer, all of us lived on the cape most of our lives. Their doctors were pretty sure it was caused from our contaminated drinking water,” said Joan Swift, of Dennis, MA…. [tags: Beaches Breast Cancer Health Essays]

1204 words | (3.4 pages) | Preview

Skin Cancer
– Gone are the days when people sent children outside to play to get a little color in their cheeks. They know too much about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and the threat of skin cancer. Or do they. Despite the fact that 58% of parents remembered hearing about the importance of protecting their children from the sun, children are still playing in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing (3., p 1). Sunburn is the most preventable risk factor of skin cancer. Skin type and family history cannot be changed…. [tags: Skin Cancer Essays]

1696 words | (4.8 pages) | Preview

Breast Cancer Susceptibility Genes BRCA1 and BRCA2
– Breast cancer is the most common cancer that affects women in the United States. There are at least two majors genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2) that when they mutate can cause breast cancer. These genes can be passed from parent to child, increasing the risk of developing cancer in those child that have parent carrying these genes. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are located on chromosome 17 and chromosome 13 respectively. There is a 90% chance of developing breast cancer for a woman that has these mutated genes. In contrast, men carrying BRCA1 have no risk to develop breast cancer, but those carrying BRCA2 genes have high risk…. [tags: Breast Cancer Research Papers]

2986 words | (8.5 pages) | Preview

Prostate Cancer
– Prostate Cancer Cancer of the prostate, a common form of cancer, is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the prostate. The prostate is on the male sex glands, and is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The size of the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It surrounds the part of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The prostate makes fluid that becomes part of the semen, which contains sperm. Prostate cancer is most commonly found in older men…. [tags: Health Males Cancer Medical Essays]

1121 words | (3.2 pages) | Preview

Breast Cancer
– Breast cancer will strike one in every eight American women. This makes it the most common cancer in woman. Approximately 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Of that number, 40,000 will die from breast cancer each year. (Journal of Environmental Health 2003) Breast cancer is just one type of cancer. Cancerous cells are cells that grow without the normal system of controls placed upon them. Breast cancer develops from the mammary ducts 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time the cancer develops from the lobules of the breasts…. [tags: Cancer Health Medical Illnesses Essays]

4168 words | (11.9 pages) | Preview

Can Religion Help the Healing Process of Cancer?
– Can Religion Help the Healing Process of Cancer. One of the hardest parts of cancer is psychologically dealing with the illness. People know that cancer causes pain, suffering and potentially death. Death. A traumatizing circumstance when faced with prematurely. Patients with this life-threatening disease can easily fall into unhealthy lifestyle due to lack of emotional support, making cancer twice as difficult to try to overcome. Religion and spirituality provide patients with coping mechanisms, support groups and a view of eternal life that gives patients hope for better times to come…. [tags: Religion Religious Cancer Death Essays]

1421 words | (4.1 pages) | Preview

Breast Cancer
– Breast Cancer There is a large amount of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every day but they usually do not know a lot about it in terms of how it forms and the many ways it can be treated. Breast cancer is a very serious disease that shouldn’t be taken lightly; if it is left untreated it can spread to other organs and eventually kill you. Even if you do not have breast cancer, chances are that you know or will know someone who will get it, so it is imperative that people understand how breast cancer forms, know the stages of breast cancer, be familiar with who gets breast cancer and how you can possibly avert it, and understand all of the different ways to treat the cancer and… [tags: Health Breast Cancer Tumor Essays Papers]

1297 words | (3.7 pages) | Preview

Breast Cancer and Skin Cancer
– Breast cancer is known as the most common solid tumor among the female population in most parts of the world [WHO 2012], second only to skin cancer in the United States [Ma 2013]. In 2014, an estimated 235,030 new cases of breast cancer (BCA) will occur in the United States [Siegel 2014] with an average of 1 in 8 women developing BCA at some point in their lifetime. While this incidence has remained relatively stable since 2004, mortality rates have progressively declined by over 30% in the last two decades [ACS 2013]…. [tags: common treatment, chemotherapy]

3301 words | (9.4 pages) | Preview

Cancer Genesis and Cancer Treatments: an Overview
– The human body is made up of trillions of living cells all working together. Normally, these cells grow, divide, and die. However, sometimes the process is mismanaged; and during this time, uncontrolled cellular growth and division occurs. The uncontrolled growth and division lead to tumors, which usually leads to cancer. However, not all tumors lead to cancer. In addition, the word cancer is a general name given to over 100 diseases, which begin with uncontrolled cellular growth. If these growths are left untreated, they can cause severe illness and even death…. [tags: Health, Diseases, DNA]

2739 words | (7.8 pages) | Preview

Cancer in the Lungs
– Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs. These abnormal cells do not carry out the functions of normal lung cells and do not develop into healthy lung tissue. As they grow, the abnormal cells can form tumors and interfere with the functioning of the lung, which provides oxygen to the body via the blood. Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in the both men and women worldwide. Lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the most common cause of cancer related deaths in women…. [tags: abnormal cell growth, lungs, respiratory]

947 words | (2.7 pages) | Preview

The Mystery of Cancer
– This writer and naturalist Terry Tempest Williams dedicates her writing to speak out on behalf of moral issues. Her personal website, coyoteclan.com/bio, explains her qualifications, struggles, and dedication. She has won awards, has been invited to the White House, and testified in front of Congress. In her personal story called “The Clan of One-Breasted Women,” Williams shows her need for justice in this life. Even though there is no direct correlation, the bomb testing in the 1950s could have easily cause certain kinds of cancer from the radiation and Williams tries to prove this…. [tags: Terry Tempest Williams, writer, naturalist]

906 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview

Oncology and Cancer
– It has always been my dream to find a cure for one of the most deadly diseases to date and it is still a dream I wish to achieve. As I got older and entered college, this dream is slowly turning to a reality as I take on medicine. But why do I wish to become a doctor for a deadly disease that still has no cure today. Cancer has killed over a million people every day and with the many variations of this disease, there are not many specialists that can cater to all the patients who have been afflicted by this disease…. [tags: History, Treatments, Oncologists]

1563 words | (4.5 pages) | Preview

America’s Leading Cancer Killer: Lung Cancer
– “You have lung cancer.” These are four words no one wants to hear. In 2013, 159,480 deaths due to lung cancer occurred in the United States. According to State of Lung Disease in Diverse Communities 2010, “Lung cancer survival rates tend to increase when the cancer is caught at an early stage.” According to X-Plain Patient Education, African Americans show the most common cases of lung cancer while Hispanics show the least. The lungs are two sponge-like cone shaped organs in the chest. The purpose of the lungs is to help one breathe…. [tags: causes, symptoms, treatment, disease]

1026 words | (2.9 pages) | Preview

The Most Common Cancer in the UK: Breast Cancer
– Being the most common cancer in the UK, breast cancer affects about 48,000 women a year, it affects mostly women over the age of 50, however younger women and in some cases even men can be affected by the disease. Multidisciplinary team or MDT are there for cancer patients to provide them with the best possible care and treatment for each individual patient. The MDT team consists of a specialist cancer surgeon, an oncologist, a radiologist, a pathologist, a radiographer, a reconstructive surgeon and a specialist nurse…. [tags: younger women, chemotherapy]

1933 words | (5.5 pages) | Preview

Is Lung Cancer Operable? : Lung Cancer Treatment Options
– Whether lung cancer is operable or not, may well depend upon the circumstances of the patient involved; however, where certain factors do not allow for this option, other treatments may well be offered. Many factors must be taken into consideration before any treatment or operation can take place, as either may have a prominent bearing on the prognosis of the cancer patient. Although lung cancer is generally operable, by using either traditional open surgery, or one of the less intrusive and more sophisticated video-assisted thoracoscopic surgeries (VATS), often it may not be considered to be the best option for a patient…. [tags: treatment, surgery, type, technologies]

548 words | (1.6 pages) | Preview

Breast Cancer: The Most Common Form of Cancer in Women
– … These results do not mean that the technique is unreliable though. Some the reasons for the contradictory results could be inconsistent sequence fidelity, low specificity of the microarrays, or differences in the hybridization conditions, fluorescence measurement, and normalization. The Food and Drug Administration launched a project to address the issue of reproducibility of microarrays between labs and platforms. The results of this project showed that microarray measurements can be reproducible between different platforms…. [tags: deaths, radiation, tumor]

925 words | (2.6 pages) | Preview

Cancer is a Deadly and Devastating Disease
– Cancer is defined as a rapid, uncontrollable division of abnormal cells that can metastasize and spread to other areas of one’s body. This year alone, approximately “585,720 Americans are expected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 people per day” (“Cancer Fact & Figures 2014”). Cancer can form and attack any cell, tissue or organ in the body. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to explain the five more common types of cancer Americans are most frequently diagnosed with, as well as the symptoms associated with each type; factors that could potentially cause cancer and those who are more at risk or susceptible of developing any form of cancer; also ways to detect cancer, treat cancer and the s… [tags: diagnos, symptoms, risks]

1333 words | (3.8 pages) | Preview

The Effects of Esophageal Cancer on the Esophagus
– This report will discuss how esophageal cancer affects the esophagus. I will discuss how the cancer affects the normal operation of the esophagus, what causes esophageal cancer, how the cancer can be detected and how this cancer can be treated, I will conclude with a discussion of how common esophageal cancer is. Firstly, in hopes of understanding what esophageal cancer is, one must first understand what the esophagus is. The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting your throat to your stomach. It’s primary purpose it to transport food to the stomach and is usually between 10 – 13 inches long…. [tags: Medical Research]

858 words | (2.5 pages) | Preview

The Issues of Breast Cancer in Nigeria
– “Mrs. Claire Anyanwu has visited her doctor everyday for the past week. She was at the convention last month. Women were encouraged to go for medical checkups. She was luckily diagnosed early enough to be treated of ‘mild breast lumps.’ It is an ailment that could lead to breast cancer. We are happy to see women respond to our awareness programs.” said Dr. Rosa Phil (1). In her article, Dr. Phil commends Mrs. Anyanwu for taking action against breast cancer as she recommends all women do the same…. [tags: Health Care ]

1545 words | (4.4 pages) | Preview

A Brief Look at Breast Cancer
– … Geographical factor: Incidence and mortality of breast cancer varies from one country to the other. Studies of migrants show that the rates of breast cancer in migrants tends towards the rate in the host country within two generations, this indicates that the environment is a more important factor than genetics. Menarche and menopause: Early menarche and late menopause increases the risk of breast cancer because. Women who attain menopause after the age of 55 are twice more likely to develop breast cancer as women who attain menopause before age 44…. [tags: abnormal cells, incidence]

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